Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Nepotism in the MVW

Nepotism is nothing new to the world of professional wrestling. If you look at the WWE, there were the title reigns of Shane and Stephanie McMahon. There was also the great push for the Rock because of his father-in-law Rocky Johnson and grandfather Peter Maivia. In Memphis, there was the great push of Jeff Jarrett because his father and grandfather ran the CWA/USWA promotion for decades. Jerry Lawler got into it and his son, Brian (Christopher) Lawler, became the recipient of an instant push. In Texas, there were the Von Erichs.

In the MVW, there’s the Adams Army. Three generations of wrestlers that were always in the best positions for title shots. However, the wrestlers with the last name Adams are only the tip of the iceberg. Of the 138 wrestlers who received at least a short-term contract with the organization, fully one-third of them show up in the descendant list of one couple—Claude and Marguerite Thorson. Not only Terry ‘Thunder’ Thorson, but also such stars as the Adams Army, Ghetto Gang, Deliverance, Kentucky Headhunter, Jason James, Norsemen and all four Mr. Mississippi’s. For the MVW it was definitely all in the family as far as keeping the wrestling organization alive.