Saturday, October 24, 2009

Match #15: NWA Louisiana State Heavyweight Title (4/5/81)

April 5, 1981
National Guard Armory
Vicksburg, MS

NWA Louisiana Title
‘Gorgeous’ Jimmy Garvin def. ‘Disco’ Dominic Donovan

Littleton climbs into the ring. Cooper Young stands beside him. Littleton begins the announcement, “Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve reached tonight’s main event!!” The crowd cheers. “The following match is set for one fall with a one-hour time limit and is for the National Wrestling Alliance’s Louisiana State Heavyweight Title. The referee for the match is Cooper Young.”

“Disco Inferno” by the Trammps begins to play. Dominic comes down to the ring to the boos of the crowd.

Littleton continues the announcement. “Introducing first, the challenger, from New Orleans, weighing 278 pounds, is the Mississippi State Heavyweight champion … ‘Disco’ Dominic Donovan!!!” The crowd continues to boo.

Jimmy Garvin and Sunshine head down to the ring, also to the boos of the crowd.

Littleton continues, “His opponent, accompanied to the ring by Sunshine, from Florida, weighing 250 pounds, is the Louisiana State Heavyweight champion … ‘Gorgeous’ Jimmy Garvin!!!” The crowd continues to boo.

Dominic allows Cooper to check him for foreign objects, but Jimmy stalls a bit to give the crowd a “show”. Sunshine helps disrobe Jimmy before the bout. “Legs” by ZZ Top begins to play. Jessica comes down the aisle and climbs into the ring. She takes the microphone from Littleton and turns towards Dominic.

“Triple D,” Jessica says, “we don’t agree on many things. We’ve had our tiffs in the past, but there’s one thing we both know.”

“What’s that?” Dominic answers.

Jessica replies, “You can beat Garvin and become the Louisiana champion. That is …” She paused for a moment. “That is, if your back’s covered. Sunshine has a major tendency to make herself known in Garvin’s matches. You need eyes in the back of your head.” Dominic raises his eyebrow. “I’d like to be those eyes tonight.”

Dominic smiles, “I can’t think of any more lovely eyes to have in the back of my head.”

Jimmy starts to complain, but Sunshine talks him down. Jimmy finally removes the Louisiana state title belt. He hands it to Cooper, who displays it to the crowd. Sunshine and Jessica leave the ring. Cooper calls for the bell.

Jimmy goes for a single leg takedown, but Dominic steps out of the way. They lock up. Jimmy takes Dominic down with an arm drag. Dominic gets back to his feet and walks into a belly-to-belly suplex. Jimmy rolls Dominic onto his stomach and applies a hammerlock. Dominic struggles toward the ropes, but Jimmy drops a knee onto his shoulder. Jessica starts to cheer for Dominic. The crowd gets somewhat behind her at that time. Jimmy drops a second knee onto Dominic’s shoulder. Dominic inches closer to the rope. Jimmy moves him around so that Dominic’s just out of reach of the ropes. Jimmy then glides up into a front face lock. As Cooper checks for a choke, Jimmy puts his feet on the middle rope. The crowd starts to get onto him. As soon as Cooper looks, Jimmy takes his feet off the rope.

Cooper asks Jimmy if his feet were on the ropes. Jimmy says, “No! No! Absolutely not!” As Cooper is talking to Jimmy, Jessica reaches into the ring and drags Dominic’s foot onto the bottom rope. When Cooper sees it, he calls for a break. Jimmy grudgingly releases the hold and gets to his feet to argue with Cooper.

Dominic gets back to his feet and charges Jimmy. Cooper moves out of the way as Dominic rushes Jimmy into the ropes and rolls him up into a rolling reverse cradle. The momentum carries them through with Jimmy on top. Dominic grabs a hold of Jimmy’s tights and pulls him over. Cooper calls for the break as both men were in the ropes.

Jimmy climbs out of the ring. Sunshine comes over to console him. Dominic gets to his feet. Jessica climbs onto the ring apron and starts whispering in Dominic’s ear. Jimmy climbs onto the ring apron. Cooper tells Jessica to get off the apron. Jessica willingly complies. Jimmy steps into the ring and circles Dominic. Jimmy talks to the crowd as he gets to one corner. Dominic charges him from behind, but Jimmy moves out of the way. Jimmy chops Dominic across the chest in the corner before sending him across the ring. Dominic reverses the whip. Jimmy slams into the turnbuckle hard. Dominic charges the corner and brings him out into the middle of the ring with a monkey flip.

Jimmy lands hard on the mat. Dominic bounces off the side ropes and drops an elbow across Jimmy’s throat. Dominic pops right back up and delivers another elbowdrop. Dominic covers, but Jimmy kicks out before Cooper gets into position. Dominic pulls Jimmy up by his hair. Jimmy breaks away and climbs out of the ring. Sunshine comes around the corner. Jimmy complains about the hair. Cooper warns Dominic about hair pulling. Sunshine fluffs Jimmy’s hair. Jimmy climbs onto the ring apron as Cooper’s count gets to eight.

Dominic charges Jimmy, but Jimmy drops off the ring apron. He drags Dominic out of the ring and slams his head into the ring apron. Jimmy rolls under the bottom rope to break Cooper’s count and rolls back out of the ring. Jimmy hooks Dominic up for a suplex, but Dominic blocks it. Jimmy tries again, but Dominic reverses it. Dominic slides under the bottom rope to break Cooper’s count and slides back out of the ring. Dominic slams Jimmy’s head into the ring apron and rolls him into the ring. Dominic slides into the ring and covers Jimmy. Cooper gets down to count … one … Sunshine puts Jimmy’s foot on the bottom rope … two! Cooper sees Jimmy’s foot and stops the count. Jessica chases Sunshine around the ring.

Dominic backs Jimmy into the corner and plants a kneelift into his solar plexus. Dominic goes to whip him across the ring, but Jimmy reverses it. Dominic bounces out of the opposite corner. Jimmy takes him down with a backdrop. Dominic rolls back to his feet only to be taken down with a clothesline. Jimmy plays to the crowd. They boo in return. Sunshine rolls into the ring. Jimmy puts himself between her and Jessica who climbs on the ring apron. Jimmy challenges Jessica to come into the ring. Dominic rolls up Sunshine in a rolling reverse cradle as Jimmy takes a swing at Jessica. Jessica drops off the ring apron. A disheveled Sunshine scurries out of the ring. Dominic ducks a wild right hand and takes Jimmy to the mat with a back suplex. Dominic drops a quick elbow onto Jimmy’s sternum and covers him. Cooper gets set to count, but Jimmy kicks out as the one count falls.

Dominic goes to pick Jimmy up, but Jimmy pokes him in the eyes. Jimmy rolls him up in a small package, but Cooper refuses to count with both men in the ropes. Jimmy gets to his feet and starts to complain. Cooper reminds him that both of them were in the ropes. Dominic gets to all fours, and Jimmy rakes him across the face with the laces of his boot. Jimmy slams Dominic’s head into the mat. He asks Sunshine if she likes what she sees. She applauds. The crowd boos. Jimmy poses for the crowd as Dominic rolls out of the ring.

“He can’t even stay in the ring with me!” Garvin taunts.

Sunshine gets into Dominic’s face. Cooper warns her, and she backs off. Dominic walks around the corner and climbs onto the ring apron when Cooper’s count gets to nine. Jimmy swings a wild right hand at Dominic’s head, but Dominic ducks it. He nails Jimmy with a shoulder block to the stomach. Dominic slingshots over the top rope into a sunset flip. Jimmy struggles, but he manages to catch hold of the top rope. He drops down onto Dominic’s shoulders with his hands still on the top rope. Cooper gets down to count … one … two … Cooper sees Jimmy’s hands on the rope! Cooper pries one hand off the rope. Jimmy gets up and backs him into a corner. Cooper threatens to disqualify Jimmy, but Jimmy laughs in his face.

Jimmy turns around to receive a right hand to the jaw from Dominic. Dominic backs him into the ropes and sends him across the ring. Jimmy ducks a clothesline. Dominic catches him off the opposite ropes with a drop toe hold. Jimmy lands facefirst on the mat. Dominic bounces off the side ropes with a leg drop across the back of Jimmy’s head. Dominic rolls him over. Jimmy’s bleeding from his nose. Dominic drops an elbow onto Jimmy’s chest and covers … one … two … thr … Jimmy barely gets his shoulder up in time!

Dominic applies a front face lock, but Jimmy gets back to his feet and shoves him into the ropes. Dominic releases the hold and nails Jimmy with a European uppercut. Dominic whips him across the ring. He goes for a backdrop, but Jimmy kicks him in the face and takes him down with a short lariat.

Blood continues to drip from Jimmy’s nose. Cooper checks it, but Jimmy says he can continue. Jimmy leans out of the ropes so Sunshine can wipe the blood off his face. Dominic gets to his feet, but Cooper manages to keep him away from Jimmy for a moment. As Sunshine wipes Jimmy’s bloody nose, she slips a set of brass knuckles into Jimmy’s tights. The crowd goes frantic. Sunshine becomes satisfied with the condition of Jimmy’s nose. Cooper checks again, and the blood seems to have clotted.

Cooper encourages the two to lock up again. They lock up. Jimmy pulls Dominic’s hair and forces him back into the ropes. Jimmy shoves Dominic across the ring. Both men go for a shoulderblock, but Jimmy gets the worst of it. He falls out of the ring. Dominic follows him outside. Sunshine gets between the two wrestlers. Jimmy backs away from Dominic. Cooper tells Sunshine to get out of the way. Jessica gets behind Jimmy and school boy trips him. Jimmy’s head makes a thud on the concrete floor, making the front row of fans cringe. Jessica crawls under the ring.

Dominic pushes Sunshine out of the way as he rounds the corner. Sunshine jumps on his back, but Cooper climbs out of the ring and peels her off of him. Sunshine flails in his arms. Cooper threatens to disqualify Jimmy for her actions. Dominic rounds the corner as Jimmy gets to his feet. Dominic takes him down with a clothesline. Dominic rolls Jimmy back into the ring as Jessica crawls out from under the ring on the opposite side. Sunshine continues to struggle in Cooper’s arms. Jimmy pulls the brass knuckles out of his trunks. He wraps them around his fingers and runs into the ropes as Dominic climbs onto the ring apron. Jessica trips Jimmy as he hits the ropes. Dominic runs across the ring and drops a knee into Jimmy’s side. Dominic wraps Jimmy’s legs in a toe hold. Cooper climbs back into the ring. Dominic slaps the back of Jimmy’s head.

Dominic gets back to his feet and challenges Jimmy to get up. Jimmy helps himself up with the ropes and puts the brass knuckles back in his trunks. Dominic charges Jimmy with a running kneelift. Jimmy falls out of the ring. Jessica backs away. Dominic climbs out of the ring and slams Jimmy’s head into the ring steps. He rolls Jimmy back into the ring and slides into a cover. Cooper gets down to count … one … Dominic puts his feet on the middle rope … Sunshine screams about it … two … Cooper sees his feet!

Dominic rolls to his feet. As Jimmy gets to his feet, Dominic picks him up in a fireman’s carry. Dominic goes to drop him backwards, but Jimmy hangs onto the top rope. Dominic goes down and Jimmy falls on top of him. Cooper gets down for a count, but Jimmy rolls off. Jimmy rolls out of the ring. Sunshine comes around the corner to help him fluff his hair. The crowd jeers him, but Jimmy shoots back his own choice words. Cooper tells Jimmy to get back into the ring.

Jimmy climbs onto the ring apron. Dominic stands in the middle of the ring, challenging him to return. Jimmy steps through the ropes hesitantly. Dominic stays in the middle of the ring. Jimmy’s courage rises and he arrogantly struts along the ropes. Dominic continues the challenge. Jimmy struts to the middle of the ring and puts his hand up. As the two hands clasp on each other, both men go to kick each other. Jimmy gets the worse of it. Dominic applies an arm wringer. Jimmy drops to one knee. Dominic drops a leg across Jimmy’s shoulder. Jimmy crumbles to the mat. Dominic spikes Jimmy into the mat with a piledriver. Dominic climbs onto the middle turnbuckle and comes down with a vicious fistdrop.

Jessica climbs onto the ring apron. Cooper tells her to get off the apron. She points towards her waist. Cooper continues to instruct Jessica to get off the ring apron. Sunshine runs around the ring. Dominic grabs into Jimmy’s trunks and finds the brass knuckles. Sunshine grabs Jessica off the ring apron. Dominic wraps the brass knuckles around his fingers and climbs back onto the middle turnbuckle. Dominic comes off with another fistdrop, but Jimmy rolls away. Dominic screams in pain. Sunshine goes to slap Jessica, but Jessica ducks it and takes her down with a belly-to-belly suplex on the floor.

Jimmy sees Sunshine hit the floor and crawls out of the ring. Dominic slips the brass knuckles into his tights. Jessica gets to his feet to see Jimmy staring at her. Cooper climbs out of the ring to separate them. Dominic slides out of the ring behind Jimmy. Cooper backs Jessica away. Jimmy shoves Cooper out of the way as Jessica kicks Sunshine as she walks by. Jimmy starts to chase her down, but Dominic levels him from behind with a clothesline.

Dominic picks him up and slams his head into the ring apron. Cooper tells him to get back in the ring. Dominic rolls Jimmy into the ring and climbs the turnbuckle. Dominic stomps on Jimmy’s right knee from the top turnbuckle. Jimmy writhes in pain. Dominic applies a spinning toe hold, but Jimmy’s able to kick him off with his free foot. Dominic runs into the ropes. Jimmy lays flat as Dominic skips over. Jimmy gets up and hip tosses him into the corner. Dominic gets to his feet. Jimmy crushes him with a clothesline into the turnbuckle. Jimmy applies a side headlock as Cooper begins his count. Jimmy comes out of the corner with a vicious bulldog. He rolls Dominic over. Jessica climbs onto the ring apron. Cooper tells her to get off.

Jimmy slams his hand on the mat three times before getting up. He charges Jessica, but she drops off the apron before he reaches her. Jimmy yells at her for interfering. Dominic takes the brass knuckles out of his tights and slides them on his hand. He gets to his feet. Jimmy turns around. Dominic nails him in the face with them. Cooper sees it and calls for the bell! Dominic picks Jimmy up in a fireman’s carry and drills him into the mat with a modified brain buster. Dominic slides the brass knuckles off his hand, throws them on Jimmy’ prone body and leaves the ring.

Littleton announces, “The winner of the match, as a result of a disqualification, in a time of 34:06, and STILL Louisiana State Heavyweight champion … ‘Gorgeous’ Jimmy Garvin!!”

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Match #14: MSWA Mid-South Tag Team Title (8/3/80)

August 3, 1980
National Guard Armory
Vicksburg, MS

MSWA Mid-South Tag Team Title
Fabulous Freebirds def. Argonauts

Littleton climbs into the ring and grabs the microphone. He begins the announcement, “Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve reached tonight’s main event!!” The crowd cheers. “This match is set for one fall with a one-hour time limit. It is also for the Mid-South Tag Team Titles. The referee for this match is Tom Jackson.” The crowd cheers.

“Cold, Cold Heart” by Hank Williams begins to play. The crowd begins to boo. Jason leads the Argonauts down to the ring. They climb into the ring as Littleton begins his announcement.

“Introducing first, the challengers, accompanied to the ring by Jason James, at a combined weight of 597 pounds, are the Mississippi State Tag Team champions … the Argonauts!!!”

The music changes to “Badstreet” by the Freebirds. Michael and Terry come down to the ring with the title belts draped over their shoulders.

Littleton continues, “Their opponents, from Atlanta, GA, at a combined weight of 567 pounds, are the M.S.W.A. Mid-South Tag Team champions … Michael Hayes and Terry Gordy … the Fabulous Freebirds!!”

Michael and #1 climb out of the ring as Gentz calls for the bell. Terry and #2 circle each other. They lock up and #2 takes Terry down with a hip toss. #2 challenges Terry to a strength contest. Terry grasps #2’s hands. Their bodies press together. Both super heavyweights try to budge the other. #2 gains the advantage as Terry drops to one knee. #2 kicks Terry in the chest. #2 grabs Terry by the hair and whips him into the ropes. #2 telegraphs a backdrop, and Terry punches him in the face. Terry signals Michael, who puts his foot on the turnbuckle. Terry slams #2’s head into Michael’s boot and tags Michael in.

Michael climbs the turnbuckle as Terry applies an arm wringer. Michael comes off the top turnbuckle with a double axehandle. Terry leaves the ring as Michael applies another arm wringer. #2 backs Michael against the ropes. Gentz calls for a break. Michael refuses to let go. Gentz tries to wedge himself between the wrestlers. Gordy comes around the corner and punches #2 in the face. #2 staggers backwards. Michael tags in Terry.

Terry climbs into the ring and applies a side headlock on #2. #2 backs into the ropes and shoves Terry across the ring. #1 kicks Terry in the back as he hits the ropes. Gentz warns #1 about intereference. #2 tags #1 in.

The Argonauts whip Terry across the ring and drop him with a double backdrop. Michael comes into the ring. #1 kicks him in the chest. Michael topples out of the ring. The Argonauts whip Terry into the ropes again. #2 picks Terry up in a Hotshot. #1 bounces off the ropes with a vicious clothesline. Gentz tells #2 to get out of the ring. Michael grabs a chair from ringside and climbs onto the ring apron. Terry kicks #1 in the groin and tosses him into the corner. The chair wraps around #1’s head. Michael shoves the chair out of the corner as Terry sets up #1 for the Freebird Piledriver. Terry spikes #1 into the mat. #2 climbs into the ring, but Michael grabs his leg from behind. Jason nails Michael with a right hand. Terry covers #1 as Michael and Jason brawl on the outside.

#2 kicks Terry in the back of the head as Gentz’s count gets to two. #2 tosses Terry outside the ring. Michael slams Jason’s head into the turnbuckle. He grabs one of the title belts and slides into the ring. Terry grabs #2’s feet as Michael slams him from behind with the title belt. #1 nails Michael from behind with a forearm smash. Jason slides into the ring with his cane and nails Michael between the eyes. Gentz calls for the bell.

Littleton announces, “Referee Marty Gentz has disqualified the Argonauts. The winners of the match, as a result of the disqualification, and STILL MSWA Mid-South Tag Team champions … the Fabulous Freebirds!!!”

Terry climbs onto the ring apron, but Jason chases him off with the cane. #1 grabs Michael in a front face lock. #2 picks up Michael’s legs. The Argonauts drop Michael facefirst into the mat. Jason and the Argonauts leave the ring.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Match #13: MSWA Mid-South Tag Team Title (2/3/80)

February 3, 1980
National Guard Armory
Vicksburg, MS

MSWA Mid-South Tag Team Title
Fabulous Freebirds def. Adams Army

Littleton climbs into the ring and grabs the microphone. He begins the announcement, “Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve reached tonight’s main event!!” The crowd cheers. “This match is set for one fall with a one-hour time limit. It is also for the Mid-South Tag Team Titles. The referee for this match is Marty Gentz.” The crowd cheers.

“Cold As Ice” by Foreigner begins to play. Arnold, A.J. and Amy walk down to the ring. The crowd cheers.

Littleton continues, “Introducing first, the challengers, accompanied to the ring by Amy Andrews, from Tunica, MS, at a combined weight of 431 pounds, are the Mississippi State Tag Team champions … Arnold and A.J. … the Adams Army!!”

Arnold and A.J. climb into the ring and sign autographs for the ringside fans. Amy signs a few autographs herself. The music changes to “Badstreet” by the Freebirds.

Littleton continues the announcement, “Their opponents, from Atlanta, GA, at a combined weight of 567 pounds, are the M.S.W.A. Mid-South Tag Team champions … Michael Hayes and Terry Gordy … the Fabulous Freebirds!!”

Michael and Terry come down to the ring. The disdain of the crowd reflects in the faces of the Freebirds. They climb into the ring and hold the title belts over their heads. The crowd boos terribly. Michael hands the belts over to Gentz. He tells Arnold and A.J., “That’s as close as you’re going to get to those titles!!”

Gentz holds the titles up in the air, hands them over to Littleton and calls for the bell. Terry and Arnold start the match. Michael and A.J. climb out onto the ring apron. They lock up. Terry throws him across the ring. Arnold gets back to his feet. Arnold circles the ring again. Terry locks up with him. Terry backs Arnold into the Freebirds’ corner. Michael moves out of the corner. Gentz calls for a break. Terry backs away two steps and then slams into Arnold with a back elbow. Terry tags in Michael.

Terry whips Arnold across the ring. Michael nails Arnold with a flying clothesline. Michael clamps a reverse chinlock on Arnold. Michael yells to the crowd, “How’s your guy now?” The crowd begins an “Adams” chant. Arnold struggles to get to his feet, but Michael slams him across the chest with a forearm. Michael drapes him over the middle rope. He tags in Terry. Terry climbs into the ring and grabs Arnold by the hair and backs him into a neutral corner.

Terry drives three kneelifts into Arnold’s chest. Terry whips him across the ring and charges into the corner. Arnold barely moves out of the way before Terry’s crashes into the turnbuckle. Arnold crawls towards his corner. As Arnold gets within arm’s reach of his son, Michael climbs into the ring. Gentz stops him. Arnold tags in A.J., but Michael complains about the tag. Gentz forces A.J. out of the ring. A.J. complains as the Freebirds pick Arnold up and drop him facefirst to the mat. Michael climbs out of the ring according to Gentz’s orders. Terry backs into a neutral corner and then drops his right knee across the back of Arnold’s head. Terry gets back to his feet and drops a large elbow onto the small of Arnold’s back.

A.J. gets the crowd behind him in another “Adams” chant. Terry nails A.J. with a right hand. A.J. drops to the ring apron and charges into the ring. Gentz stops A.J. Terry throws Arnold out of the ring. Michael jumps off the ring apron with a double axehandle across Arnold’s back. Michael takes him down with a swinging neckbreaker on the concrete floor. A.J. points towards Michael’s actions, but Gentz keeps forcing him back to his corner. A.J. shoves him out of the way and nails Terry with a right hand.

Terry clubs him across the back with a vicious forearm. Michael grabs a chair from under the ring and blasts Arnold over the head. Terry throws A.J. out of one side of the ring while Michael rolls Arnold into the ring. Gentz gets back to his feet as Terry readies Arnold for the Freebird Piledriver. A.J. climbs back into the ring, but Michael cuts him off. Terry spikes Arnold into the mat and covers him. Gentz gets down to count … one … two … three!! Terry gets up immediately and celebrates the victory.

Littleton announces, “The winners of the match, and STILL Mid-South Tag Team champions … Michael Hayes and Terry Gordy … the Fabulous Freebirds!!”

Michael throws A.J. out of the ring. He places his foot on top of Arnold’s chest, daring A.J. to come back into the ring. Terry picks Arnold back up for a piledriver and spikes him into the mat a second time. A.J. climbs onto the ring apron. Michael takes a wild swing at him, but A.J. jumps back off the ring apron. Gentz hands the Freebirds the title belts and begs them to leave Arnold alone.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Match #12: Ghetto Gang def. Greeley & Grappler (10/25/79)

October 25, 1979
National Guard Armory
Tupelo, MS

Mississippi State Tag Team Semifinal
Ghetto Gang def. ‘Sensational’ Seth Greeley & Grappler

Littleton climbs into the ring. He lifts the microphone to his lips and begins the announcement. “Our next match of the evening is a semifinal match in the Mississippi State Tag Team Title Tournament. It is set for one fall with a thirty-minute time limit. The referee for the match is Tom Jackson.” The crowd cheers.

“Walk This Way” by Aerosmith begins to play. Grappler, Seth and Jessica walk down the aisle to the ring. Littleton says, “Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Jessica, from Starkville, MS, at a combined weight of 471 pounds, ‘Sensational’ Seth Greeley and Grappler!!” The crowd cheers wildly. Seth and Grappler climb onto the ring apron and play to the crowd.

The music changes to “Blue Collar Man” by Styx. The crowd begins to boo. Chad and Joe walk to the ring. They climb onto the ring apron. Littleton says, “Their opponents, from Memphis, TN, at a combined weight of 572 pounds, Chad ‘Flame’ Young and Joe Blow … the Ghetto Gang!!” The crowd boos wildly.

Jackson calls for the bell. Chad and Seth circle each other. They lock up. Chad brings Seth into a side headlock. Seth backs Chad into the ropes. Jackson calls for a break. Chad releases the hold. Seth backs away. They circle around each other again. They lock up again. Seth takes Chad down with an arm drag into an armbar. Chad gets back to his feet. Seth applies an arm wringer and tags Grappler.

Grappler climbs into the ring and applies an arm wringer on Chad’s other arm. Grappler and Seth cinch armbars close to the shoulders and drop Chad facefirst. Seth climbs out of the ring. Grappler drops a knee into Chad’s shoulder. Chad gets to his knees a moment later. Grappler tags Seth. Seth springboards onto the top rope and drops a leg across Chad’s shoulders.

Seth applies an armbar and rolls Chad into a cradle. Jackson gets into position, but Chad kicks out before the one count. Chad gets up with the help of the ropes. Jackson calls for Seth to break the armbar. Seth takes him back to the mat with an arm drag into an armbar. Seth drops a leg across Chad’s arm. Seth drags Chad over to his corner and tags in Grappler.

Grappler stomps on Chad’s shoulder as he climbs into the ring. Seth leaves the ring. Grappler picks Chad up and places him against the ropes. Grappler whips Chad across the ring. He telegraphs a backdrop that Chad jumps over. Chad bounces off the opposite ropes. Grappler plants him into the mat with a spinebuster slam. He tags in Seth. Seth leaps to the top rope for a moonsault. Grappler shoves his legs away, and Seth crashes onto the top turnbuckle. Grappler grabs him from behind and drills him into the mat with the Hangman. Jessica starts screaming at Grappler. Grappler ignores her and rolls Chad on top of Seth. Jackson looks befuddled with the whole situation, but he gets down to count … one … two … three!!

Littleton grabs the microphone as Grappler leaves the ringside area. He announces, “The winners of the match, advancing to the finals tonight, are the Ghetto Gang!!” The crowd boos terribly.

Match #11: MVW Six-Man Tag Title (4/1/79)

April 1, 1979
National Guard Armory
Vicksburg, MS

MVW Six-Man Tag Team Title Match
Wolf Pack def. Jason & Argonauts

Littleton climbs into the ring. He picks up the mic and begins the announcement. “Ladies and gentlemen, our main event this evening is the first ever match for the Mississippi Valley Wrestling Six-Man Tag Team Title. It is set for one fall with an hour time limit. The referee for the match is Marty Gentz.” The crowd cheers.

“Werewolves of London” by Warren Zevon begins to play. All four members of the Wolf Pack follow Lyla Foxx down the aisle to the ring. Red, Black and White climb into the ring. Lyla and Grey stay on the outside.

Littleton says, “Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Lyla Foxx, from the Backwoods, at a total combined weight of 789 pounds … the Wolf Pack … Red, Black and White!” The crowd cheers wildly.

The music changes to “Cold, Cold Heart” by Hank Williams Sr. Jason leads the larger Argonauts to the ring and they climb in opposite the Wolf Pack. The crowd boos.

Littleton continues, “Their opponents, from Mount Olympus, at a total combined weight of 860 pounds … Jason and the Argonauts!!” The crowd boos terribly.

The Argonauts leave the ring. So do Black and White. Gentz calls for the bell. Jason and Red circle the ring. They lock up. Red takes Jason down with an arm drag into an armbar. He drives a knee into Jason’s right shoulder. Jason makes his way to his feet. Red applies an arm wringer. Jason screams in pain. Red tags in White. White climbs the turnbuckle and comes off with a double axe handle across Jason’s right arm. White takes Jason down with a fireman’s carry into an armbar.

White applies another arm wringer. Jason reaches for the ropes, but White keeps him just out of reach. White tags in Red. Red enters the ring and runs across the ring. White kicks Jason in the midsection. As Jason doubles over, Red leapfrogs over him. White lets go of the armbar as Red bounces back with a running bulldog. Red rolls Jason over, but Jason gets his foot on the bottom rope before Gentz gets into position.

Red throws Jason out of the ring. Jason climbs back onto the ring apron. He ducks a wild right hand. Jason snaps Red’s neck over the top rope. Red falls to the mat, and Jason pulls him out of the ring. Red rakes Jason’s eyes and slams his head into the ring apron. Gentz’s count gets to eight before Red rolls back into the ring. Jason rolls back in after him. Red applies a side headlock on Jason. Jason backs into the ropes and shoves Red across the ring. Jason drops him with a shoulderblock. Jason runs into the side ropes. Red lies flat on the mat. Jason skips over him. Red gets back up and leapfrogs over Jason as he runs past. Red takes him across the ring with a monkey flip.

Jason slides out of the ring. Red climbs out of the ring. #2 jumps off the ring apron and comes around. White jumps off the apron on the other side. Gentz orders everyone back to their corners. Red grabs Jason and shoves him into the ring. White and #2 return to their corners. Red climbs onto the ring apron. Jason nails him with a forearm. Red falls off the ring apron and rolls into the front-row fans. Jason stumbles over to his corner and tags in #2. Red climbs back into the ring and tags in Black. #2 greets Black with a kneelift into the stomach. He whips Black into the ropes. Black ducks a clothesline and comes off the opposite ropes with a flying shoulderblock. #2 doesn’t budge. Black runs into the side ropes. #2 throws him out of the ring.

Black climbs back onto the ring apron. #2 slingshots him back into the ring. Black tries to land on his feet, but his momentum takes him over to his knees. #2 kicks him in the back of the head. Black lands on his face. #2 picks him up and puts him into the Argonaut corner. Jason and #1 leave the corner with their hands up in the air. #2 slams into Black with a kneelift and then a back elbow. #2 whips Black into the opposite ropes. Black tumbles under #2’s boot. #1 nails Black with a kneelift as he hits the ropes. Gentz warns him about interference. #2 tags #1.

#2 whips him into the turnbuckle. #1 charges the corner, but Black moves out of the way. Black nails #1 with a series of right hands. #2 nails Black from behind with a forearm. The Argonauts whip Black across the ring. Black ducks a double clothesline. Gentz orders #2 to leave the ring. Black leaps through the ropes to the outside. #2 climbs out of the ring. #1 goes over to the ropes. Black grabs his legs and brings him to the mat. Black snaps #1’s right leg over the ring apron. Black climbs into the ring and tags in Red.

#1 gets back to his feet. Red dropkicks #1 on the right knee. The knee buckles. #1 drops to the mat. Red runs into the ropes and knocks him over with a flying body block. Red applies a front face lock and positions his weight near #1’s neck and shoulders. #1 works his way to his knees. Red adjusts into a side headlock. #1 gets to his feet and picks Red up. He tries to put him on the turnbuckle, but Red kicks off the top turnbuckle into a side snap mare. Red keeps the headlock applied to #1. #1 grabs hold of Red’s tights and pulls him over into a pinfall. Gentz gets into position and counts … one … two … Red kicks out!

#1 pulls him back over into a pinfall. Gentz counts … one … two … Red kicks out again! White complains about #1 pulling the tights. Red clamps down on the headlock. Gentz warns #1 about the tights. #1 denies any infraction of the rules. Red releases the headlock and gets back to his feet. Red tags in Black as #1 gets to his feet. Black runs through him with a lariat.

Black applies an armbar, but #1 tosses him through the ropes with an arm drag. Black rolls to the feet of the ringside fans. Jason drops off the ring apron and grabs Black by the mask. He rolls Black back into the ring. Gentz warns Jason about interfering. Jason pleads innocence. Jason climbs onto the ring apron and is immediately tagged into the ring by #1.

Jason climbs the turnbuckle as #1 powerslams Black. Jason comes off the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop. Jason hooks Black’s leg … one … two … Jason pulls Black’s shoulders up! Gentz warns Jason. Jason tags in #2. Jason backs Black into the ropes and whips him across the ring. #2 steps over the top rope. Black skips over Jason only to be leveled with #2’s boot. Jason climbs out of the ring. #2 picks Black high up over his head. After nearly a minute, #2 drops him facefirst to the mat behind his back. #2 taunts Red and White. The Wolf Pack stays right in their corner.

#2 turns back to Black. Black gets up to his knees. #2 sets him up for a piledriver, but Black blocks it. #2 slams a forearm smash across his back. #2 goes for the piledriver again, but Black counters it with a backdrop. Black crawls for his corner. Jason climbs into the ring and cuts Black off. Gentz shoves Jason back towards his corner. #2 kicks Black in the back of the head. Red and White struggle to get a tag. #2 nails Red and White with right hands.

#2 runs into the ropes. Grey trips him from the outside. #2’s head slams into Black’s knee. Black reaches over and tags White. White jumps to the top rope and leaps off with the White Noise kneedrop. He rolls #2 over. Gentz gets into position. Grey grabs #2’s foot in the blind spot. Gentz counts … one … two … three! #2 tries to kick out, but he cannot.

Littleton grabs the microphone and announces, “The winners of the match and NEW MVW Six-Man Tag Team Champions, are the Wolf Pack!!”

Jason climbs into the ring and starts yelling at Gentz. Gentz said he didn’t see anything so he can’t call it. The Argonauts swat at the Wolf Pack as they gather the trophy and leave the ringside area.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Match #8: $500 Battle Royal (3/30/78)

On every fifth Wednesday of the month, the MVW had a cash battle royal with many of the stars on the roster participating. This is the first of those battle royals.

March 30, 1978
National Guard Armory
Tupelo, MS

$500 Battle Royal (12 participants)

Littleton climbs into the ring. He puts the microphone to his face and begins the main event’s introduction. “Ladies and gentlemen, it’s now time for the main event of the evening!! This match is a battle royal with twelve men participating. A wrestler is eliminated when he is thrown over the top rope and both feet land on the arena floor. The winner of the match will be the last man standing in the ring. That man will receive $500 in cash.” The crowd cheers.

“Let’s bring the wrestlers down to the ring. First, from Jackson, MS, Mr. Mississippi! From Holly Springs, MS, Troy Canby! From Mount Olympus, Argonaut #1! From Nashville, TN, Mr. Tennessee! From Starkville, MS, ‘Sensational’ Seth Greeley! From Mount Olympus, Argonaut #2! From Oxford, MS, ‘Excellent’ Xavier Cross! From Tunica, MS, ‘Double A’ Arnold Adams! From Starkville, MS, the Grappler! From Holly Springs, MS, Travis Canby! From Vicksburg, MS, Jason James! From San Bernandino, CA, Al Madril!”

All twelve men come to the ring and are greeted with the appropriate crowd reaction. When all twelve men are in the ring, Littleton says, “Wrestlers, are you ready?!” The wrestlers nod. Littleton says, “Fans, are you ready?!” The fans cheer greatly. “Let the battle royal begin!!!”

The bell rings and Littleton gets out of the ring. All twelve men lock up. Mississippi with Argonaut #1. Travis with Seth. Troy with Grappler. Xavier with Tennessee. Arnold with Jason. Al with Argonaut #2. Argonaut #2 backs Al into a corner. Tennessee tries to put Xavier over the top rope, but Xavier elbows him in the ribs. Troy backs Grappler into a corner. Seth whips Travis into the ropes. Travis slams into Arnold’s back. Arnold’s and Jason’s heads collide. Travis slams Arnold’s head into the turnbuckle. Seth comes up behind Travis, but Jason tosses him out of the ring between the ropes. Jason clotheslines Travis over the top rope. Travis tries to hang onto the top rope, but he loses his grip and falls to the floor.

Littleton announces, “Travis Canby has been eliminated!!”

Seth climbs back into the ring. Arnold kicks Jason in the stomach. Argonaut #2 pins Al into the corner with a vicious kneelift to the chest. Troy shouts to #2. #2 whips Al across the ring as Troy whips Grappler. Al and Grappler arm dance for a second before charging the opposite corners. Al spears Troy into the corner. #2 grabs Grappler’s arm and whips him hard into the turnbuckle.

Xavier takes Tennessee down with a snap mare and applies a reverse chin lock. Mississippi trades punches with #1. Arnold slams Jason shoulderfirst into the turnbuckle. Seth dropkicks Arnold from behind. Arnold rolls under the bottom rope to the outside. Al chops Troy across the chest. Enraged, Troy puts Al in the corner and kicks him three times in the stomach and legs. Troy climbs the turnbuckle and starts planting right hands on the side of Al’s face. Al grabs Troy’s legs and shoves him over the top rope. Troy lands on the ring apron. Al tries to shove him off the apron, but Troy manages to hold his ground. Al takes a step backwards and charges him. Troy pulls the top rope down and Al sails over and lands on the floor. Troy rolls back into the ring under the bottom rope.

Littleton announces, “Al Madril has been eliminated!!”

Troy gets blindsided by a running forearm from Seth. Having cleared a path now, Seth runs into the side ropes and sends Xavier flying out of the ring (over the bottom rope) with a flying headscissors. Tennessee falls over and brings himself back to his feet with help from the ropes.

#1 backs Mississippi into the ropes on the other side of the ring. Troy grabs Seth’s hair. Seth elbows Troy in the ribs. #1 tries to push Mississippi over the top rope, but Mississippi manages to stay on his feet. Tennessee charges #1 from behind and nails him with a double axehandle. Tennessee and Mississippi both try to dump the larger wrestler over the top rope. Xavier climbs back into the ring. Troy headbutts Seth. Xavier kicks Mississippi in the stomach. Mississippi releases #1’s right leg. Xavier whips him across the ring. Tennessee manages to get #1 three-quarters of the way to the floor before Arnold grabs him from behind and starts to shove him over.

Jason gathers his wits about him in the corner after the pummeling he took from Arnold. #2 comes over to help his partner, but he’s stopped by Mississippi and Xavier. Arnold works to get Tennessee over the top rope, but he can’t seem to do it. Mississippi and Xavier take #2 down with a double suplex. Arnold drops a knee across #2’s forehead. Tennessee, after regaining his own balance, finally gets #1 out to the ring apron. #1 punches him in the face and then snaps his neck over the top rope, forgetting that he had just eliminated himself.

Littleton announces, “Argonaut #1 has been eliminated!!”

Troy takes Seth down with a swinging neckbreaker. Mississippi grabs Arnold in a waistlock. Arnold elbows him in the side of the head. Xavier drops an elbow on #2. Jason comes out of the corner and nearly clotheslines Tennessee out of his boots. Grappler dropkicks Jason on the side of the head. Mississippi cinches the waistlock better and takes Arnold over with a belly-to-back suplex. Xavier straddles #2 and starts throwing punches at him. Troy drapes Seth’s foot over the bottom rope and stomps on it. Mississippi picks Arnold up and dumps him over the top rope.

Littleton announces, “’Double A’ Arnold Adams has been eliminated!!”

Grappler whips Jason into Troy. Tennessee gets back to his feet. Xavier gets to his feet and picks #2 up. #2 grabs Xavier by the throat with both hands and choke slams him in the middle of the ring. Grappler charges the corner with Jason, Troy and Seth. Grappler leaps and catches Jason and Troy with a flying splash. Seth crawls out of the way, but he crawls right into a piledriver from Mississippi. Tennessee runs into the ropes behind him and clotheslines #2, but #2 doesn’t fall down. Grappler brings Troy out of the corner. Mississippi lifts Seth up in a fireman’s carry and dumps him out over the top rope onto the ring apron. When Seth instinctively tries to roll back in, Mississippi shoves him to the floor with his feet.

Littleton announces, “’Sensational’ Seth Greeley has been eliminated!!”

#2 whips Tennessee into the corner where Jason had just gotten to his feet. Jason ducks and backdrops Tennessee over the top rope. Tennessee dangles almost helplessly as he hangs onto the top rope. He manages to get both feet on the apron as Jason turns around. Tennessee hip tosses him to the floor.

Littleton announces, “Jason James has been eliminated!! Six wrestlers have been eliminated. Six wrestlers remain!!” The crowd cheers.

Grappler whips Troy across the ring. Troy ducks a clothesline. Grappler runs into the opposite ropes. Troy leapfrogs over him, but Grappler catches him. Grappler’s momentum takes both men over the top rope, but Troy manages to hook his arms around the middle rope as he went over, leaving Grappler the only one to hit the floor.

Littleton announces, “The Grappler has been eliminated!!”

Tennessee climbs back into the ring. #2 has Xavier high over his head in a military press. Tennessee runs into #2 and rushes him into the ropes. Xavier drops across the top rope on his stomach and falls back inside the ring. Tennessee rolls #2 up for a pinfall. #2 kicks out and sends Tennessee into Xavier with a clothesline that takes him over the top rope and out to the floor.

Littleton announces, “’Excellent’ Xavier Cross has been eliminated!! Four wrestlers remain for the $500 prize money!!”

Tennessee turns around to receive a stiff upper cut from #2. Troy sends Mississippi to the mat with a double leg takedown. Troy signals #2 to a corner. #2 backs Tennessee into a corner. Troy catapults Mississippi into the opposite corner. #2 whips Tennessee across the ring. Tennessee crashes into Mississippi. Troy runs towards #2, who whips him across the ring. Troy sails into the corner with a spinning heel kick that sends himself and Tennessee over the top rope. Tennessee falls to the floor, but Troy keeps hold of the top rope.

Littleton announces, “Mr. Tennessee has been eliminated!!”

Troy slides back into the ring. #2 charges Mississippi in the corner. Mississippi moves out of the way. Troy goes for a clothesline, but Mississippi ducks it. Mississippi nails Troy with a right cross to the face. #2 kicks Mississippi in the face as he turns to challenge him. #2 grabs Mississippi’s mask and Troy’s hair and slams their heads together. #2 sends Mississippi into one corner and Troy into an adjacent corner. #2 slams into Mississippi with a vicious back elbow that causes Mississippi to slump to the floor. #2 walks back into the corner opposite Troy. #2 charges across the ring. Troy backdrops him over the top rope. #2 hits the floor hard.

Littleton announces, “Argonaut #2 has been eliminated!! Only Mr. Mississippi and Troy Canby remain for the $500 grand prize!!”

Mississippi gets back to his feet with the help of the ropes. Troy slides along the ropes, seeming to need them to keep himself upright. Mississippi and Troy trade punches with each other. Both hold onto the top rope. Troy ducks a left cross and grabs Mississippi in a waistlock. Troy goes for a belly-to-belly suplex, but Mississippi blocks it. Mississippi headbutts Troy to break the waistlock. Mississippi takes him down with a drop toe hold. Mississippi slides across Troy’s body and applies a side headlock. Troy scrambles to his feet and backs the duo into the ropes. He shoves him off, but Mississippi grinds in on the headlock. Troy goes for a back suplex, but Mississippi blocks it. Mississippi backs them into the ropes and comes off with a bulldog. Mississippi applies a front face lock as Troy lays motionless on his stomach. After twenty seconds, Mississippi releases the hold, steps behind Troy’s head and applies a camel clutch. After thirty seconds (and three tap outs by Troy), Mississippi releases the hold. Troy lays flat on his face on the mat. Mississippi steps in front of him and sets Troy up for the Mississippi Mud Pie. Troy tries to fight, but the fatigue from the submission holds prevents him. Mississippi plants Troy into the mat with the Mississippi Mud Pie. Mississippi drags Troy to the ropes and dumps him over the top rope. Troy hits the ring apron and falls flat on the concrete floor.

Littleton announces, “Troy Canby has been eliminated!! The last man standing, and the winner of the $500 grand prize is Mr. Mississippi!!!” The crowd cheers wildly.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Match #7: MS Tag Team Title (4/13/78)

April 13, 1978
National Guard Armory
Tupelo, MS

Mississippi State Tag Team Title
Grapper & 'Sensational' Seth Greeley def. Canby Twins

Littleton climbs into the ring with the microphone. Gentz stays in the ring.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is our main event for the evening." The crowd cheers. "It's set for one fall with a one hour time limit. It is for the Mississippi State Tag Team Title."

Jessica, Grappler and Seth walk into the arena. Grappler and Seth climb onto the ring apron. Jessica takes a seat at ringside.

"Introducing first, the challengers, from Starkville, at a combined weight of 471 pounds, are the Grappler and 'Sensational' Seth Greeley!!"

The crowd cheers for them. The twin blonde bombers walk into the arena. They climb onto the ring apron.

"Their opponents, from Holly Springs, at a combined weight of 484 pounds, are the Mississippi State Tag Team champions ... Travis and Troy ... the Canby Twins!!"

The crowd cheers for them as well. They climb into the ring and grab pictures to autograph.

Seth and Troy climb out of the ring. Grappler and Travis circle the ring. Gentz calls for the bell. Grappler goes for a leg sweep, but Travis moves out of the way. They lock up. Grappler forces Travis back into the ropes. Gentz calls for a break, and Grappler does.

They lock up in the middle of the ring again. Travis takes him down with an arm drag. Grappler rolls into the corner. Travis charges the corner, but Grappler moves out of the way. Travis stops before he reaches the corner. He turns around to be taken down by Grappler in a snap mare.

Grappler holds on with a side headlock. Travis tries to roll Grappler over, but Grappler clamps down on the headlock. Travis tries to get his foot over the bottom rope. Grappler tightens the headlock again with Travis' foot less than a foot away from the rope. Travis cries out in pain. Travis grabs a handful of tights and rolls Grappler onto his shoulders. Gentz starts to count ... one ... two ... Grappler kicks out!

Grappler complains about the tights pulling. Gentz warns Travis. Travis manages to get up to his knees. Grappler strains to keep the headlock on. Travis almost makes it to his feet, but Grappler drags him over to his corner and tags Seth. Seth climbs into the ring and kicks Travis in the stomach. Grappler releases the headlock. Seth whips Travis across the ring. Grappler leaves the ring. Travis ducks a clothesline. Seth takes him down with a back body drop. Travis rolls out of the ring. Troy jumps off the ring apron and checks on his brother. Gentz tells him to get back into the corner.

Seth comes to the ropes. Gentz pushes him back. Troy rolls into the ring while Travis climbs back into the corner. Seth sets Troy up for a piledriver, but Troy backdrops him out of the ring. Troy climbs out of the ring and drops a double axehandle across Seth's shoulders. Troy slams Seth's head into the ring apron. Jessica starts to get the crowd behind Seth. The crowd is rather split between the two teams.

Troy goes to slam Seth's head into the turnbuckle, but Seth blocks it. Seth drives an elbow into Troy's sternum. Seth rolls Troy into the ring to break Gentz's count. Seth takes a bit of an extra breather on the outside. Troy steps back out through the ropes, but Gentz stops him. Troy steps back into the ring. Seth climbs onto the ring apron. Troy charges him, but Seth greets him with a shoulderblock to the stomach. Troy doubles over and Seth slingshots over the top rope with a sunset flip. Troy rolls right through it and hooks both of Seth's legs in a pinfall. Gentz gets in for the count ... one ... Seth kicks out!

Troy gets to his feet first and whips Seth into the ropes. Seth ducks a clothesline and comes off the opposite ropes with a flying clothesline. Seth runs into the side ropes. Troy drops to the mat and Seth skips over. Troy leapfrogs over him as he comes back through. Troy goes for an arm drag, but Seth reverses it. Troy rolls out of the ring. Seth plays to the crowd, who cheers greatly.

Troy climbs back on the ring apron. Seth knocks him off again with a standing dropkick. Seth slingshots over the top rope and lands on Troy with a cross body block. Seth rolls back into the ring. Travis jumps down to help his brother. Gentz tells him to get back in his corner. Travis obliges and Gentz starts to count Troy out. Troy gets to his feet at the count of six. At eight, he is back on the ring apron. Seth runs into the neutral corner and springboards off the middle turnbuckle with a missile dropkick. Troy barely manages to keep himself on the ring apron by holding onto the bottom rope.

Seth brings Troy back into the ring and whips him into the farside ropes. He telegraphs a backdrop that Troy leapfrogs over. As Troy hits the opposite ropes, Travis tags his shoulder. Seth takes Troy down with a drop toe hold and slides into a headlock. Travis kicks him in the back of the head. Travis grabs Seth by the neck and rolls him to his feet. Travis backs him against the ropes. Seth reaches for a tag, but Grappler's just barely out of reach. Troy leaves the ring.

Travis whips Seth across the ring and catches him off the ropes with a sleeper. Seth struggles to get to the ropes, but Travis leans onto him. Seth drops to one knee. Travis cranks on the sleeper. Seth drops to both knees. Grappler gets the crowd chanting for Seth. Gentz asks Seth if he wants to submit. Seth says no. Seth sags further. Finally, Seth slumps to the mat. Gentz raises Seth's arm and it drops to the mat. Gentz raises Seth's arm a second time and it drops.Gentz raises Seth's arm a third time and he keeps it up.

Seth struggles against Travis to get back up to one knee. Seth continues to struggle and gets to his feet. Seth charges into a neutral corner and drops to his knees. Travis gets slung into the turnbuckle. Seth struggles along the ropes and manages to tag in Grappler. Travis crawls toward his own corner, but Grappler cuts him off with a running kneelift to the side of the head. Travis falls out of the ring.

Grappler climbs out onto the ring apron. He comes off across Travis' shoulders with a double axehandle. He tosses him into the turnbuckle. Gentz tells Grappler to get back into the ring. Grappler rolls back into the ring under the bottom rope.

Travis climbs onto the ring apron. Grappler dropkicks Travis onto the floor. Grappler climbs through the ropes. Troy comes over to protect his brother. Gentz backs Grappler into the middle of the ring. Troy rolls Travis into the ring close to their corner and climbs onto the ring apron. Grappler nails Troy with a running forearm to the side of the head. He backs Travis into the ropes and whips him across the ring. Grappler drills him into the mat with a belly-to-belly suplex. Grappler hooks the leg ... one ... two ... thr ... Travis kicks out!

Grappler stands up and drops an elbow across Travis' throat. Travis rolls over and gets to all fours. Grappler kicks him in the ribs. Travis rolls out onto the ring apron. Grappler goes to kick him off the ring apron, but Gentz keeps him back. Travis gets to his feet with the help of the ropes. Grappler charges him, but Travis plants a shoulderblock into Grappler's solar plexus. Travis slingshots over the top rope into a sunset flip. Grappler tries to hold onto the top rope, but Travis overpowers him. Grappler rolls through and grabs his legs for a catapult into his corner. Seth moves out of the way.

Grappler tags in Seth. Grappler and Seth whip Travis into the ropes and take him down with a double clothesline. Seth jumps onto the middle rope and comes off with a flying splash, but Travis puts his knees up. Troy tries to get the crowd behind him. Grappler climbs out of the ring. Travis crawls toward his corner. Seth nails him with a running kneelift just as he tags in Troy.

Troy jumps over the top rope. He nails Seth with four quick forearm smashes. Seth backs into the ropes. Travis rolls out of the ring. Troy whips Seth across the ring. He falls out of the ring as Travis uses the middle rope to get back to his feet. Gentz warns Travis, but he swears it was an accident. Troy climbs out of the ring, but Gentz stops him. Troy steps back through the ropes, and Seth slides in under the bottom rope. Troy stomps on the back of Seth's head. Troy brings him to his feet and whips him across the ring. Seth ducks a clothesline. He leaps onto the middle rope and comes off with a moonsault, but Troy steps back. When Seth lands, Troy grabs him in a waistlock and throws him back onto the mat with a belly-to-back suplex. Seth rolls out of the ring. Grappler drops down to discuss strategy.

Gentz warns Seth about leaving the ring and Grappler about interfering. Troy walks over to the corner to talk with Travis. Grappler climbs onto the ring apron. Seth slides under the bottom rope and makes a grand gesture of tagging in Grappler. Grappler climbs into the ring. Troy makes the same grand gesture for tagging in Travis. Travis climbs into the ring.

Travis and Grappler circle the ring and then lock up. Grappler gains the advantage and pushes him back to a neutral corner. Gentz calls for a break. Grappler starts to give him one and then slams into the corner with a straight right hand. Travis steps out of the way and chops Grappler across the chest. Travis whips him across the ring. Travis rushes the corner, but Grappler moves out of the way. Travis slams chestfirst into the turnbuckle. Grappler rolls him up from behind. Gentz gets down to count ... one ... two ... thr! Travis gets his shoulder up! Grappler pounds the canvas three times. Gentz holds up two fingers.

Travis gets to his feet first and backs Grappler against the ropes. Gentz calls for a break, but Travis whips Grappler across the ring. Travis catches him with a bearhug. Grappler struggles against the stronger man, but Travis continues to apply pressure. Grappler elbows Travis on the forehead three times before Travis releases him. Grappler runs into the ropes. Travis levels him with a vicious clothesline. Travis grabs the back of Grappler's mask and tags in Troy. Travis puts Grappler in a front face lock while Troy climbs the turnbuckle. Troy flies off with a double axehandle across Grappler's ribs. Grappler drops to one knee.

Travis climbs out of the ring. Troy applies an armbar. Grappler backs Troy into the ropes. Gentz calls for a break. Troy gives a clean break, but Grappler jams his shoulder into Troy's ribs. Troy drops out of the ring. Gentz warns Grappler about making clean breaks. Troy climbs back onto the ring apron. Grappler rushes the ropes, but Troy jams his shoulder into Grappler's ribs. Troy slingshots over the top rope with a sunset flip. Grappler struggles to keep on his feet. Finally, Grappler manages to keep his balance long enough to sit down on Troy's chest. Gentz gets down to count the pinfall. Grappler grabs the top rope. Gentz counts ... one ... two! Travis climbs into the ring and kicks Grappler's hands. Grappler falls backwards. Travis climbs out of the ring. Gentz counts ... one ... Grappler kicks out. Grappler rolls to his corner and tags in Seth before Troy can grab his ankle.

Seth jumps over the top rope. He and Troy start trading right hands. Seth backs Troy against the ropes. He whips him across the ring. Seth goes to take him down with a hip toss, but Troy blocks and reverses it. Seth re-reverses it. Troy counters with an arm drag that sends Seth falling out of the ring between the middle and bottom ropes. Troy gets Gentz' attention. Travis drops off the ring apron. He runs towards Seth with a running clothesline, but Seth ducks and backdrops him onto the concrete floor.

Troy takes a swing at Grappler, causing him to climb into the ring. Gentz tells Grappler to get back in his corner. Seth climbs onto the ring apron. Troy meets him with a knee to the midsection. Troy brings Seth into the ring with a big suplex, but Seth holds onto the top rope. Troy loses his balance and Seth falls on top. Gentz gets down to count, but Travis pulls Troy out of the ring. Gentz starts to count him out as the twins discuss strategy.

Travis climbs back into the ring as Troy goes to the corner. Seth locks up with him. Travis powers him into a headlock. Seth backs him into the ropes and whips him across the ring. Travis ducks a clothesline. Seth leapfrogs over him as he returns. Grappler motions for Jessical to hand him a chair. She does and, as soon as Travis hits the ropes nearest him, Grappler hits him with the chair. Seth dropkicks Travis in the face and covers. Grappler drops the chair as Gentz starts to count ... one ... two ... three!! Troy tries to break the count, but he's too late!! Grappler climbs into the ring and starts to brawl with Troy. Seth pushes Travis out of the ring with his feet.

Littleton grabs the microphone. "The winners of the match and NEW Mississippi State Tag Team champions, in a time of 47:52, are Grappler and 'Sensational' Seth Greeley!!!" The crowd gives a less than enthusiastic cheer for the new champions. Seth looks a bit perturbed by the crowd's change in attitude towards them.

Grappler and Seth run the Canby twins out of the ring. Gentz hands them the title belts. They hold them aloft for the crowd to cheer. As they leave the ring, Seth puts his arm around Jessica's shoulder as they walk out.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Match #6: Greeley & Grappler def. Cross & Mr. Mississippi (4/6/78)

April 6, 1978
National Guard Armory
Tupelo, MS

Littleton climbs into the ring with the microphone. He is joined from the back by Jackson. "Ladies and gentlemen, the following tag team contest is set for one fall with a thirty minute time limit. It is a number one contenders match for the Mississippi State Tag Team Title. The referee for this match is Tom Jackson."

A rather short, perky blonde leads Greeley and Grappler to the ring. The crowd boos vehemently.

"Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Jessica, both from Starkville, MS, weighing a combined 471 pounds, are 'Sensational' Seth Greeley and the Grappler!!!"

Cross and Mississippi climb into the ring from the other side. The crowd cheers for them as they fight their way through the crowd.

"Their opponents, from Jackson, weighing 258 pounds, is Mr. Mississippi!! His partner from Oxford, weighing 257 pounds, is the Mississippi Heavyweight Champion ... 'Excellent' Xavier Cross!!!"

Seth and Xavier decide they want to go first. Grappler and Mississippi step out to their respective corners. Jackson calls for the bell. Seth and Xavier circle the ring. They lock up. Xavier gets the upper hand quickly and arm drags Seth into his corner. Mississippi backs away from the corner. Seth gets to his feet Xavier whips him into the far ropes. Seth ducks a clothesline and nails Mississippi with a forearm smash. Mississippi falls off the ring apron. Seth turns around to get a kneelift to the chest from Xavier. Mississippi climbs back on the ring apron. Xavier tags him in. They whip Seth into the ropes and catch him with a double kick to the midsection. Xavier climbs out of the ring. Mississippi applies a front face lock on Seth. Seth tries to move Mississippi, but Mississippi has a wide stance for leverage. Seth struggles, but falls to one knee due to the pressure from the front face lock. Mississippi tightens the face lock further. Grappler come into the ring, but Jackson stops him. Grappler complains about a hair pull, but Jackson refuses to buy it. Mississippi's weight and leverage advantage takes its toll on Seth. His second knee falls to the mat. Mississippi wrestles him down onto his stomach. Mississippi's height puts his feet under the ropes. Grappler points it out to Jackson. Jackson makes him break the hold.

Mississippi tags in Xavier. Seth gets to his feet only to be levelled with a short clothesline. Xavier bounces off the near ropes and drops an elbow across the back of Seth's head. Xavier picks Seth up and whips him into the turnbuckle. Seth staggers out and Xavier whips him across the ring into the opposite turnbuckle. Xavier repeats this twice more. After Seth's fourth encounter with the turnbuckles, Xavier picks him up in a sidewalk slam. He covers. Jackson gets down to make the count ... one ... Grappler kicks Xavier in the head to break up the count! Jackson backs Grappler into his own corner. Grappler complains about Xavier's tactics. Jackson tells him to get out of the ring. Xavier whips Seth into the corner with Mississippi. Grappler finally leaves the ring as Mississippi tags himself in.

Mississippi and Xavier whip Seth across the ring and level him with a double clothesline. Xavier leaves the ring as Mississippi props Seth up and applies a sleeper. Seth struggles to fight the effects of the sleeper. Gasping for air, he flails his whole body. While his legs are flailing, one kick nails Jackson in the side of the head. Grappler takes advantage of the situation and climbs into the ring. He kicks Mississippi on the ear. Mississippi releases the hold. Xavier comes into the ring. Grappler grabs him by the hair and throws him back out of the ring. Grappler jumps on Mississippi and punches him in the face. He goes to work taking off the mask, but Xavier slides back into the ring and pulls him off by his own mask. Xavier asks the crowd if they'd like him to punch Grappler. Grappler kicks him in the groin. Xavier doubles over. Grappler dropkicks him in the face. Grappler grabs Seth's arm and drags him over toward his corner. Jackson gets back to his feet as Mississippi knocks Grappler out of the ring with a shoulder tackle.

Jackson instructs Xavier to get out of the ring. Mississippi backs Seth into the ropes and whips him across the ring. Seth ducks a clothesline. Mississippi telegraphs a backdrop. Seth holds onto ropes and kicks Mississippi in the face. Grappler reaches out and tags himself in. Grappler jumps to the top rope and comes off with a double axe handle across Mississippi's shoulders. Grappler wrings Mississippi's left arm. Mississippi forces Grappler closer to his corner. Grappler spits at Xavier. Xavier climbs into the ring, but Jackson stops him. Grappler rakes Mississippi's eyes. He whips Mississippi into his corner. Seth nails Mississippi with a back elbow. Mississippi swings out with a wild right hand, but Seth ducks it. Grappler charges the corner and plants a jumping kneelift between Mississippi's shoulders. Xavier points out the double-team on the other side of the ring as Seth snaps Mississippi's neck over the top rope. Grappler kicks Mississippi in the stomach and drops him to the mat with a swinging neckbreaker. Grappler tags in Seth and grabs hold of Mississippi's left arm. Seth climbs the turnbuckle and drops a leg across Mississippi's left shoulder. Grappler slides out of the ring.

Seth grabs Mississippi's left arm and drapes it over the bottom rope. Seth pulls his wrist back under the bottom rope. Jackson's count reaches four before Seth breaks the hold. Mississippi starts to crawl to his corner. Seth drops an elbow across his shoulders. Seth grabs Mississippi's left arm again and twists it behind his back in a hammerlock. Seth steps to his feet and flails up to drive a vicious knee into Mississippi's shoulder. Mississippi cries out in pain. Seth cranks on the hammerlock a bit more before driving another knee into Mississippi's shoulder. Seth moves Mississippi's arm out of the hammerlock and allows him to get to his feet. Seth then takes him over with an arm drag into an armbar. Seth shouts an insult to Xavier. Xavier climbs into the ring, but Jackson stops him. Seth drags Mississippi to the edge of the ring. Grappler jumps off the ring apron. Seth goes over and starts taunting Xavier again. Grappler drills an elbow between Mississippi's shoulder blades. Seth moves Jackson out of the way. Seth and Xavier start throwing wild punches at each other. Jackson tries to break the two apart. Grappler climbs onto the ring apron and stands on Mississippi's back. Xavier manages to throw Seth out of the ring, but he nails Jackson with an errant elbow. Grappler plants a big stomp between Mississippi's shoulder blades. Xavier nails Grappler with a forearm shot to the back of the head. Grappler falls onto the floor and crashes into the guardrail. Seth slides back into the ring. Xavier turns around. Seth charges him. Xavier goes for a big boot, but Seth slides underneath. Seth reaches the floor and pulls Mississippi off the ring apron. Xavier turns around. Seth grabs his foot. Xavier reaches over the middle rope to grab Seth's hair. Jessica hands Grappler a chair. Grappler smacks Xavier over the head with it. Seth climbs onto the ring apron and climbs the turnbuckle. Mississippi and Grappler fight over the chair outside the ring. Jessica runs around the ring and grabs Jackson as Seth flies off the turnbuckle with the Sensational Sunset. Grappler kicks the chair and it flies up to hit Mississippi in the face. Jackson rolls back into the ring with a bit of help from Jessica. By the time Jackson gets into position, Xavier has kicked out of the pinfall.

Seth runs into the side ropes and nails Xavier with a running kneelift as Xavier gets onto all fours. Seth calls for Grappler's help. Grappler climbs onto the ring apron and puts his boot on the turnbuckle. Seth grabs Xavier's hair and slams his face into Grappler's boot. Seth tags Grappler in. Grappler climbs into the ring as Seth whips Xavier across the ring. Seth catches Xavier in a drop toe hold. Grappler comes off the side ropes with a kneedrop to the back of the head. Mississippi climbs onto the ring apron with the chair. Seth dropkicks the chair into Mississippi's face. Mississippi crashes into the guardrail. Grappler moves Xavier into the middle of the ring and applies a head scissors. Xavier struggles to find a way out of the hold as Seth leaves the ring. Jessica returns to the corner. Xavier gets to his hands and feet, but Grappler drags his head along the mat. Seth desperately wants to get into the ring. Grappler releases the head scissors. Seeing Mississippi still on the wrong side of the ring, he walks over and tags in Seth. Seth climbs into the ring and delivers a running kneelift to the side of Xavier's head. Seth drags Xavier into a neutral corner. He yells, "I want my title! It's mine!" He slaps Xavier's face and then steps on his throat. Jackson steps in and administers his count. Seth breaks it at four.

Seth waits for Xavier to get up. He charges the corner, but Xavier moves out of the way. Seth hits the turnbuckle chest first. Xavier drops and rolls him up in a rolling reverse cradle, but Seth rolls through it. Mississippi finally makes it over to his own corner. Seth rakes Xavier's eyes with his boot laces and slams into Mississippi with a running back elbow. Xavier gets to his feet. Seth charges him with a Thesz press, but Xavier catches him and drops him with an inverted atomic drop. Xavier headbutts Seth. Seth's head snaps back against the mat. Xavier staggers over to his corner and tags in Mississippi. Mississippi climbs into the ring. Seth gets to his feet and crawls towards his partner. Mississippi stalks Seth for a moment and then drops an elbow across the back of his neck while he's just out of reach of Grappler's hand. Mississippi fires a right hand at Grappler, but Grappler blocks it. Grappler slams Mississippi's head against the turnbuckle. Seth crawls to the corner and tags Grappler. Grappler jumps over the top rope and whips Mississippi into the ropes. Grappler buries a knee into Mississippi's chest. While doubled over, Grappler puts Mississippi into piledriver position, but, instead of piledriving him, Grappler jumps raking the side of Mississippi's head with his knees. Grappler tosses Mississippi into the ringpost. Mississippi slams into it with his left shoulder. Grappler puts Mississippi onto the turnbuckle facing the ringside fans. Seth moves out of the way. Grappler reaches up from behind and grabs Mississippi's neck and drops him onto the mat with a vicious Hangman neckbreaker. Grappler pulls Mississippi a bit away from the ropes and goes for the pin. Xavier comes into the ring, but Seth cuts him off as Jackson gets down to count ... one ... two ... three!! Seth and Xavier continue to brawl as Grappler gets his hand raised.

Littleton grabs the microphone. "The winners of the match, in a time of 21:04, and NEW number one contenders for the Mississippi State Tag Team Title, are 'Sensational' Seth Greeley and the Grappler!!!" The crowd boos.

Jackson and Grappler manage to get Seth and Xavier separated. Both men really want to get at each other, but they are barely kept from each other.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Match #5: Al Madril def. Mr. Tennessee (3/9/78)

March 9, 1978
National Guard Armory
Tupelo, MS

Littleton climbs into the ring with Gentz. He picks up the microphone to begin the introductions. "Ladies and gentlemen, the next bout on the card is set for one fall with a fifteen minute time limit. The referee for the match is Marty Gentz."

A rather tall masked man comes to the ring wearing a ring jacket sporting the Tennessee flag and a University of Tennessee baseball cap. The crowd gives him a mixed (but mostly bad) reaction.

Littleton continues, "Introducing first, from Nashville, TN, standing 6'4" and weighing 274 pounds, is Mr. Tennessee!!!"

The crowd continues to boo slightly. A Latino man enters the ring from the other side to a wonderful reaction from the crowd.

Littleton continues, "His opponent, from San Bernandino, CA, standing 6'1" and weighing 231 pounds, is Al Madril!!!"

Gentz brings the two wrestlers into the middle of the ring as Littleton climbs out. After going over the rules, the two wrestlers return back to their corners. Gentz calls for the bell.
Al and Tennessee circle around each other. They lock up. Madril gains the upper hand with an arm wringer. Tennessee grunts in discomfort, but Al continues to apply the pressure. Al works it into a hammer lock. Tennessee breaks it with an elbow to the side of Al's head.

Al releases Tennessee's arm and staggers for a second. Tennessee rakes Al's eyes and whips him into the turnbuckle. Al staggers out of the corner only to be whipped into the side ropes. Al ducks a clothesline. Tennessee ducks down for a backdrop, but Al reverses it with a small package. Tennessee kicks out before Gentz can get into position.

Al gets to his feet first and backs Tennessee into the ropes. Al whips him across the ring, but Tennessee reverses it. Tennessee goes for a hip toss, but Al blocks it. Al goes for a hip toss, but Tennessee blocks it. Al slips behind and goes for a backslide. Tennessee fights with every ounce of strength, but Al manages to get him over. Gentz pushes the pile over because Tennessee's legs were tied up in the ropes.

Al gets to his feet first. He charges Tennesee, but Tennessee tosses him out of the ring. Al slides right back into the ring. Tennessee starts wildly punching, but Al blocks the punches. Tennessee drives a knee into Al's stomach. Tennessee hooks both arms. He signals to the crowd for the Rocky Top (double arm suplex). Al hooks his right foot over the bottom rope. Tennessee tries to take him over with the suplex, but Al's foot causes Tennessee to lose his balance. He releases Al's arms. Al grabs both of Tennessee's legs and rolls him into a pin. Gentz gets down to count the pin ... one ... two ... three!

Littleton fumbles for the microphone, surprised by the quickness of the turnaround in the match. "The winner of the match, in a time of 3:07, is Al Madril!!!" The crowd cheers.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Match #4: Grappler def. Mr. Mississippi (3/9/78)

March 9, 1978
National Guard Armory
Tupelo, MS

Littleton climbs back into the ring. The referees switch places as Jackon takes over refereeing duties. Littleton picks up the microphone for the introduction as a masked wrestler with the state of Mississippi on the sides of his mask walks down to the ring carrying a Mississippi state flag. From the other side of the ring, another masked wrestler, wearing a gold mask, climbs into the ring after picking a fight with half the crowd on the way down.

Littleton says, "The next contest is set for one fall with a ten minute time limit. Introducing first, from Jackson, MS, standing 6'2" tall and weighing 258 pounds, here is Mr. Mississippi!!!" The crowd cheers wildly as Mississippi proudly waves the flag.

"His opponent," Littleton continues, "is from Starkville, MS, stands 6' tall and weighs 235 pounds, he is the Grappler!!" The crowd gives a slightly less than enthusiastic reaction.

Littleton climbs out of the ring as Jackson goes over the rules with the masked wrestlers. After a moment, Jackson calls for the bell. Both men go to opposite sides of the ring and stretch the top rope. They circle the ring for a moment and then lock up. Mississippi gains the upper hand in agility and arm drags Grappler into the corner. Grappler gets immediately back up to his feet. Mississippi steps into a kick into the stomach. Grappler puts Mississippi into the corner and buries a shoulder into his stomach. Grappler whips him across the ring, but Mississippi reverses it. Grappler staggers out of the corner. He ducks a clothesline from Mississippi and nails him with a straight right hand to the jaw. Grappler grabs Mississippi's arm and whips him into the ropes. He takes him down with a drop toe hold. Grappler scurries around and places Mississippi in a front face lock on the mat. Jackson gets down to check for a choke. Finding none, he asks Mississippi if he wants to submit. Mississippi screams, "NOOO!"

After forty-five seconds, Mississippi manages to get up to all fours. Grappler tenaciously holds onto the front face lock. Mississippi's height and weight advantage help him get back to his feet. He backs Grappler into the ropes. Grappler is forced to break the hold. Mississippi backs up only to receive a forearm smash to the side of the head. Grappler applies a side head lock and then hip tosses Mississippi back to the mat. Mississippi locks his arms around Grappler's waist and rolls him over into a pinning predicament. Jackson slides in to make the count ... one ... two! Grappler kicks out and rolls back to his previous position. He complains about a trunk pull. Jackson asks Mississippi. Mississippi denies it. Grappler grinds the headlock. Mississippi rolls him over again. Grappler kicks out at the one count. Grappler starts to complain again, but Mississippi rolls him over. Jackson gets another two count on that one.

Grappler releases the hold. He runs into the side ropes. Mississippi stays flat and Grappler skips over him. Mississippi gets back to his feet. He hip tosses Grappler, but Grappler blocks it. Grappler tries a reverse and Mississippi blocks it. Mississippi reverses it again and manages to get Grappler off his feet. Grappler rolls back to a vertical base. Mississippi backs him into the ropes and whips him across the ring. Grappler ducks a clothesline. He comes off the opposite ropes with a Thesz press that catches Mississippi offguard. Mississippi stumbles and Grappler winds up throatfirst across the top rope. Mississippi falls through the ropes to the floor. Littleton announces, "Five minutes gone. Five minutes remain in this match!"

Grappler climbs out of the ring. Jackson tells him to get back into the ring. Grappler grabs Mississippi and sends him shoulderfirst into the ringpost. Mississippi falls to the floor. Grappler grabs the back of his mask and brings him to his feet and rolls him back into the ring. Jackson warns Grappler about the mask. Grappler climbs onto the ring apron. Mississippi gets to his feet. Grappler runs along the ring apron with a clothesline, but Mississippi ducks it. Grappler stops himself short of the turnbuckle. Mississippi comes from behind and slams his head into the top turnbuckle pad. Mississippi drags Grappler back into the ring and places him in the corner. Mississippi climbs the turnbuckle and lands ten successive right hands to the side of Grappler's head as the crowd counts along. Mississippi steps off the turnbuckle and whips Grappler across the ring. Mississippi charges the corner, but Grappler moves out of the way. Mississippi slams into the turnbuckle and Grappler grabs him from behind with a rolling reverse cradle. Jackson gets down for the count ... one ... Grappler puts his feet on the middle rope ... two ... thr! Jackson sees the feet and stops the count. Grappler thinks he's won, but Jackson says he saw the feet.
Grappler grabs Mississippi in a front face lock again. He places Mississippi's arm around his neck for a suplex, but Mississippi blocks the suplex. Grappler nails him with a right hand to the ribs and goes for the suplex again. Mississippi blocks it again. Mississippi stomps on Grappler's foot and gets him over in a vertical suplex. Littleton announces, "Eight minutes gone. Two minutes remain in this match!"

Mississippi gets back to his feet just before Grappler. Mississippi whips Grappler into the turnbuckle, but Grappler reverses it. Mississippi staggers out of the corner into a belly-to-belly suplex. Grappler applies a front face lock on Mississippi as he gets to his feet. Grappler grabs the arm and turns it into a swinging neckbreaker. Grappler covers Mississippi. Jackson gets down for the count ... one ... two ... three! Jackson calls for the bell. Grappler gets up to celebrate his victory.

Littleton announces, "The winner of the match, in a time of 8:54, is the Grappler!!" The fans boo slightly as Grappler leaves the ring. Mississippi leaves on the other side of the ring to the adoration of the crowd.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Match #3: 'Double A' Arnold Adams def. Jason James (3/9/78)

March 9, 1978
National Guard Armory
Tupelo, MS

A short, slightly balding man climbs into the ring with a microphone. The crowd starts to cheer and get a bit rowdy. He takes his place in the center of the ring and tries to silence the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he says. "Welcome to Mississippi Valley Wrestling. The ONLY wrestling organization with Mississippi roots." The crowd cheers. "Tonight we bring you five matches. Two of which will crown Mississippi State champions. Your referees for the card are Tom Jackson and Marty Gentz."

Another balding man makes his way to the ring. He climbs into the ring and plays to the crowd. From the other side of the arena, a slightly younger man with short black hair and a goatee steps into the ring.

Littleton continues the introduction. "Our opening match tonight is set for one fall with a ten minute time limit. The referee for this match is Marty Gentz. Introducing first, from Tunica, MS, standing 5'9" and weighing 188 pounds, here is 'Double A' Arnold Adams!!!" The crowd cheers lightly.

"His opponent, from Vicksburg, MS, standing 6'1" and weighing 263 pounds, is Jason James!!!" The crowd gives about an equal reaction.

The two wrestlers meet in the center of the ring. Marty goes over the rules of the match. Both men nod. Arnold turned to go back to his corner. Jason nails him from behind with a forearm smash to the back of the head. Marty calls for the bell. Jason backs Arnold into the ropes. He buries a knee into Arnold's chest. Jason whips him across the ring, but Arnold reverses it. Jason runs through Arnold with clothesline. Arnold rolls out of the ring. Jason goes to the ropes, but Marty holds him back.

Arnold climbs back onto the ring apron. Jason pushes Marty out of the way and nails Arnold with another forearm smash. Jason drags him into the ring and backs him into the turnbuckle. He whips Arnold across the ring. Jason follows him with a lariat, but Arnold moves out of the way. Arnold turns him around and chops him across the chest. Arnold brings him out of the corner with an arm wringer. Jason screams as Arnold twists his arm once again. Arnold takes him down with an arm drag. Jason rolls under the bottom rope.

Arnold challenges Jason to come back into the ring. Jason picks up a folding chair from the time keeper's table and tosses it into the ring. Marty kicks it back out of the ring. Jason blocks it and shoves it back into the ring. A large man comes up from Jason's ramp and drags Arnold out of the ring. He picks Arnold up in a gorilla press and drops him on the floor. While Jason and Marty fought over the chair, the large man rolls Arnold back into the ring. Jason tosses the chair back toward the timekeeper's table. The large man leaves the ring area.

Jason climbs back into the ring. Arnold barely makes it to his feet before Jason whips him into the ropes. Jason picks him up and drops him across his knee in an inverted atomic drop (Trojan Horse). Jason climbs on top of Arnold and hooks his leg for the pin. Marty gets down to count. One, two, thr! Arnold manages to kick out at the last split second! Jason slams his hands on the mat in disgust. Jason throws Arnold out of the ring. Jason follows him back out. Jason grabs the chair once again and wraps it around Arnold's head.

Marty calls for the bell. Jason slams Arnold's head into the ringpost. Jason throws him back into the ring and slides the chair back into the ring.

Littleton grabs the microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, in a time of 4:29, as a result of disqualification, is 'Double A' Arnold Adams!!!"

Jason climbs into the ring. The announcement annoys him. He whips Arnold into the turnbuckle and slams into him with a vicious lariat. Arnold crumbles to the mat. Marty steps between the wrestlers, but Jason throws him out of the ring. Two large men walk down the aisle to the ring. Marty climbs onto the ring apron, but they pull him off. Jason unfolds the chair near the turnbuckle. He picks Arnold up and whips him into the ropes. Jason nails him with the inverted atomic drop onto the chair. Jason climbs to the middle turnbuckle and jumps onto Arnold with a flying splash through the chair.

Jason and the two larger men leave the ring area. Marty slides back into the ring and checks on Arnold. The crowd gets really violent towards the three men.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Match #2: MS State Tag Team Title (3/9/78)

NOTE: These first couple of matches are not my best work. However, they are the very beginning matches and therefore don't have too much intensity involved in them. More will come as time progresses.

March 9, 1978
National Guard Armory
Tupelo, MS

Littleton and Jackson are standing in the center of the ring. Two young blondes walk down to the ring with the crowd adoring them. They make it to the ring with a few complications.

From the other side of the arena, two much larger masked men are led to the ring by a shorter man with a chiseled goatee. Once they enter the ring, Littleton begins the announcement.

"The following match is set for one fall with a forty-five minute time limit. It is for the Mississippi State Tag Team Title." The crowd cheers. "The referee for this match is Tom Jackson."

Littleton points to the two blondes. "Introducing first, from Holly Springs, MS, weighing in at a total combined weight of 484 pounds, are Travis and Troy ... the Canby Twins!!!" The crowd cheers ecstatically.

"Their opponents, accompanied to the ring by their manager Jason James, from Mount Olympus, weighing in at a total combined weight of 597 pounds, are the Argonauts!!!" The crowd boos terribly.

The Canbys and the Argonauts face each other in the middle of the ring. The Canbys don't seem intimidated by the much larger Argonauts. Jackson tries to keep order and force two of the men out of the ring. After a moment, Troy and #2 leave the ring. Jackson calls for the bell.

Travis and #1 circle the ring. They lock up. #1 easily shoves Travis into a neutral corner. Jackson calls for a break. #1 backs away, but slams into the corner with a back elbow to Travis' jaw. #1 whips him across the ring. Travis staggers out of the corner into a sidewalk slam. #1 picks him up by the hair. Jackson warns him, but #1 shoves him away. #2 puts his boot over the top rope. #1 slams Travis' head into #2's boot and tags him in.

#2 grabs Travis' head and snaps his neck over the top rope. He grabs Travis into a bear hug and slams him back first into the turnbuckle before rolling him back into the ring. #2 slides into the ring. Travis crawls toward his brother, but #2 stops him with an elbowdrop across the shoulders. #2 powerbombs him to the mat. He reaches out for a tag with #1.

#1 climbs into the ring and they whip Travis into the ropes. Travis ducks a double clothesline. He bounces off the opposite ropes with a flying body press, but the Argonauts catch him and drill him into the mat with a double spinebuster slam. #1 throws him back into the Argonauts' corner. #2 climbs out of the ring as #1 drives his knee into Travis' chest. He whips Travis along the side of the ring. Travis ducks a clothesline from #1, but #2 nails him with a knee to the back. Jackson warns #2 about interfering.

#1 tags #2 as he grabs Travis and presses him over his head. #2 charges Troy with a forearm smash. Troy climbs into the ring. Jackson tries to get him out of the ring. While Jackson is distracted, the Argonauts drill Travis into the mat with a spike piledriver. Both Argonauts stomp away on Travis' chest and stomach. Troy tries to tell Jackson to turn around, but Jackson continues to put him back in his corner. #2 drops a leg across Travis' throat as #1 leaves the ring.

Troy finally leaves the ring as #2 rolls Travis over for a pin. Jackson finally gets into position for a pin count, but only gets a two. #2 whips Travis into the ropes. He goes for a running clothesline, but Travis holds onto the rope and backdrops him over the top rope to the floor. Travis crawls over to his corner and tags in Troy. #2 grabs Travis' leg and drags him out of the ring. #2 whips Travis into the guardrail. Troy climbs the turnbuckle and comes off with a flying dropkick. The Canby Twins slam #2 backfirst into the edge of the ring apron. Troy rolls back into the ring to break Jackson's count at seven.

#2 climbs on the ring apron. Troy dropkicks him in the chin. Troy tries to slingshot #2 over the top rope, but #2 doesn't budge. #2 returns the favor by slingshotting Troy over the top rope. Troy lands on the ring apron, but #2 slams him into the ringpost. Troy falls to the floor. #2 steps through the ropes to break the count at four and drops down to the floor himself. Travis drops to the floor to protect his brother. Jackson tells him to get back in his corner. He also tells #2 and Troy to get back into the ring. #2 slams Troy's head into the ring apron and rolls him into the ring. #2 climbs onto the ring apron and is met with an elbow from Travis. #2 shoves him off the ring apron and steps through the ropes.

Troy runs into the opposite ropes with a flying body press. #2 catches him and drops him across the top rope. Travis tries to reach his brother for a tag, but #2 pulls him away just in time. #2 tags in #1. The Argonauts back Troy into the ropes and whip him across the ring. Troy ducks a double clothesline, but he can't avoid a double kick on the way back. #1 backs Troy into the ropes again as #2 leaves the ring. Jackson calls for a break. #1 releases Troy, backs up a step and charges him with a kneelift. Troy falls out of the ring. #2 goes to climb out of the ring, but Jackson stops him. Jackson backs him into the middle of the ring.

#1 drops off the ring apron with a double axehandle smash across Troy's shoulders. #1 throws him into the guardrail. Travis vehemently protests #1's actions, but #2 knocks Travis off the ring apron with a whirling right fist. Jackson warns #2. Travis slides back into the ring, wanting revenge. Jackson stops him.

#1 rolls Troy into the ring. #2 pulls him up by the hair and whips him into the ropes. #1 climbs into the ring. #2 lifts Troy up into a Hotshot. #1 grabs him in a reverse headlock and drills him to the mat. #2 climbs out of the ring. Jackson finally gets Travis out of the ring. #1 covers Troy. Jackson turns around to see the cover and slides across the ring to make the count. Travis runs across the ring to a neutral corner, jumps to the top rope and comes off with a flying leg drop on #1 as Jackson counts two.

Jackson warns Travis about his interference. He backs him towards the Canbys' corner. #1 picks Troy up in a bear hug. #2 climbs the turnbuckle and comes off with a flying clothesline (Golden Fleece). #1 charges the corner with Jackson and Travis. He flattens both of them with a running clothesline. #1 throws Travis over the top rope to the floor. #2 slams Troy into the middle of the ring. The Argonauts take turns dropping elbows across his chest. Jackson regains his bearings and tells #2 to get out of the ring. #2 complies as #1 makes the cover. Jackson slowly gets down to make the count ..... one ..... two ..... three!!! Jackson calls for the bell.

Littleton grabs the microphone and proclaims to the crowd, "The winners of the match, in a time of 18:29, and NEW Mississippi State Tag Team champions, are the Argonauts!!!"

The crowd boos terribly at the announcement as the Argonauts and Jason celebrate with the belts. Travis rolls back into the ring and nails #2 from behind. Jason grabs him and whips him into the ropes. #2 lifts Travis up in a Hotshot. #1 grabs Travis' head and drives him into the mat with a neck snap.

With both Canby twins lying motionless in the middle of the ring, the Argonauts and Jason leave the ring with the tag team title belts.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Match #1: MS State Heavyweight Title (3/9/78)

March 9, 1978
National Guard Armory
Tupelo, MS

Xavier and Seth come into the ring. Littleton climbs into the ring with the microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, your main event of the evening is upon us," Littleton says. "This match is set for one fall with a sixty-minute time limit. It is for the Mississippi State Heavyweight Title." The crowd cheers. "The referee for this match is Tom Jackson."

"Introducing first, from Oxford, MS, weighing 257 pounds, standing 6'2", here is 'Excellent' Xavier Cross!!" The crowd cheers.

"His opponent, from Starkville, MS, weighing 236 pounds, standing 5'11", is 'Sensational' Seth Greeley!" The crowd cheers again.

Xavier, Seth and Jackson come to the center of the ring. Jackson gives both wrestlers instructions and checks both men for weapons. Finding nothing out of the ordinary, he calls for the bell. The wrestlers lock up. Xavier gains the upperhand and places Seth in a headlock. Seth staggers as Xavier grinds away on the headlock. Jackson checks the hold. Seth pulls Xavier's hair. Jackson makes Seth release his fist. Xavier releases the headlock and kicks Seth in the stomach. Xavier throws him outside the ring. Seth immediately jumps back on the ring apron only to be knocked back off by a running back elbow from Xavier.

Xavier climbs out of the ring. Seth greets him with a fist to the midsection. Seth goes to slam Xavier's head into the guardrail, but Xavier blocks him. Xavier buries a kneelift into Seth's stomach. Jackson tells both wrestlers to get back into the ring. Xavier throws Seth back into the ring. Seth runs into the opposite ropes and nails Xavier with a flying forearm as he climbs onto the ring apron. Seth goes to slingshot himself over the top rope, but Jackson stops him. Seth starts to argue with Jackson. Xavier grabs Seth's ankle and pulls him back out of the ring. Xavier whips him into the guardrail and rolls back into the ring.

Jackson backs Xavier into the middle of the ring as Seth re-enters the ring. The two lock up again. Xavier whips him into the ropes. Seth ducks a clothesline and comes off the ropes with a flying body press. Xavier catches him and drops him across his knee in a backbreaker. Xavier grabs Seth's feet and catapults him into the turnbuckle. Xavier charges the corner, but Seth moves out of the way. Seth hops onto the middle turnbuckle and drives a knee into Xavier' shoulder.

Seth bounces off the ropes with an elbowdrop to the back of Xavier' head. Seth wraps Xavier' arm behind his back in a hammerlock. Seth methodically drops three knees on Xavier' shoulder. Seth then pulls Xavier by the arm to the edge of the ring. He drapes the arm over the bottom rope and drops a leg across his shoulder. Jackson warns him to get back in the ring. Seth brings Xavier back to his feet. Xavier drops to the mat, snapping Seth's arm over the top rope. Xavier buries a shoulder into his midsection and brings him back into the ring.

Xavier whips him across the ring and levels him with a vicious clothesline. Xavier runs into the side ropes. Seth drops flat to the mat. Xavier skips over him. Seth gets to his feet, but Xavier takes him down with a shoulder tackle. Seth tumbles out of the ring. Xavier goes to climb out of hte ring, but Jackson stops him. Seth slides a chair into the ring behind Jackson. Jackson begins to count once Xavier backs away from the ropes. Seth enters the ring at seven.

Seth charges Xavier, but Xavier whips him into the turnbuckle. Seth staggers out and Xavier whips him right into Jackson. Jackson falls out of the ring. Seth grabs the chair. Xavier kicks him in the stomach, causing the chair to fly out of his hand. Xavier whips him into the turnbuckle. Seth hits the mat hard, but he starts to crawl toward the chair. Xavier plants his face on top of the chair with a legdrop. Seth rolls over, busted open. Jackson climbs back into the ring as Xavier kicks the chair out of the ring.

Xavier goes to pick Seth up, but Seth grabs his trunks and tosses him out of the ring. Jackson goes over to check on Seth. Xavier pulls Seth out of the ring by his leg. Xavier grabs him in a bear hug and drives him backfirst into the edge of the ring. Xavier rolls him into the ring and climbs in immediately after. He lifts Seth up into a suplex, bounces him off the top rope and drill him into the mat with a powerslam. He hooks the leg and Jackson gets down to count ... one ... two ... three!

Littleton grabs the microphone and announces to the crowd, "The winner of the match, in a time of 7:39, and NEW Mississippi State Heavyweight Champion is 'Excellent' Xavier Cross!" The crowd cheers loudly.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Welcome to Mississippi Valley Wrestling!!

As a lifelong fan of professional wrestling, I've always enjoyed the thrill and excitement of what professional wrestling has always stood for. Unfortunately, that has gone by the wayside with WWE and TNA. It's now more entertainment than sport.

I've created this place as an outlet for my passion for professional wrestling and roleplaying skills. The idea behind MVW came to me one day while watching old tapes of "The Legends of World Class Championship Wrestling." I thought, "What a great way to keep with wrestling but not have to deal with the constant demands of weekly cards, minimum roleplay submissions, etc.

The MVW is a wrestling organization started in Tupelo, Mississippi on March 9, 1978. It spread all along the Mississippi River, breaking into a Headwaters District (Iowa & Minnesota) and Delta District (Louisiana). It's final card was held March 9, 2008, in Tupelo, Mississippi, on the thirtieth anniversary of the original card.

This blog will consider matches from all over the time period as I see fit to write them. The first few will establish the original twelve wrestlers in the MVW and then proceed into some of the major feuds that happened in its thirty-year history.

The wrestler makeup of this organization has twelve "real" wrestlers and more than seventy original wrestlers. The twelve "real" wrestlers have been taken from the regional days of wrestling, mostly those who disappeared after a while on the local scene in Memphis, Dallas, Tulsa or Minnesota. These twelve are: Iceman King Parsons, Eli the Eliminator, Savannah Jack, Paul Diamond, Pat Tanaka, Dirty White Boy, Al Madril, Lash LeRoux, 'Mr. Electricity' Steve Regal, J.C. Ice, Wolfie D and Handsome Lance (von Erich).

I hope you enjoy this excursion into the mind of an avid fan of old school professional wrestling.