March 16, 1978
National Guard Armory
Tupelo, MS
Mississippi State Tag Team Title
Argonauts (C) vs Canby Twins
Littleton climbs back into the ring. Jackson leaves the ring and Gentz takes his place. Littleton picks up the microphone and begins the announcement. “Ladies and gentlemen, we have come to the first of the two main events tonight!!” The crowd cheers. “This match is set for one fall with a forty-five minute time limit. The referee for this match is Marty Gentz.”
Two young blondes walk down the aisle. The crowds cheer greatly.
Littleton continues, “Introducing first, the challengers, from Holly Springs, weighing a combined 484 pounds, are Troy and Travis … the Canby Twins!!” The crowd continues to cheer.
Two large masked men flank Jason James as he leads them to the ring. The Mississippi State Tag Team Title belts are wrapped around their waists. They climb onto the ring apron and the crowd boos horribly.
Littleton continues, “Their opponents, accompanied to the ring by Jason James, from Mount Olympus, weighing a combined 597 pounds, are the Mississippi State Tag Team champions … the Argonauts!!!”
Travis climbs out of the ring as does #2. Gentz shows the belts to the challengers and then to the crowd on each side of the ring. He hands the belts to Littleton outside the ring and calls for the bell. Troy and #1 circle each other. Troy goes to lock up, but #1 pounds on him with a forearm smash. #1 picks Troy up in a military press and drops him facefirst on the mat. He nails Travis with an elbowsmash. Travis falls off the ring apron. Travis slides into the ring. He charges #1, but Gentz cuts him off.
#2 steps over the top rope. The Argonauts pick Troy up in a double suplex. Travis motions for Gentz to turn around. Jason grabs one of the title belts and tosses it into #2. Travis points adamantly as Gentz finally gets him backed into his corner. #1 holds Troy up. #2 charges with the title belt, but he hits his partner instead. #1 falls out of the ring. Travis steps out of the ring. Troy kicks #2 in the stomach. He grabs the title belt. Gentz grabs the belt away from Troy.
Troy bounces off the side ropes and nails #2 with a forearm smash. #2 bounces off the ropes and shoves Troy out of the ring. Travis jumps onto the turnbuckle and nails #2 from behind with a flying dropkick. #2 tumbles over the top rope. #1 climbs onto the ring apron. Travis nails #1 with a flying forearm. The crowd gets into a frenzied “Canby” cheer. Gentz tells Travis to get out of the ring. #2 grabs Troy on the outside of the ring and slams his head into the ringpost. #2 climbs into the ring as Travis and Gentz argue. #2 kicks Travis in the ribs. Gentz gets thrown through the ropes with the impact. #2 signals for #1 to take care of Troy. #2 backs Travis into the ropes and whips him across the ring. #2 nearly decapitates Travis with a jumping clothesline. #1 picks Troy up. Jason grabs a chair from under a ringside fan. #1 whips Troy towards Jason, who wraps the chair around Troy’s head.
Gentz crawls back into the ring. #2 grabs Travis’ legs and catapults him into the nearest turnbuckle. #2 rolls to his knees and takes up a three-point stance. He charges the corner with a running clothesline, but Travis moves out of the way. #2 slams into the turnbuckle. #1 climbs onto the ring apron. Gentz comes over and warns Jason to back away from Troy. Travis kicks #2 in the back of his left knee six times in quick succession. #2 drops to his knees in the corner. Travis runs into the opposite ropes. He dropkicks #2 in the kidney region. Troy gets to his feet and limps along the ring apron towards his corner. Gentz turns his attention to the wrestlers in the ring. Travis brings #2 back up to his feet and whips him into the ropes. #1 makes a blind tag.
#2 comes off with a clothesline, but Travis ducks. #1 comes into the ring as Travis turns around. #2 runs into Travis with a shoulderblock. #1 nails him from behind with a vicious lariat. Troy finally gets around to his corner. As Gentz is getting #2 out of the ring, Jason comes around the ring and grabs Troy’s foot. Troy falls off the ring apron and hits his jaw. #1 bounces off the side ropes and drives a vicious knee into Travis’ ribs. Gentz warns Jason back to his side of the ring. #1 waits for Travis to get to his feet. #1 catches Travis with a belly-to-belly suplex. #1 tags in #2.
#2 steps over the top rope into the ring while #1 steps over the top rope out of the ring. #2 drives an elbow into Travis’ ribs. The crowd starts to chant for Travis. #2 signals for the Juggernaut. He puts Travis against the turnbuckle. #2 applies a side headlock. He rushes out of the corner, but Travis holds onto the ropes. The crowd chants louder for Travis. Travis drops to his knees and starts to crawl towards his corner. Halfway to the corner, #2 kicks Travis in the shoulder. Travis falls out of the ring. #2 plays to the crowd. They boo the tag team champions.
Troy hops off the ring apron and helps his brother back up to his feet. Gentz backs #2 into the middle of the ring. Troy gets Travis up to his feet against the ring apron. Troy and Travis trade places. #2 kicks Travis in the head. Travis drops to the floor. #2 grabs Troy by the hair and picks him up onto the ring apron. #2 picks him up in a vertical suplex. Troy holds onto the top rope. #2 loses his balance. Troy falls on top of him. Gentz gets down for a count, but #2 kicks out before one.
Troy rolls back to his feet. He waits for #2 to get to his feet. Troy dropkicks him over the top rope. #2 lands on his feet on the concrete floor. Troy slingshots over the top rope with a flying cross body. #2 catches him and drives him backfirst into the ringpost. Travis comes off the ring apron with a running shoulder block. #2 lands at the feet of the front row fans. The Canby Twins roll off #2. #1 drops off the ring apron and walks towards his partner. The Canby Twins slide into the ring. #1 helps #2 to his feet. Gentz tells #1 to get back into his corner. He turns around to separate the Canby Twins.
#1 rolls into the ring. The fans try to tell Gentz about the switch, but he’s too busy with the Canby Twins. Travis climbs out of the ring. #1 nails Troy with a forearm smash across the back. He backs him into the ropes and whips him across the ring. #1 drops him with a powerful shoulder block. #1 goes to the side ropes. Troy drops to his stomach. #1 skips over. Troy gets back to his feet. He goes for a hip toss, but #1 blocks it. #1 drives a knee into Troy’s ribs. He picks him up in a fireman’s carry. #1 drives Troy into the mat with a Samoan Drop. Troy rolls onto his side, holding his stomach.
#1 charges the Canbys’ corner and knocks Travis off the ring apron with a forearm smash. Troy rolls to his knees. #1 drops an elbow across Troy’s shoulders. #1 drags Troy by the arms to the Argonaut corner. #1 tags in #2. #1 whips Troy into the ropes. #2 steps into the ring. #1 stretches Troy over his knee with a backbreaker. #2 runs into the opposite ropes and comes off with a vicious leg drop. #2 plays to the crowd. The crowd boos terribly. Travis climbs onto the ring apron. #1 steps out of the ring. #2 picks Troy up by his trunks and drapes him across the middle rope. #2 gestures towards Travis. Travis steps through the ropes. Gentz cuts him off. #1 drapes his leg across Troy’s throat. #2 continues to goad Travis on the other side of the ring. #1 picks Troy up by the hair and snaps his neck across the top rope. Troy bounces backwards. #2 catches him and drills him into the mat with the Juggernaut (bulldog). #2 rolls Troy over and goes for the pin. Travis refuses to get out of the ring. #2 slams his hand on the mat.
#2 pulls Troy up by the hair. He tags in #1. #1 climbs the turnbuckle. #2 picks Troy up in a suplex. #1 flies off the turnbuckle with a flying cross body. #2 climbs out of the ring as #1 hooks the leg. Gentz gets down to count … one … two … Travis dives onto #1 with an elbowdrop! #1 punches Travis in the stomach and then throws him out of the ring on the opposite side.
#1 drops another elbow across Troy’s prone body. #1 drags him over to the Argonauts’ corner. #1 tags in #2. #2 climbs the turnbuckle. #1 picks Troy up in a bear hug. #2 comes off with a flying clothesline. Travis climbs onto the ring apron. #1 grabs him by the hair and slams his head into the ringpost. #2 covers Troy. Gentz gets down to count … one … two … three!!
Littleton picks up the microphone. “The winners of the match, in a time of 21:03, and STILL Mississippi State Tag Team champions … the Argonauts!!!”
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Match: Jason James vs 'Double A' Arnold Adams (3/16/78)
March 16, 1978
National Guard Armory
Tupelo, MS
Jason James vs ‘Double A’ Arnold Adams
Littleton climbs back into the ring. Jackson remains in the ring. Littleton begins the next introduction. “The following contest is set for one fall with a ten-minute time limit. The referee for this match is Tom Jackson.”
A man with short black hair and a goatee walks down the aisle to the vicious boos of the crowd. He starts to pick a fight with a few of the ringside fans as he comes to the ring.
“Introducing first,” Littleton continues, “from Vicksburg, weighing 263 pounds, here is Jason James!!” The crowd boos horribly.
From the other side of the arena, a balding man makes his way to the ring. The crowd begins to cheer greatly. He signs a few programs on his way up the aisle. He stops when he sees Jason in the ring. He gives back the program he just signed and rushed into the ring. He and Jason begin brawling with each other. Jackson tries to separate them, but he ends up being knocked out of the way by an errant punch.
Littleton climbs out of the ring. He continues the introduction, “His opponent, from Tunica, weighing 188 pounds, is ‘Double A’ Arnold Adams!!”
Jackson gets to his feet and calls for the bell as Jason and Arnold fall through the ropes out of the ring. Arnold lands on top of Jason on the concrete floor. Arnold gets to his feet. Jackson climbs out of the ring and tells Arnold to get into the ring. Arnold picks Jason up by the hair and rolls him into the ring. The crowd starts to chant “Double A”. Jason climbs onto the ring apron. Arnold nails him with a forearm smash. Arnold goes for a suplex, but Jason blocks it. Jason goes for a suplex to the concrete floor, but Arnold blocks it. Arnold drives a kneelift into Jason’s ribs. He picks him up in a high vertical suplex. Arnold drops him onto the mat in the middle of the ring.
Arnold rolls Jason onto his stomach and drives a knee into Jason’s right shoulder. Arnold bounces off the side ropes with an elbowdrop onto Jason’s right shoulder. Arnold applies an armbar. Jason fights to his feet. Jason tosses Arnold across the ring with an arm drag. Arnold rolls right to his feet in the corner. Jason charges him, but Arnold takes him down with a short clothesline. Arnold grabs Jason’s legs and catapults him into the turnbuckle.
Arnold charges the corner, but Jason nails him with a back elbow. Jason climbs onto the middle turnbuckle and comes off with a flying back elbow. Jason bounces off the near ropes and drills a knee into the side of Arnold’s head. Jason picks Arnold up and backs him into the ropes. Jason whips him across the ring. Arnold ducks a clothesline. Jason turns around. Arnold comes off with a high cross body, but Jason ducks and counters it with a backdrop. Jason waits for Arnold to get to his feet and nails him with the Trojan Horse (inverted atomic drop). Jason takes Arnold down with a double leg hook and flips into a pinning predicament. Jackson gets down to count … one … two … three!!
Littleton announces, “The winner of the match, in a time of 3:02, is Jason James!!”
The crowd boos violently. Jason celebrates in the ring, but the crowd continues to boo.
National Guard Armory
Tupelo, MS
Jason James vs ‘Double A’ Arnold Adams
Littleton climbs back into the ring. Jackson remains in the ring. Littleton begins the next introduction. “The following contest is set for one fall with a ten-minute time limit. The referee for this match is Tom Jackson.”
A man with short black hair and a goatee walks down the aisle to the vicious boos of the crowd. He starts to pick a fight with a few of the ringside fans as he comes to the ring.
“Introducing first,” Littleton continues, “from Vicksburg, weighing 263 pounds, here is Jason James!!” The crowd boos horribly.
From the other side of the arena, a balding man makes his way to the ring. The crowd begins to cheer greatly. He signs a few programs on his way up the aisle. He stops when he sees Jason in the ring. He gives back the program he just signed and rushed into the ring. He and Jason begin brawling with each other. Jackson tries to separate them, but he ends up being knocked out of the way by an errant punch.
Littleton climbs out of the ring. He continues the introduction, “His opponent, from Tunica, weighing 188 pounds, is ‘Double A’ Arnold Adams!!”
Jackson gets to his feet and calls for the bell as Jason and Arnold fall through the ropes out of the ring. Arnold lands on top of Jason on the concrete floor. Arnold gets to his feet. Jackson climbs out of the ring and tells Arnold to get into the ring. Arnold picks Jason up by the hair and rolls him into the ring. The crowd starts to chant “Double A”. Jason climbs onto the ring apron. Arnold nails him with a forearm smash. Arnold goes for a suplex, but Jason blocks it. Jason goes for a suplex to the concrete floor, but Arnold blocks it. Arnold drives a kneelift into Jason’s ribs. He picks him up in a high vertical suplex. Arnold drops him onto the mat in the middle of the ring.
Arnold rolls Jason onto his stomach and drives a knee into Jason’s right shoulder. Arnold bounces off the side ropes with an elbowdrop onto Jason’s right shoulder. Arnold applies an armbar. Jason fights to his feet. Jason tosses Arnold across the ring with an arm drag. Arnold rolls right to his feet in the corner. Jason charges him, but Arnold takes him down with a short clothesline. Arnold grabs Jason’s legs and catapults him into the turnbuckle.
Arnold charges the corner, but Jason nails him with a back elbow. Jason climbs onto the middle turnbuckle and comes off with a flying back elbow. Jason bounces off the near ropes and drills a knee into the side of Arnold’s head. Jason picks Arnold up and backs him into the ropes. Jason whips him across the ring. Arnold ducks a clothesline. Jason turns around. Arnold comes off with a high cross body, but Jason ducks and counters it with a backdrop. Jason waits for Arnold to get to his feet and nails him with the Trojan Horse (inverted atomic drop). Jason takes Arnold down with a double leg hook and flips into a pinning predicament. Jackson gets down to count … one … two … three!!
Littleton announces, “The winner of the match, in a time of 3:02, is Jason James!!”
The crowd boos violently. Jason celebrates in the ring, but the crowd continues to boo.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Match: Mr. Tennessee vs Grappler (3/16/78)
March 16, 1978
National Guard Armory
Tupelo, MS
Mr. Tennessee vs Grappler
Littleton stays in the ring. Gentz climbs out of the ring to be replaced by Jackson. Littleton puts the microphone to his mouth. “The following contest is set for one fall with a ten minute time limit. The referee for the match is Tom Jackson.”
Another masked wrestler walks down the aisle. He’s dressed in blue tights and a red mask with the outline of the state of Tennessee on the side.
Littleton continues, “Introducing first, from Nashville, weighing 274 pounds, is Mr. Tennessee!!” The crowds boo horribly. Tennessee climbs into the ring. The crowd continues to boo. He shouts, “Shut your stupid, inbred Mississippi mouths!!” The crowd booed even louder.
Another masked wrestler walks down the aisle. He’s dressed in all white from head to toe. The crowd cheers greatly. He climbs onto the ring apron.
Littleton continues, “His opponent, from Starkville, weighing 235 pounds, is the Grappler!!” Several fans clamor for an autograph from Grappler as he stands on the ring apron and plays to the crowd. Tennessee covers his ears to the deafening “Grappler” chants.
Grappler climbs into the ring. Both masked wrestlers come to the middle of the ring. Jackson reminds them of the match rules. He calls for the bell. Tennessee nails Grappler with a forearm smash to the back of the head as Grappler turns to sign one last autograph. Tennessee grabs Grappler by the back of the mask and slams his head into the turnbuckle four times. Jackson tells Tennessee to get out of the corner. Tennessee whips Grappler across the ring. Tennessee charges the corner, but Grappler moves out of the way.
Grappler snap mares Tennessee and wrenches back with a reverse chinlock. Tennessee cries out in pain. Jackson asks if he’d like to submit, but Tennessee refuses. Grappler releases the chinlock and bounces off the side ropes with a rolling neck snap. Tennessee’s head slams backwards violently against the mat. Grappler plays to the crowd as Tennessee tries to clear the cobwebs out of his head. Tennessee comes at him with a double axehandle, but Grappler ducks and cinches him in a waistlock from behind. Grappler takes him over with a German suplex. Grappler gets to his feet first. As Tennessee straightens up, Grappler hooks him up for a vertical suplex. Tennessee blocks it. Grappler wrenches on Tennessee’s neck. Grappler takes him down with a swinging neckbreaker.
Grappler gets back to his feet and bounces off the side ropes with an elbowdrop across Tennessee’s chest. Grappler then grabs Tennessee’s right leg and applies a toehold. Tennessee rolls him up with an inside cradle, but they are in the ropes. Tennessee rolls out of the ring. Grappler starts to go after him, but Jackson stops him. Grappler backs into the middle of the ring. Jackson administers the count. Tennessee paces outside the ring, trying to work out a kink in his neck. He finally climbs onto the ring apron when Jackson’s count gets to eight. He complains to Jackson about a mask pull, but Jackson’s not buying it.
Grappler comes over. Tennessee swings a wild right hand that Grappler ducks. Grappler tries to slingshot Tennessee into the ring, but Tennessee snaps his neck over the top rope. The crowd begins to boo heavily.
Tennessee pulls Grappler out of the ring by his feet. Jackson climbs out onto the ring apron. Tennessee slams Grappler’s head into the ringpost. Jackson tells him to get back into the ring. Tennessee drags Grappler around the corner and rolls him into the ring. He grabs a chair from ringside. Jackson comes up behind him and tries to yank it away from him. Tennessee shoves Jackson out of the way. Grappler gets to his feet as Tennessee slides into the ring with the chair. Jackson slides into the ring after him. Tennessee goes to hit Grappler with the chair, but Jackson grabs it again. As Tennessee and Jackson fight over the chair, Grappler rolls him up from behind with a rolling reverse cradle. Tennessee lets go of the chair. Jackson slides in for a count … one … two … three!!
Littleton grabs the microphone. “The winner of the match, in a time of 2:57, is the Grappler!!” The crowd cheers with the announcement. Grappler rolls out of the ring. Jackson climbs out with him. As Jackson raises Grappler’s hand in victory, Tennessee grabs the chair again and swings at both of them from the ring. Grappler leaves through the adoring crowd. Jackson braves the ring apron against the irate Mr. Tennessee.
National Guard Armory
Tupelo, MS
Mr. Tennessee vs Grappler
Littleton stays in the ring. Gentz climbs out of the ring to be replaced by Jackson. Littleton puts the microphone to his mouth. “The following contest is set for one fall with a ten minute time limit. The referee for the match is Tom Jackson.”
Another masked wrestler walks down the aisle. He’s dressed in blue tights and a red mask with the outline of the state of Tennessee on the side.
Littleton continues, “Introducing first, from Nashville, weighing 274 pounds, is Mr. Tennessee!!” The crowds boo horribly. Tennessee climbs into the ring. The crowd continues to boo. He shouts, “Shut your stupid, inbred Mississippi mouths!!” The crowd booed even louder.
Another masked wrestler walks down the aisle. He’s dressed in all white from head to toe. The crowd cheers greatly. He climbs onto the ring apron.
Littleton continues, “His opponent, from Starkville, weighing 235 pounds, is the Grappler!!” Several fans clamor for an autograph from Grappler as he stands on the ring apron and plays to the crowd. Tennessee covers his ears to the deafening “Grappler” chants.
Grappler climbs into the ring. Both masked wrestlers come to the middle of the ring. Jackson reminds them of the match rules. He calls for the bell. Tennessee nails Grappler with a forearm smash to the back of the head as Grappler turns to sign one last autograph. Tennessee grabs Grappler by the back of the mask and slams his head into the turnbuckle four times. Jackson tells Tennessee to get out of the corner. Tennessee whips Grappler across the ring. Tennessee charges the corner, but Grappler moves out of the way.
Grappler snap mares Tennessee and wrenches back with a reverse chinlock. Tennessee cries out in pain. Jackson asks if he’d like to submit, but Tennessee refuses. Grappler releases the chinlock and bounces off the side ropes with a rolling neck snap. Tennessee’s head slams backwards violently against the mat. Grappler plays to the crowd as Tennessee tries to clear the cobwebs out of his head. Tennessee comes at him with a double axehandle, but Grappler ducks and cinches him in a waistlock from behind. Grappler takes him over with a German suplex. Grappler gets to his feet first. As Tennessee straightens up, Grappler hooks him up for a vertical suplex. Tennessee blocks it. Grappler wrenches on Tennessee’s neck. Grappler takes him down with a swinging neckbreaker.
Grappler gets back to his feet and bounces off the side ropes with an elbowdrop across Tennessee’s chest. Grappler then grabs Tennessee’s right leg and applies a toehold. Tennessee rolls him up with an inside cradle, but they are in the ropes. Tennessee rolls out of the ring. Grappler starts to go after him, but Jackson stops him. Grappler backs into the middle of the ring. Jackson administers the count. Tennessee paces outside the ring, trying to work out a kink in his neck. He finally climbs onto the ring apron when Jackson’s count gets to eight. He complains to Jackson about a mask pull, but Jackson’s not buying it.
Grappler comes over. Tennessee swings a wild right hand that Grappler ducks. Grappler tries to slingshot Tennessee into the ring, but Tennessee snaps his neck over the top rope. The crowd begins to boo heavily.
Tennessee pulls Grappler out of the ring by his feet. Jackson climbs out onto the ring apron. Tennessee slams Grappler’s head into the ringpost. Jackson tells him to get back into the ring. Tennessee drags Grappler around the corner and rolls him into the ring. He grabs a chair from ringside. Jackson comes up behind him and tries to yank it away from him. Tennessee shoves Jackson out of the way. Grappler gets to his feet as Tennessee slides into the ring with the chair. Jackson slides into the ring after him. Tennessee goes to hit Grappler with the chair, but Jackson grabs it again. As Tennessee and Jackson fight over the chair, Grappler rolls him up from behind with a rolling reverse cradle. Tennessee lets go of the chair. Jackson slides in for a count … one … two … three!!
Littleton grabs the microphone. “The winner of the match, in a time of 2:57, is the Grappler!!” The crowd cheers with the announcement. Grappler rolls out of the ring. Jackson climbs out with him. As Jackson raises Grappler’s hand in victory, Tennessee grabs the chair again and swings at both of them from the ring. Grappler leaves through the adoring crowd. Jackson braves the ring apron against the irate Mr. Tennessee.
Match: Mr. Mississippi vs Al Madril (3/16/78)
March 16, 1978
National Guard Armory
Tupelo, MS
Mr. Mississippi vs Al Madril
Littleton and Gentz climb into the ring. Littleton puts the microphone to his mouth. “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Mississippi Valley Wrestling. This is your local Thursday evening wrestling event here in Tupelo.” The crowd cheers.
Littleton continues, “Tonight we bring you five matches, including rematches for the Mississippi State Tag Team and Heavyweight Titles.” The crowd cheers again. “The referees for this evening are Marty Gentz and Tom Jackson.”
A masked wrestler dressed in black with a portrait of the state of Mississippi along the sides of the mask walks down the aisle towards the ring. The crowd cheers greatly. Littleton continues, “Our first match this evening is set for one fall with a ten-minute time limit. The referee for this match is Marty Gentz. Introducing first, from Jackson, MS, weighing 258 pounds, is Mr. Mississippi!!!”
Mississippi climbs into the ring. Several fans come to one of the corners to have their programs autographed. Mississippi graciously obliges them. Al Madril walks down to the ring after him.
Littleton continues the introduction. “His opponent, from San Bernandino, CA, weighing 231 pounds, is Al Madril!!”
Al climbs into the ring. He’s greeted warmly by the same autograph-seeking fans. Al signs a few of them as Littleton climbs out of the ring. Gentz calls both men into the middle of the ring. Both men stop autographing programs and come to the center. Gentz goes over the match rules and calls for the bell.
Al and Mississippi circle each other. They lock up. Mississippi gains the advantage with a side headlock. Al picks Mississippi up, but Mississippi is able to maintain control. Al manages to push Mississippi into the ropes. Gentz calls for a break. Mississippi releases the headlock. Al backs away into the middle of the ring.
They lock up. Al takes Mississippi down with an arm drag. Al tries to hold onto an armbar, but Mississippi rolls back to his feet. Mississippi backs Al into the ropes and whips him across the ring. Mississippi goes for an arm drag off the ropes, but Al blocks it. Al goes for an arm drag of his own, but Mississippi blocks it. Al catches him with a kneelift into the stomach and takes him over in a fireman’s carry. Al applies a short arm scissors. Mississippi gets his feet on the bottom rope. Gentz calls for a break.
Al gets back to his feet. When Mississippi gets up, Al whips him across the ring into the turnbuckle. Al rushes the corner, but Mississippi moves out of the way. Al stops himself short of the turnbuckle. Mississippi rolls him up with a rolling reverse cradle. Al kicks out before Gentz can get into position. Al rolls back to his feet. Mississippi catches him with an arm drag. Al rolls to the opposite corner. Mississippi charges the corner with a vicious lariat. Al slumps in the corner.
Mississippi pulls Al out of the corner by his feet. Mississippi goes for a spinning toe hold, but Al kicks him off. Mississippi catches himself in the opposite corner. Al gets to his feet just in time to be taken down by a leg sweep. Mississippi grabs Al’s arm and pins it to the mat. Mississippi drops a knee onto Al’s elbow. Mississippi applies an armbar. Al rolls back to his knees. Mississippi steps over with a modified arm wringer and drives Al’s face into the mat again. Mississippi releases the armbar. Al gets back to all fours. Mississippi bounces off the near ropes with a legdrop on top of Al’s left shoulder.
Al rolls out of the ring. Mississippi climbs out after him. Al walks around the corner and rolls back into the ring. Mississippi climbs onto the ring apron. Al nails him with an elbowsmash to the face. Mississippi falls off the ring apron. Al backs into the middle of the ring. Mississippi rolls back into the ring. Al grabs him as he gets to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Al telegraphs a backdrop. Mississippi leapfrogs over it. When Al turns around, Mississippi rolls him up in an inside cradle. Gentz counts … one … two … Al reverses it! Gentz moves to count … one … two … Mississippi reverses it! Gentz gets down to count … one … two … Al kicks out!
Mississippi rolls back to his feet. Al gets to his feet, but Mississippi kicks him in the midsection. Mississippi tucks Al’s head between his legs and hooks both of Al’s arms. Mississippi drives Al’s head into the mat with the Mississippi Mud Pie. Mississippi rolls Al over and covers him … one … two … three!
Littleton climbs into the ring. Mississippi gets up as Gentz raises his arm. Littleton announces, “The winner of the match, in a time of 4:22, is Mr. Mississippi!!!” The crowd cheers.
Mississippi climbs out of the ring and is swamped with more autograph-seeking fans. Gentz checks on Al, who shoves him away. Al glares at Mississippi and slams his fists on the mat before getting up and leaving the ring himself.
National Guard Armory
Tupelo, MS
Mr. Mississippi vs Al Madril
Littleton and Gentz climb into the ring. Littleton puts the microphone to his mouth. “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Mississippi Valley Wrestling. This is your local Thursday evening wrestling event here in Tupelo.” The crowd cheers.
Littleton continues, “Tonight we bring you five matches, including rematches for the Mississippi State Tag Team and Heavyweight Titles.” The crowd cheers again. “The referees for this evening are Marty Gentz and Tom Jackson.”
A masked wrestler dressed in black with a portrait of the state of Mississippi along the sides of the mask walks down the aisle towards the ring. The crowd cheers greatly. Littleton continues, “Our first match this evening is set for one fall with a ten-minute time limit. The referee for this match is Marty Gentz. Introducing first, from Jackson, MS, weighing 258 pounds, is Mr. Mississippi!!!”
Mississippi climbs into the ring. Several fans come to one of the corners to have their programs autographed. Mississippi graciously obliges them. Al Madril walks down to the ring after him.
Littleton continues the introduction. “His opponent, from San Bernandino, CA, weighing 231 pounds, is Al Madril!!”
Al climbs into the ring. He’s greeted warmly by the same autograph-seeking fans. Al signs a few of them as Littleton climbs out of the ring. Gentz calls both men into the middle of the ring. Both men stop autographing programs and come to the center. Gentz goes over the match rules and calls for the bell.
Al and Mississippi circle each other. They lock up. Mississippi gains the advantage with a side headlock. Al picks Mississippi up, but Mississippi is able to maintain control. Al manages to push Mississippi into the ropes. Gentz calls for a break. Mississippi releases the headlock. Al backs away into the middle of the ring.
They lock up. Al takes Mississippi down with an arm drag. Al tries to hold onto an armbar, but Mississippi rolls back to his feet. Mississippi backs Al into the ropes and whips him across the ring. Mississippi goes for an arm drag off the ropes, but Al blocks it. Al goes for an arm drag of his own, but Mississippi blocks it. Al catches him with a kneelift into the stomach and takes him over in a fireman’s carry. Al applies a short arm scissors. Mississippi gets his feet on the bottom rope. Gentz calls for a break.
Al gets back to his feet. When Mississippi gets up, Al whips him across the ring into the turnbuckle. Al rushes the corner, but Mississippi moves out of the way. Al stops himself short of the turnbuckle. Mississippi rolls him up with a rolling reverse cradle. Al kicks out before Gentz can get into position. Al rolls back to his feet. Mississippi catches him with an arm drag. Al rolls to the opposite corner. Mississippi charges the corner with a vicious lariat. Al slumps in the corner.
Mississippi pulls Al out of the corner by his feet. Mississippi goes for a spinning toe hold, but Al kicks him off. Mississippi catches himself in the opposite corner. Al gets to his feet just in time to be taken down by a leg sweep. Mississippi grabs Al’s arm and pins it to the mat. Mississippi drops a knee onto Al’s elbow. Mississippi applies an armbar. Al rolls back to his knees. Mississippi steps over with a modified arm wringer and drives Al’s face into the mat again. Mississippi releases the armbar. Al gets back to all fours. Mississippi bounces off the near ropes with a legdrop on top of Al’s left shoulder.
Al rolls out of the ring. Mississippi climbs out after him. Al walks around the corner and rolls back into the ring. Mississippi climbs onto the ring apron. Al nails him with an elbowsmash to the face. Mississippi falls off the ring apron. Al backs into the middle of the ring. Mississippi rolls back into the ring. Al grabs him as he gets to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Al telegraphs a backdrop. Mississippi leapfrogs over it. When Al turns around, Mississippi rolls him up in an inside cradle. Gentz counts … one … two … Al reverses it! Gentz moves to count … one … two … Mississippi reverses it! Gentz gets down to count … one … two … Al kicks out!
Mississippi rolls back to his feet. Al gets to his feet, but Mississippi kicks him in the midsection. Mississippi tucks Al’s head between his legs and hooks both of Al’s arms. Mississippi drives Al’s head into the mat with the Mississippi Mud Pie. Mississippi rolls Al over and covers him … one … two … three!
Littleton climbs into the ring. Mississippi gets up as Gentz raises his arm. Littleton announces, “The winner of the match, in a time of 4:22, is Mr. Mississippi!!!” The crowd cheers.
Mississippi climbs out of the ring and is swamped with more autograph-seeking fans. Gentz checks on Al, who shoves him away. Al glares at Mississippi and slams his fists on the mat before getting up and leaving the ring himself.
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