Friday, December 10, 2010

Blog Moving

For those who have been following, Mississippi Valley Wrestling is moving!! To make it more readable and understandable, I'm moving everything over to wikia. I've almost gotten the entire blog over to the wiki now. The results for 1979-1981 still need to be moved, but everything else is there.

You can find it at

Monday, November 15, 2010

Wrestler: Black Wolf

Wrestler Name: Black Wolf
Real Name: Gordon Chacko
Birthday: August 21, 1958
Hometown: Backwoods
Marital Status: Single
Alignment: Face
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 264
Theme Music: "Werewolves of London" by Warren Zevon
Debut: March 22, 1979
Debut Opp: Arnold Adams/Steve Regal/Al Madril
Last Match: April 5, 1981
Last Opp: J.T. Green
PriDistrict: Delta
Style: Top Notch Brawler
Finishing Move: Blackout (cobra clutch)
Image: Junk Yard Dog

His Story:

Gordon was born on August 21, 1958, to Reuben and Edra (Geckles) Chacko, in Cincinnati, OH. Reuben was a barge worker on the Ohio River. Edra taught Kindergarten at Frederick Douglass Elementary School. Gordon is the fourth of seven children. His three older siblings were a set of triplets. He grew up to play football for Walnut Hills High School as a cornerback and wide receiver. As a junior, he received scholarship offers from Miami University of Ohio, Mississippi State, Ohio State University and University of Louisville. After great deliberation (and several fist fights with his father and stepfather), he decided to get as far away from Cincinnati as he could. He took the scholarship to Mississippi State University. He graduated from Walnut Hills in 1976.

While at MSU, he was grouped with Lewis Tacey, Lester Paolini and Brent Cobain as his roommates. Brent left after their freshman year when he got married. The closeness of the four athletes allowed them to be brought into the MVW. They came into the ring as the masked Wolf Pack. All four wore black suits with their particular color down the sides of their mask and suit. Despite having a full scholarship, Gordon convinced them to take the job for “party money”. Gordon graduated from Mississippi State in December 1980.

The refusal of the MVW to give him a title shot outside of his two-and-a-half month Mississippi State Heavyweight Title reign. He begrudged having to share title reigns in the Tag Team and Six-Man Division with his roommates. April 5, 1981 was the last straw. Gordon was jobbed again to J.T. Green. Gordon was tired of being jobbed to guys who weren't as athletically gifted as he was. He convinced Lewis and Lester to leave as well.

While at MSU, Gordon met Dorothy Wall. They married on January 6, 1980. Gordon and Dorothy had seven children between 1981 and 1984. As multiples ran in his family, they had two sets of twins and a set of triplets. In 1981, Gordon was signed as an undrafted free agent by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. He was cut in the final round of cuts for the regular season roster. In 1982, he tried out for the San Fransisco 49ers, but they refused to sign him. With the birth of their triplets in May 1983, Gordon found himself working during the day at Target and during the night at Walmart. In 1985, he tried again with the New Orleans Saints but met with the same results. Seven years after leaving the MVW, Gordon was cut once again by the Houston Oilers.

Being unable to sustain his family, he came back to Arnold to beg for a position in the MVW. Arnold would only allow Gordon to come back as a jobber. Arnold's offered contract had the guaranteed title reign clause blacked out. In order to get his wrestling career back on track, Gordon would have to swallow his pride and do the one thing that made him leave the MVW in the first place.

Saddled with the rejection, Gordon attempted suicide by overdosing on sleeping pills. He was placed in the psychological ward for observation for a week afterward. Dorothy threatened to leave him if he didn't take the MVW contract. It wasn't the best, but the money was better and the work was less taxing on the family. Gordon refused. Dorothy and their seven kids moved out on October 23, 1988. The divorce became final on May 5, 1989. Gordon shot himself in the head the next morning.

Match: 'Double A' Arnold Adams vs Jason James (3/30/78)

March 30, 1978
National Guard Armory
Tupelo, MS

Jason James vs 'Double A' Arnold Adams

Littleton climbs into the ring. Andrew climbs out of the ring to be replaced by Gentz. Littleton begins the introduction, “The following contest is set for one fall with a fifteen-minute time limit. The referee for this match is Marty Gentz.”

Jason James comes out of the dressing room area and the crowd starts to boo horribly. Jason climbs into the ring and yells at the crowd.

“Introducing first, from Vicksburg, weighing 263 pounds, here is Jason James!!”

The crowd continues to boo until Arnold emerges from the curtain. The crowd's reaction changes drastically as the company's owner comes down to the ring. Arnold climbs onto the ring apron.

Littleton continues, “His opponent, from Tunica, weighing 188 pounds, is 'Double A' Arnold Adams!!”

The crowd continues to cheer. Gentz invites both men to the middle of the ring. Arnold walks to the center of the ring and extends his hand. Jason walks to the middle of the ring and slaps Arnold's hand away. Arnold looks down at his hand and then up at Jason. Jason kicks Arnold in the stomach. He follows it up with a quick kneelift to the chin. Gentz calls for the bell. Littleton gets himself and the microphone out of the ring.

Jason backs Arnold into the ropes. Jason whips him across the ring. Jason leapfrogs over Arnold. Jason goes for a hip toss, but Arnold blocks it. Arnold steps behind with a hammerlock. Jason makes his way to the ropes. Gentz makes Arnold break the hold. Arnold steps back. Jason steps through the ropes. Arnold nails him with a forearm smash. Arnold goes for an inside-out suplex, but Jason blocks it. Arnold drives a kneelift into Jason's ribs. Arnold brings Jason up in a suplex, but Jason holds onto the top rope. Arnold tries to free Jason from the ropes, but Jason keeps hanging on. Arnold yanks again, but Jason continues to hold the top rope. Gentz goes to release Jason's hand. Arnold falters under the weight and Jason crotches the top rope. The crowd cheers wildly. Jason falls outside the ring onto the ring apron. Arnold rolls to his feet. Jason gets back to his feet. Arnold knocks him off the mat with a dropkick to the knee.

Arnold rolls out of the ring. He grabs Jason's hair and slams his head into the ring steps. Gentz climbs out of the ring and tells Arnold to get back into the ring. Arnold climbs back onto the ring apron. He plays to the adoration of the crowd. Gentz checks on Jason. Jason shoves him out of the way. Gentz trips backwards over the bottom ring step. Arnold drops off the ring apron. Jason gets back to his feet. Arnold charges him with a clothesline, but Jason counters with a backdrop over the guardrail. Arnold crashes into the front row of seats.

The crowd scatters but cheers for the action. A.J. runs down the aisle and checks on Gentz. Jason drags Arnold back over the guardrail. A.J. signals to the back. Andrew and Jackson run down the aisle. Jason rolls Arnold back into the ring. Andrew and A.J. take Gentz back to the ring. Jackson climbs onto the ring apron and steps through the ropes. Jason climbs onto the ring apron. He climbs the turnbuckle and comes off with a double axehandle across Arnold's shoulders as he gets to his feet. Arnold crashes to the mat. Jason bounces off the near ropes and drops an elbow across the back of his neck. Jason rolls him over and hooks the leg. Jackson gets down to count … one … two … Arnold kicks out!

Jason yells at Jackson, “Do I need to teach you to count?” as he slams his hand on the mat three times. Jason gets into Jackson's face. Arnold grabs Jason's tights and rolls him up. Jackson gets down to count … one … two … Jason kicks out! Jason rolls back to his feet. He charges Arnold with a clothesline as he gets to his feet. Jason grabs Arnold's right leg and wraps it around with a spinning toe hold. Arnold kicks him three times in the face before Jason releases the toe hold.

Jason runs into the side ropes. Arnold trips him as he comes by for a running kneelift. Arnold rolls Jason onto his stomach. He wraps Jason's legs into a toe hold. Arnold goes for an STF, but Jason fights off the crossface. Arnold floats over into a front face lock. Jason works up to his knees. Arnold fights to keep the leverage. Arnold drives a knee into Jason's chest. Arnold takes him down with a swinging neckbreaker. Arnold gets back to his feet and backs up into the nearest corner. He comes out of the corner with a kneedrop across Jason's forehead, but Jason rolls out of the way.

Jason rolls to his knees. He rakes Arnold's eyes with his fingers. Jackson warns Jason. Jason gets back up to his feet and kicks Arnold in the face. Jason rakes Arnold's eyes with his boot laces. Jackson backs Jason to the ropes, warning him against raking the eyes. Arnold gets back to his feet. Jason shoves Jackson out of the way and charges Arnold. Arnold picks him up and drops him with a sidewalk slam. Arnold grabs Jason's left leg and wraps it up in an Indian death lock. Jason screams out in pain and reaches for the ropes. Arnold keeps him trapped in the middle of the ring. After thirty seconds, Arnold releases the hold and slams Jason's left knee into the mat.

Arnold hooks Jason's legs around his ankles and grabs Jason's arms. He rocks back into a surfboard submission. Jason screams in pain. Jackson asks if he wants to submit, but Jason refuses. Jackson notices Arnold's shoulders on the mat and gets down to count … one … two … Arnold rolls to his side and releases the surfboard. Arnold gets up and complains to Jackson, but Jackson tells him his shoulders were on the mat.

As Jason gets to all-fours, Arnold grabs him in a three-quarter nelson and somersaults into a rolling reverse cradle. Jackson gets down to count, but both men are tangled up in the ropes. Arnold gets up first. He waits for Jason to get to his feet and snap mares him into the middle of the ring. Arnold plants his right knee between Jason's shoulder blades and pulls back with a rear chinlock. Jason tries to roll over to his knees, but Arnold drives his knee into the side of his head. Arnold sets Jason up for a piledriver, but Jason trips him with a double leg hook. Jason rolls Arnold up and puts his feet up on the middle rope. Jackson drops Jason's legs off the rope. Jason jumps to his feet and starts to yell at Jackson.

Arnold gets to his feet. Jason charges him with a clothesline, but Arnold ducks it. As Jason comes off the ropes, Arnold goes for a hip toss. Jason blocks it. Arnold nails him with a kneelift and then applies the Adams Arm Dance. Jason tries to fight off the pain, but he finally succumbs and submits. Jackson calls for the bell.

Littleton announces, “The winner of the match, in a time of 12:30, by submission, is 'Double A' Arnold Adams!!!”

Arnold drops Jason to the mat and climbs out of the ring. The crowd cheers greatly.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Match: Grappler vs Mr. Mississippi (3/30/78)

March 30, 1978
National Guard Armory
Tupelo, MS

Grappler vs Mr. Mississippi

Littleton climbs back into the ring. A.J. leaves the ring and Andrew takes his place. Littleton begins the introduction as Grappler walks down to the ring. He receives a mixed reaction from the crowd.

“The following match is set for one fall with a ten-minute time limit. The referee for this match is Andrew Adams. Introducing first, from Starkville, weighing 233 pounds, here is the Grappler!!”

The mixed reaction continues until Mr. Mississippi emerges from the dressing rooms. The crowd gets really excited.

Littleton continues, “His opponent, from Jackson, MS, weighing 258 pounds, is Mr. Mississippi!!!”

Mississippi climbs into the ring. Andrew motions both men to the middle of the ring. He reminds both men of the rules and urges them to shake hands. Both men do. Andrew sends them back to their respective corners and calls for the bell.

Mississippi and Grappler circle each other. They lock up. Mississippi tosses Grappler across the ring with an arm drag. Grappler rolls back to his feet. Mississippi backs him into the ropes and whips him across the ring. Grappler ducks a clothesline. As he bounces off the opposite ropes, Mississippi goes for a hip toss, but Grappler counters it with a flying arm drag. Grappler charges him with a running kneelift. Grappler backs Mississippi into the corner. Grappler whips Mississippi across the ring and follows him with a running clothesline. Mississippi slumps in the corner.

Grappler tries to set Mississippi up for the Hangman, but Mississippi blocks it. Mississippi kicks Grappler in the stomach. He picks Grappler up for a powerbomb. Grappler wraps his feet around the top turnbuckle. Mississippi tries for the powerbomb, but Grappler won't move. Mississippi turns around. Grappler pushes off with his feet. Mississippi falls backwards and Grappler's shoulder crashes into Mississippi's throat. Grappler drapes his arm over Mississippi. Andrew slides down to count … one … two … three!!

Littleton announces, “The winner of the match, in a time of 4:12, is the Grappler!!”

The crowd gives a mixed reaction for the fluke win. Grappler rolls out of the ring. Mississippi sits up and makes his way to the ropes. The crowd cheers for their favorite as he gets back to his feet.

Results: September 1981

September 3, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Miss Whitney def. Amy Andrews
2. Extreme Militia def. Psycho Ward & Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne
3. Funk Lightning def. Argonauts
4. Women: 5 Starz def. Dr. Jackyl
5. Streetfight: Jason James def. 'Double A' Arnold Adams
Ward & Browne attack Arnold during the match.
6. 'Sensational' Seth Greeley def. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan
7. Mississippi Heavyweight: 'Excellent' Xavier Cross def. Mr. Mississippi
8. Mississippi Tag: Ghetto Gang def. Canby Twins
9. MVW Six-Man Tag: Norsemen def. Duplicity

September 5, 1981 - Collierville High School, Collierville, TN
1. Kurt Wesson def. E. Nygma
2. Mr. Tennessee def. Michael Smith
3. Mr. Arkansas def. J.T. Green
4. Colt Murphy def. Dr. Lucius Love
5. Marco Duarte def. L.A.W.
6. Terry 'Thunder' Thorson def. Mr. Remington
7. Executioner def. Good Time Charlie
8. Tennessee Heavyweight: Mark Bradley def. Grappler
9. Tennessee Tag: L.A. Underground def. All-American Alcoholics
10. Non-Title: 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris def. Mr. Hyde

September 6, 1981 - Mississippi Coliseum, Jackson, MS
1. Ruthless def. Miss Whitney
2. Chad 'Flame' Young def. Psycho Ward
3. Joe Blow def. Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne
4. Amy Andrews def. Naughty Nurse Natalie
5. 'Double A' Arnold Adams def. English Gentleman
6. Argonauts def. Canby Twins
7. Jason James def. 'Sensational' Seth Greeley
8. Women: Strutter def. 5 Starz
9. Mississippi Heavyweight: 'Excellent' Xavier Cross def. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan
10. MVW Heavyweight Title: 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris def. Mr. Mississippi

On September 5, MVW worked out a radio deal with WMPS (680AM) to radio broadcast the bulk of the card from Somerville. It was also worked out a deal for a weekly card for Fayette-Ware High School.
September 6, 1981 – Fayette-Ware High School, Somerville, TN [City of Somerville Heavyweight Title Tournament]
1. Vixen vs Holly Luger, TLD
Vixen overpowers Holly and just bullies her around, refusing to pin her. When the bell rings to signal the time limit, Vixen violently attacks Holly, ripping her wrestling outfit and digging her nails into her skin. Holly is saved by a woman from the crowd. She climbs into the ring with a hardbound book and smashes Vixen over the head with it. After a couple minutes of fighting, the woman drills Vixen into the book with a double-arm DDT.
2. A.J. Adams def. Mr. Remington
3. 'Bad Attitude' Brad Adidas def. Deliverance
4. L.A.W. Def. Terry 'Thunder' Thorson
5. Marco Duarte def. Grappler
6. Loki def. Good Time Charlie
7. Marco Duarte def. A.J. Adams
8. L.A.W. Def. 'Bad Attitude' Brad Adidas
9. Mr. Hyde def. Executioner
10. City of Somerville Heavyweight: Marco Duarte def. L.A.W.

September 7, 1981 – Biloxi Coliseum, Biloxi, MS
1. Ruthless def. Naughty Nurse Natalie
2. Militia Mike def. White Funk
3. Duplicity [Thompson/Williams] def. Psycho Ward & Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne
4. Amy Andrews def. Miss Whitney
5. Johnny Extreme vs 'Lightning' Lenny Lane, TLD
6. Non-title: Strutter def. 5 Starz
7. 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson def. English Gentleman
8. Argonauts def. Canby Twins
9. Jason James def. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan
10. Mississippi Heavyweight: 'Excellent' Xavier Cross def. Mr. Mississippi

September 10, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Miss Whitney def. Ruthless
2. 'Double A' Arnold Adams & Mr. Mississippi def. Funk Lightning
3. Extreme Militia def. Argonauts
4. Sensational Excellence def. Psycho Ward & Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne
5. Canby Twins def. Duplicity [Williams/Thompson]
6. Chad 'Flame' Young def. English Gentleman
7. Sensational Excellence def. Extreme Militia
8. 'Double A' Arnold Adams & Mr. Mississippi def. Canby Twins
9. Jason James def. Joe Blow
10. #1 Contender: 'Double A' Arnold Adams & Mr. Mississippi def. Sensational Excellence
The match went the full one-hour time limit. Commissioner Wyatt “Earp” Piecuch declared that the match must restart until there was a winner.

September 12, 1981 – Tupelo High School, Tupelo, MS
1. Naughty Nurse Natalie def. Ruthless
2. Travis Canby def. Billy G. Williams
3. Amy Andrews def. Miss Whitney
4. Troy Canby def. Tommy Thompson
5. Psycho Ward def. 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson
6. Non-Title: Ghetto Gang def. Argonauts
7. City of Tupelo Heavyweight: 'Double A' Arnold Adams def. 'Sensational' Seth Greeley
8. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan def. 'Lightning' Lenny Lane
9. Non-Title: Mr. Mississippi def. 'Excellent' Xavier Cross
10. MVW Six-Man Tag: Norsemen def. English Gentleman & Extreme Militia

September 13, 1981 – Fayette-Ware High School, Somerville, TN
1. Mother Modest def. Vixen
Vixen comes out at the beginning of the card and challenges the woman who attacked her last week to fight her face-to-face. “Hound Dog” by Elvis Presley begins to play. Modest comes out dressed very conservatively compared to Vixen accompanied by a man dressed completely in clerical robes. Vixen tries to scrap with Modest, but Modest's scientific skill overpowers her.
2. Mr. Tennessee vs E. Nygma, TLD
3. Non-Title: L.A. Underground def. Michael Smith & Kurt Wesson
4. Dr. Lucius Love def. Mr. Arkansas
5. Holly Luger def. Supergirl
6. City of Somerville Heavyweight: Marco Duarte def. L.A.W.
7. Mr. Remington def. Colt Murphy
8. All-American Alcoholics vs Norsemen, TLD
9. April def. Dr. Jackyl
10. A.J. Adams def. Terry 'Thunder' Thorson
11. Tennessee Heavyweight: Executioner def. Mark Bradley

September 17, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Amy Andrews def. Miss Whitney
2. Non-Title: Strutter def. Naughty Nurse Natalie
3. 5 Starz def. Ruthless
4. Six-Man Tag: Jason James & Argonauts def. English Gentleman & Extreme Militia
5. Women Triple Threat: Strutter def. Amy Andrews & 5 Starz
6. Duplicity def. Funk Lightning
7. Canby Twins def. Sensational Excellence
8. Mississippi Tag: 'Double A' Arnold Adams & Mr. Mississippi def. Ghetto Gang, DQ

September 18, 1981 - H.O. Clemmons Arena, Pine Bluff, AR
1. Mother Modest def. Holly Luger, DQ
Vixen interferes and attacks Modest.
2. Michael Smith & Kurt Wesson def. L.A. Underground
3. Mr. Tennessee def. E. Nygma
4. Mr. Arkansas def. J.T. Green
5. Supergirl def. Vixen, CO
Modest comes down to the ring and lures Vixen out of the ring.
6. L.A.W. Def. Colt Murphy
7. Dr. Jackyl def. April
8. Marco Duarte def. Terry 'Thunder' Thorson
9. Arkansas Heavyweight: Good Time Charlie def. Mark Bradley
10. Arkansas Tag: Norsemen vs All-American Alcoholics, TLD
11. MVW Tag Streetfight: Mr. Hyde & A.J. Adams def. Mississippi's Most Wanted

September 20, 1981 – Fayette-Ware High School, Somerville, TN
1. Vixen def. Mother Modest
2. Supergirl vs Holly Luger, double CO
3. Jeff Lindberg def. Dr. Lucius Love
4. Norsemen vs All-American Alcoholics, double CO
5. Michael 'Moonshine' Martens def. L.A.W.
6. Non-Title: Mr. Remington def. Marco Duarte
7. Women: Strutter def. Dr. Jackyl
8. A.J. Adams vs Terry 'Thunder' Thorson, TLD
9. Mark Bradley def. Grappler
10. Tennessee Heavyweight: Executioner def. Mr. Hyde

September 24, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Miss Whitney def. Naughty Nurse Natalie
2. Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne def. White Funk
3. Achilles Capone def. Travis Canby
4. 'Lightning' Lenny Lane def. Psycho Ward
5. Ruthless def. 5 Starz
6. Odysseus Dalton def. Troy Canby
7. English Gentleman def. Jason James
8. Mississippi Heavyweight: 'Disco' Dominic Donovan def. 'Excellent' Xavier Cross
9. Mississippi Tag: 'Double A' Arnold Adams & Mr. Mississippi def. Ghetto Gang

September 26, 1981 – Corinth High School, Corinth, MS
1. Miss Whitney def. Ruthless
2. Amy Andrews def. Naughty Nurse Natalie
3. White Funk def. Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne
4. Duplicity [Thompson/Johnson] def. Extreme Militia
5. Achilles Capone def. Billy G. Williams
6. Odysseus Dalton def. English Gentleman
7. City of Corinth Heavyweight: 'Lightning' Lenny Lane def. Psycho Ward
8. Ghetto Gang def. Sensational Excellence
9. Mississippi Tag: 'Double A' Arnold Adams & Mr. Mississippi def. Canby Twins

September 27, 1981 – Fayette-Ware High School, Somerville, TN
1. Mr. Arkansas def. Mr. Tennessee
2. Holly Luger def. Mother Modest
3. Vixen def. April
4. Colt Murphy def. Odin
5. Loki def. L.A.W.
6. City of Somerville Heavyweight: Mr. Remington def. Marco Duarte
7. Terry 'Thunder' Thorson def. Good Time Charlie
8. Tennessee Tag: Mississippi's Most Wanted def. L.A. Underground
9. MVW Heavyweight: 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris def. Mr. Hyde

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Results: August 1981

On August 1, 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris petitioned Arnold Adams to move to the Collierville-Somerville-Pine Bluff Circuit. Also petitioning Arnold were the Canby Twins to move to the Tupelo-Oxford-Corinth Circuit. Arnold would only approve the move if either Mississippi's Most Wanted (MMW) or Sensational Excellence moved to the Collierville-Somerville-Pine Bluff Circuit. MMW accepted as long as there was a match against Sensational Excellence at each card in Jackson and Little Rock. Arnold accepted the terms.

August 1, 1981 - Collierville High School, Collierville, TN
1. E. Nygma def. Mr. Tennessee
2. Holly Luger def. Supergirl
3. J.T. Green def. Mr. Arkansas, DQ
4. L.A.W. Def. Dr. Lucius Love
5. Marco Duarte def. Colt Murphy
6. Mr. Remington def. A.J. Adams
7. Dr. Jackyl def. April
8. Terry 'Thunder' Thorson def. Mark Bradley
9. Tennessee Tag No-DQ: All-American Alcoholics def. L.A. Underground
Mississippi's Most Wanted attack L.A. Underground before the match. Lindberg and Adidas tell the medical team that they can still wrestle. They come out and ask the All-American Alcoholics for two favors: to make the match a no-DQ match and to watch their backs. AAA agrees. Mississippi's Most Wanted storm the ring and attack both teams. Executioner nails the Guillotine on Deliverance as Grappler nails the Hangman on Lindberg. Executioner drags Deliverance on top of Lindberg for the pinfall.
10. Non-Title: Mark Bradley def. Mr. Hyde, DQ
'Nature Boy' Nate Harris made his first appearance in the CSPB circuit by attacking Mr. Hyde during the match.
11. Handicap Tag Match: Mississippi's Most Wanted def. L.A. Underground & All-American Alcoholics
Match became a three-on-two instead of a four-on-two after L.A.W. Came down to the ring and attacked Martens. Martens and Charlie battled L.A.W. Back to the dressing rooms. Executioner wins the match by pinning Adidas.

August 2, 1981 - Mississippi Coliseum, Jackson, MS
1. White Funk def. 'Double A' Arnold Adams
2. Triple Threat: Amy Andrews def. Naughty Nurse Natalie & Miss Whitney
3. Psycho Ward & Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne def. Argonauts
4. 'Lightning' Lenny Lane def. Jason James
5. Women: Strutter def. 5 Starz
6. Mississippi Tag: Ghetto Gang def. Sensational Excellence, DQ
Canby Twins attack the Ghetto Gang early in the match.
7. Non-Title: 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris def. A.J. Adams, DQ
'Disco' Dominic Donovan attacks Harris.
8. Mississippi Heavyweight: Mr. Mississippi def. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan
9. MVW Six-Man Tag: Duplicity def. English Gentleman & Extreme Militia

August 2, 1981 – Fayette-Ware High School, Somerville, TN
1. Mr. Tennessee def. Kurt Wesson
2. Mr. Arkansas def. E. Nygma
3. Dr. Jackyl def. Supergirl
4. Dr. Lucius Love def. J.T. Green
5. L.A.W. Vs Michael 'Moonshine' Martens, double CO
6. Holly Luger def. April
7. Marco Duarte def. Deliverance
8. Non-Title: Mississippi's Most Wanted def. L.A. Underground
9. Tennessee Heavyweight: Mark Bradley def. Mr. Hyde
10. Six-Man Tag: Norsemen def. National Rasslin' Association

August 3, 1981 – Biloxi Coliseum, Biloxi, MS
1. Mixed Tag: Psycho Ward & Naughty Nurse Natalie def. Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne & Miss Whitney
2. 'Double A' Arnold Adams & Mr. Mississippi def. Extreme Militia
3. Funk Lightning def. Argonauts, DQ
4. English Gentleman vs Jason James, double DQ
5. Mississippi Tag: Ghetto Gang def. Canby Twins, DQ
6. MVW Six-Man Tag: Norsemen def. Duplicity
7. Mississippi Heavyweight: Mr. Mississippi def. Mr. Tennessee
8. MVW Tag: Mr. Hyde & A.J. Adams def. Sensational Excellence
9. MVW Heavyweight: 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris def. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan

Beginning August 6, WCBI went from the distorted highlight reel-style lineup to running the full Oxford card. MVW worked with WBBJ and KATV to broadcast the northern circuit. By August 21, arranged for the full Pine Bluff card to be broadcast on KATV.

August 6, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Amy Andrews def. Naughty Nurse Natalie
2. 'Double A' Arnold Adams & Mr. Mississippi def. Psycho Ward & Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne
3. Funk Lightning def. Argonauts
4. Women: Strutter def. 5 Starz
5. Jason James def. 'Sensational' Seth Greeley
6. Six-Man Tag: English Gentleman & Extreme Militia def. Duplicity
7. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan def. 'Excellent' Xavier Cross
8. Mississippi Tag Texas Tornado: Canby Twins def. Ghetto Gang

August 8, 1981- Tupelo High School, Tupelo, MS
1. Militia Mike def. Billy G. Williams
2. Johnny Extreme def. Tommy Thompson
3. Women Tag: Naughty Nurse Natalie & Miss Whitney def. Strutter & 5 Starz
4. White Funk def. Achilles Capone
5. City of Tupelo Heavyweight: 'Double A' Arnold Adams def. Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne, DQ
6. Odysseus Dalton def. 'Lightning' Lenny Lane
7. 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson def. English Gentleman
8. 'Excellent' Xavier Cross def. Jason James
9. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan def. 'Sensational' Seth Greeley
10. Mississippi Heavyweight: Mr. Mississippi def. Psycho Ward

August 13, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Billy G. Williams def. Militia Mike
2. Vixen def. Naughty Nurse Natalie
3. Johnny Extreme def. Tommy Thompson
4. Joe Blow def. Travis Canby
5. Troy Canby def. Chad 'Flame' Young
6. Miss Whitney def. Amy Andrews
7. Achilles Capone def. White Funk
8. Psycho Ward & Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne def. 'Double A' Arnold Adams & Mr. Mississippi
9. 'Lightning' Lenny Lane def. Odysseus Dalton, DQ
10. Women: 5 Starz def. Strutter
11. #1 Contender: 'Excellent' Xavier Cross def. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan

August 20, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Billy G. Williams def. Militia Mike
2. Travis Canby def. Chad 'Flame' Young, DQ
3. Lightning Funk def. Psycho Ward & Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne
4. Joe Blow def. Troy Canby
5. Johnny Extreme def. Tommy Thompson
6. 'Double A' Arnold Adams def. Jason James, CO
7. 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson def. English Gentleman, DQ
8. 'Sensational' Seth Greeley vs 'Disco' Dominic Donovan, double CO
9. Mississippi Heavyweight: 'Excellent' Xavier Cross def. Mr. Mississippi
Psycho Ward and Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne interfere in the match and cause Mr. Mississippi to lose the title. After the match, the tag team jumps Mr. Mississippi, trying to take his mask off. Mississippi is saved by Sensational Excellence and 'Double A' Arnold Adams.

August 21, 1981 - H.O. Clemmons Arena, Pine Bluff, AR
1. Mr. Arkansas def. E. Nygma
2. Colt Murphy def. J.T. Green
3. All-American Alcoholics def. Michael Smith & Kurt Wesson
L.A.W. Attacks from Martens outside the ring behind the referee's back. Martens battles him back to the dressing room. Deliverance makes the best out of the match and eventually ends up getting the pin over Wesson.
4. L.A.W. Def. Dr. Lucius Love, DQ
Martens attacks L.A.W., costing Love the match.
5. Arkansas Tag: Norsemen def. L.A. Underground
6. Mr. Remington def. Marco Duarte
7. Arkansas Heavyweight: Good Time Charlie def. Mark Bradley
8. Non-Title: 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris def. Terry 'Thunder' Thorson
9. MVW Tag: Mr. Hyde & A.J. Adams def. Mississippi's Most Wanted

August 22, 1981 – Corinth High School, Corinth, MS
1. 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson def. White Funk
2. Duplicity [Williams/Thompson] def. Extreme Militia
3. Achilles Capone def. Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne
4. Odysseus Dalton def. Psycho Ward
5. Non-Title: 5 Starz def. Amy Andrews
6. City of Corinth Heavyweight: 'Lightning' Lenny Lane def. English Gentleman
7. Jason James vs 'Double A' Arnold Adams, double CO
8. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan vs 'Sensational' Seth Greeley, double CO
9. Non-Title: 'Excellent' Xavier Cross def. Mr. Mississippi
10. Mississippi Tag Cage: Ghetto Gang def. Canby Twins

August 27, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Miss Whitney def. Naughty Nurse Natalie
2. 'Double A' Arnold Adams & Mr. Mississippi def. Funk Lightning
3. Argonauts def. Psycho Ward & Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne
4. Sensational Excellence def. Extreme Militia
5. Duplicity [Johnson/Williams] def. Canby Twins
Ghetto Gang attacks Canby Twins before the match. Although they were badly injured, they fought the match anyway. Johnson gets the pin over Troy.
6. Strutter def. Amy Andrews
7. Sensational Excellence def. Argonauts
8. 'Double A' Arnold Adams & Mr. Mississippi def. Duplicity
9. Jason James def. English Gentleman
10. 'Double A' Arnold Adams & Mr. Mississippi def. Sensational Excellence

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Results: July 1981

July 2, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. 'Lightning' Lenny Lane def. Billy G. Williams (TV)
2. Psycho Ward & Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne def. Duplicity [Johnson/Thompson]
3. 'Double A' Arnold Adams & Mr. Mississippi def. Extreme Militia (TV)
4. Grappler def. White Funk (TV)
5. English Gentleman def. 'Sensational' Seth Greeley
6. Ghetto Gang def. Argonauts
7. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan def. 'Excellent' Xavier Cross
8. Non-Title: 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris def. Executioner, CO

July 4, 1981 - Mid-South Coliseum, Memphis, TN (MVW vs CWA)
1. Marco Duarte def. Chick Donovan
2. L.A. Underground def. Mr. Onita & Masa Fuchi
3. Steve Keirn def. Colt Murphy
4. Wayne Ferris def. Mr. Remington (TV)
5. Terry 'Thunder' Thorson def. Kevin Sullivan
6. Dutch Mantell def. Deliverance
7. Mark Bradley def. Bill Dundee (TV)
8. Mr. Hyde & A.J. Adams vs Nightmares, double DQ
9. Dream Machine def. Good Time Charlie
10. 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris def. Jerry Lawler (TV)

July 5, 1981 – Fayette-Ware High School, Somerville, TN
1. Mr. Tennessee def. E. Nygma
2. Holly Luger def. Supergirl
3. Dr. Lucius Love def. Mr. Arkansas
4. All-American Alcoholics def. Michael Smith & Kurt Wesson
5. Marco Duarte def. J.T. Green (TV)
6. Dr. Jackyl def. April
7. A.J. Adams def. Colt Murphy
8. Mr. Remington def. Terry 'Thunder' Thorson
9. Tennessee Tag: L.A. Underground def. Norsemen
10. Tennessee Heavyweight: Mr. Hyde def. Mark Bradley

July 5, 1981 - Mississippi Coliseum, Jackson, MS
1. 'Lightning' Lenny Lane def. White Funk
2. Duplicity [Johnson/Williams] def. Psycho Ward & Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne
3. Achilles Capone def. Chad 'Flame' Young
4. Extreme Militia def. Argonauts
5. English Gentleman def. Grappler
6. 'Double A' Arnold Adams vs 'Sensational' Seth Greeley, TLD
7. City of Jackson: 'Excellent' Xavier Cross def. Odysseus Dalton
8. Mississippi Heavyweight: 'Disco' Dominic Donovan def. Mr. Mississippi
9. Cage: Troy Canby def. Joe Blow (TV)
10. MVW Heavyweight: 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris def. Executioner

July 9, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Johnny Extreme def. Billy G. Williams
2. White Funk def. 'Lightning' Lenny Lane
3. 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson def. Militia Mike
4. Ghetto Gang def. Argonauts
5. Grappler def. Psycho Ward
6. 'Sensational' Seth Greeley def. Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne
7. English Gentleman def. Tommy Thompson
8. Jason James def. 'Double A' Arnold Adams (TV)
9. Mr. Mississippi def. Executioner (TV)
10. Mississippi Heavyweight: 'Disco' Dominic Donovan def. 'Excellent' Xavier Cross (TV)

July 11, 1981 – Tupelo High School, Tupelo, MS
1. 'Lightning' Lenny Lane def. White Funk
2. Triangle: Amy Andrews def. Miss Whitney & Naughty Nurse Natalie
3. City of Tupelo: 'Double A' Arnold Adams def. Psycho Ward (TV)
4. Mr. Mississippi def. Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne
5. Women: Strutter def. 5 Starz, DQ
6. Sensational Excellence vs Argonauts, no contest
7. #1 Contender for MVW Heavyweight: 'Excellent' Xavier Cross def. Jason James, DQ
8. Mississippi Tag: Ghetto Gang def. Mississippi's Most Wanted (TV)
9. MVW Six-Man: Duplicity def. English Gentleman & Extreme Militia

July 16, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Johnny Extreme def. Billy G. Williams
2. 'Lightning' Lenny Lane def. White Funk
3. 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson def. Militia Mike
4. Psycho Ward vs 'Double A' Arnold Adams, TLD
5. 'Sensational' Seth Greeley def. Grappler
6. English Gentleman def. Tommy Thompson
7. Mr. Mississippi def. Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne (TV)
8. Mississippi Tag: Ghetto Gang def. Argonauts
9. Executioner def. 'Excellent' Xavier Cross
10. MVW Heavyweight: 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris def. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan

July 17, 1981 - H.O. Clemmons Arena, Pine Bluff, AR
1. L.A.W. Def. E. Nygma
2. Michael Smith & Kurt Wesson def. Extreme Militia
3. J.T. Green def. Mr. Arkansas
4. Dr. Lucius Love def. Colt Murphy
5. Dr. Jackyl def. Supergirl
6. Marco Duarte def. Mr. Remington
7. Terry 'Thunder' Thorson def. Deliverance
8. Canby Twins def. L.A. Underground (TV)
9. Arkansas Heavyweight: Good Time Charlie def. Mark Bradley (TV)
10. MVW Tag: Mr. Hyde & A.J. Adams def. Norsemen
July 23, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Billy G. Williams def. Militia Mike
2. Johnny Extreme def. Tommy Thompson
3. Funk Lightning def. Argonauts
4. Psycho Ward & Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne def. 'Double A' Arnold Adams & Mr. Mississippi (TV)
5. English Gentleman vs 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson, double CO (TV)
6. Mississippi's Most Wanted def. Sensational Excellence
7. Women Tag: Strutter & Amy Andrews def. Miss Whitney & Naughty Nurse Natalie
8. Non-Title: 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris vs 'Disco' Dominic Donovan, double DQ (TV)

July 25, 1981 – Corinth High School, Corinth, MS
1. White Funk def. Tommy Thompson
2. Argonauts def. Psycho Ward & Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne
3. 'Lightning' Lenny Lane def. 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson
4. Mississippi Tag: Ghetto Gang def. Extreme Militia
5. Grappler def. 'Double A' Arnold Adams (TV)
6. English Gentleman def. 'Excellent' Xavier Cross (TV)
7. Non-Title: Strutter def. 5 Starz, DQ
8. 'Sensational' Seth Greeley def. Jason James
9. Mississippi Heavyweight: Mr. Mississippi def. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan
10. MVW Heavyweight: 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris def. Executioner

July 30, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Naughty Nurse Natalie def. Miss Whitney
2. Psycho Ward & Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne def. 'Double A' Arnold Adams & Mr. Mississippi
3. Non-Title: Amy Andrews vs Strutter, TLD
4. Argonuats def. Funk Lightning
5. Jason James def. Chad 'Flame' Young
6. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan def. Joe Blow
7. Sensational Excellence def. Mississippi's Most Wanted, DQ
8. MVW Six-Man Tag: Duplicity def. English Gentleman & Extreme Militia
9. $500 Battle Royal: Joe Blow wins, last eliminating Executioner (TV)

July 31, 1981 – Barton Coliseum, Little Rock, AR
1. City of Corinth Heavyweight: English Gentleman def. 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson
2. City of Tupelo Heavyweight: 'Double A' Arnold Adams def. Psycho Ward
3. City of Jackson Heavyweight: 'Excellent' Xavier Cross def. Grappler
4. Tennessee Tag: L.A. Underground def. Michael Smith & Kurt Wesson
5. Women: Strutter def. Amy Andrews
6. Arkansas Tag: Norsemen def. All-American Alcoholics
7. Mississippi Tag: Ghetto Gang def. Sensational Excellence
8. Arkansas Heavyweight: Good Time Charlie def. Terry 'Thunder' Thorson
9. Tennessee Heavyweight: Mark Bradley def. Mr. Hyde, DQ
10. Mississippi Heavyweight: Mr. Mississippi def. Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne
11. MVW Six-Man Tag: Duplicity def. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan & Ghetto Gang
12. MVW Tag: Mr. Hyde & A.J. Adams def. Canby Twins
13. MVW Heavyweight: 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris def. Executioner
14. NWA World Title: Dusty Rhodes def. Good Time Charlie (TV)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Wrestler: Tom the Trucker/Executioner

Wrestler Name: Tom the Trucker (3/1/79 – 12/31/79); Executioner (1/1/80-12/31/98)
Real Name: Gordon James
Birthday: August 22, 1958
Hometown: The Truck Stop; Shadow of Death
Marital Status: Single
Alignment: Heel
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 296
Theme Music: “Convoy” by C.W. McCall (3/1/79 – 12/31/79); "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" by Bob Dylan (1/1/80 – 12/31/98)
Debut: March 1, 1979
Debut Opp: Troy Canby
Last Match: 12/31/98
Last Opp: Friends in Low Places
Style: Brawler
Finishing Move: Truck Stop (Big Boot); Guillotine (Big Leg Drop)
Favorite Moves: powerslam, powerbomb
Notable Feuds: Greeley, Cross
Image: Jim Neidhart

His Story:

Gordon was born on August 22, 1958, to Clifford and Marissa (Schmidt) James in Savannah, GA. He graduated from Windsor Forest High School in 1976. He was an all-Georgia defensive lineman for the Knights all four years of high school. He was recruited to play college football by almost all of the SEC and ACC colleges. He decided to go to the University of South Carolina. Gordon was expelled from South Carolina after he partied too much after the Gamecocks' 18-17 win over Ole Miss on October 21, 1978.

After losing his scholarship, he left school and trained to be an over-the-road truck driver. He was an independent owner-operator based out of Savannah. Not being able to handle the constant scrutiny of family and friends, Gordon moved to Florence, AL in January 1979. One of his first jobs out of the Florence area was to carry the ring equipment from Tupelo to Jackson for the monthly show.

After the February 4, 1979 Jackson card, Gordon broke up a fight between Mr. Tennessee and Grappler. Slamming both men up against the side of the trailer, he held them until Arnold and Jason arrived. Both men were impressed by his brute power. They wondered if they'd be able to work on some finesse with him. They were afraid that he might just be a powerful brute with no actual skill. Gordon surprised them with his great athletic skill.

Gordon became friends with A.J. Adams and 'Mr. Electricity' Steve Regal. Regal mentored Gordon until August 1980 when he left the MVW. Gordon walked into the biggest tag team feud in MVW history. After Grappler turned on Seth Greeley, Gordon made himself available as a tag team partner. Once the tag team of Mississippi's Most Wanted was formed, the entire history of wrestling was changed. They wrestled together for the next nineteen years with the most of their matches being against Sensational Excellence.

Throughout his wrestling career, Gordon was the main trucker for the MVW. After he retired from the ring, he continued to be the main trucker for the MVW throughout Mississippi until the MVW closed. After the MVW folded, Gordon also retired from over-the-road truck driving.

He never married, but he had a girlfriend in just about every town the MVW wrestled in. No wife. No kids. Just a basset hound to help him pass the days. Quite the sad life now.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Wrestler: 'Mr. Electricity' Steve Regal

Wrestler Name: 'Mr. Electricity' Steve Regal
Real Name: Steve Regal
Birthday: August 25, 1951
Hometown: Indianapolis, IN
Marital Status: Married (Cindy)
Alignment: Heel
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 221
Theme Music: "Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osbourne
Wrestling Debut: 1975 (Champaign, IL)
MVW Debut: November 2, 1978
Debut Opp: Joe Blow
Last Match: August 21, 1980
Last Opp: 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris
Style: Standard Worker
Finishing Move: Electric Bomb (powerslam)
Image: Self

MVW Story:

Steve entered the MVW because of his relationship with Arnold Adams. He was a bit unruly with Arnold's activities as a booker and promoter. Steve wrestled until August 21, 1980, when he bid a fond farewell to the MVW after another match with 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris. Steve remained good friends with Arnold until Arnold's death.

Wrestler/Manager: April

Wrestler Name: April
Real Name: April (Bronk) Fierros
Birthday: May 8, 1957
Hometown: Little Rock, AR
Marital Status: Married
Alignment: Heel
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 117
Theme Music: "What’s Your Name?” by Lynyrd Skynyrd
Wrestling Debut: June 6, 1973 (St. Louis)
MVW Debut: October 19, 1978
Debut Opp: (interference)
Last Match: August 29, 1999
Last Opp: 'Zealous' Zena
Style: Amateur
Finishing Move: Spring Fling (flying sunset flip)
Weapon: loaded purse
Notable Feuds: 5 Starz, Amy Andrews, Supergirl
Managed: Grappler (11/1/79-12/31/98); Tom the Trucker/Executioner (3/1/79-12/31/98)
Image: Sandra Bullock

His Story:

April was born to Lt William and PO2 Patricia (Patterson) Bronk on May 8, 1957, in Pearl Harbor, HI. In 1960, William was transferred to NAS Norfolk and assigned as the Communications Officer of the USS Albemarle. Patricia was a nurse and was assigned to the Naval Hospital. In 1965, the family was transferred to Naval Base San Diego. In 1971, the family was once again transferred to NSA New Orleans.

Tired of moving every few years, April ran away from home in March 1973. She caught the “City of New Orleans” and rode it until she was thrown off the train for not having a ticket at Centralia, IL. Faced with a daunting dilemma, she decided to hitch-hike to St. Louis instead of Chicago. While looking for some work that didn't involve street-walking, she found herself working at the Chase Park Plaza Hotel as a housekeeper. After one of the Wrestling at the Chase tapings, she ran into George Abel in the hallway. Thinking he had tried to cop a feel, she judo threw him down the hallway. Impressed with the young woman's power, he talked with Ted DiBiase and Harley Race. They began training her to be a wrestler. She wrestled her first match on June 6, 1973 against Paula Kaye.

While still working at the Chase, she met Gideon Fierros, a recent graduate of St. Louis University, working at A.G. Edwards. On October 13, 1974, they were married after finding out that she was pregnant. Shortly after the marriage, April took a three-year leave from NWA St. Louis. She continued to work at the Chase in the housekeeping department during those years.

On February 28, 1975, Gideon and April's first son, Antonio (Phantom), was born at St. Mary's Hospital in St. Louis. On December 15, 1976, their second son, Russell (Russell 'Rusty Nail' Nelson), was born at St. John's Mercy Hospital.

Days later, Gideon was laid off from A.G. Edwards. He moved back near his family. They moved to Memphis, where Gideon found a job in the Accounting sector of FedEx. When Gideon's brother Wesley began wrestling with the MVW, the wrestling juices began to flow in April as well. Since there was very little women wrestling in Memphis, she branched out to the MVW.

She signed her wrestling contract on October 1, 1978. Posing as a food worker, she becomes involved in the match between Amy Andrews and Jessica Greeley on October 19. She attacked Jessica and put her out of action for four months. Continuing her wrestling career, she feuded with Jessica, Amy Andrews and Supergirl. April wrestled her last professional match on August 29, 1999, against 'Zealous' Zena.

After retiring from the ring, April and Gideon opened a bed and breakfast outside Tupelo. Of course their busiest weeks are around the celebration of Elvis' birth and death.

Results: June 1981

June 4, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Amy Andrews def. Naughty Nurse Natalie (TV)
2. Extreme Militia vs Duplicity [Johnson/Williams], TLD
3. Garrett Marshall def. Tommy Thompson
4. Psycho Ward & Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne def. 'Double A' Arnold Adams & Mr. Mississippi
5. Women: Strutter def. Miss Whitney (TV)
6. Grappler def. English Gentleman, DQ
'Sensational' Seth Greeley interferes and attacks Grappler.
7. Jason James def. 'Sensational' Seth Greeley, CO
Grappler interferes and brawls with Greeley to the back.
8. Mississippi Tag: Argonauts def. Canby Twins, no show
Canby Twins were stripped of the titles due to inability to defend due to injuries.
9. Mississippi Heavyweight: Executioner vs 'Excellent' Xavier Cross, double DQ
10. Non-Title Chain: 'Disco' Dominic Donovan def. 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris

June 6, 1981 - Mid-South Coliseum, Memphis, TN
1. Mr. Tennessee def. E. Nygma
2. J.T. Green def. Mr. Arkansas
3. Colt Murphy vs Marco Duarte, TLD (TV)
4. L.A. Underground def. All-American Alcoholics
5. Mr. Remington def. Dr. Lucius Love
6. April def. Supergirl
7. Terry 'Thunder' Thorson def. A.J. Adams, DQ
8. Norsemen def. Michael Smith & Kurt Wesson
9. Tennessee Heavyweight: Mr. Hyde def. Mark Bradley, DQ (TV)
Good Time Charlie interferes and attacks Hyde during the match.
10. #1 Contender MVW Battle Royal: Terry 'Thunder' Thorson wins, last eliminating Good Time Charlie

June 7, 1981 - Mississippi Coliseum, Jackson, MS (Mississippi State Tag Tournament)
1. 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson def. Garrett Marshall
2. Argonauts def. 'Double A' Arnold Adams & Mr. Mississippi
3. Ghetto Gang def. Extreme Militia
4. Sensational Excellence def. Duplicity [Thompson/Williams]
5. Mississippi's Most Wanted def. Psycho Ward & Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne
6. Jason James def. English Gentleman
7. Sensational Excellence def. Ghetto Gang, DQ
8. Mississippi's Most Wanted def. Argonauts
9. Non-Title Streetfight: 'Disco' Dominic Donovan def. 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris
10. Mississippi Tag (Final): Sensational Excellence def. Mississippi's Most Wanted, DQ (TV)
Arnold refuses to award Sensational Excellence the title because MMW purposely disqualified themselves.

June 7, 1981 – Fayette-Ware High School, Somerville, TN
1. All-American Alcoholics def. Michael Smith & Kurt Wesson
2. Mr. Arkansas def. E. Nygma
3. Marco Duarte def. Dr. Lucius Love
4. Colt Murphy def. J.T. Green
5. Women: Strutter def. April
6. Mr. Remington def. Jeff Lindberg
7. 'Bad Attitude' Brad Adidas def. A.J. Adams
8. Mark Bradley def. Terry 'Thunder' Thorson
9. Tennessee Tag: Norsemen def. Canby Twins, no show
Canby Twins stripped of Tennessee and Arkansas Tag Team Titles after a second time of not being able to defend the titles.
10. Tennessee Heavyweight: Mr. Hyde def. Good Time Charlie (TV)

June 11, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson def. Billy G. Williams
2. Garrett Marshall def. Tommy Thompson
3. Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne def. 'Double A' Arnold Adams (TV)
4. Amy Andrews def. Naughty Nurse Natalie
5. 'Sensational' Seth Greeley def. Grappler
6. Ghetto Gang def. Argonauts
7. Non-Title: Strutter def. Miss Whitney
8. 'Excellent' Xavier Cross def. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan
9. Mr. Mississippi def. Psycho Ward (TV)
10. MVW Six-Man Tag: English Gentleman & Extreme Militia def. Norsemen

June 13, 1981 – Tupelo High School, Tupelo, MS
1. Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne def. English Gentleman
2. Odysseus Dalton def. Psycho Ward
3. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan def. Joe Blow
4. Mr. Mississippi def. Chad 'Flame' Young
5. Amy Andrews def. 5 Starz
6. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan def. Odysseus Dalton
7. Mr. Mississippi def. Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne
8. City of Tupelo Heavyweight: 'Double A' Arnold Adams def. Jason James
9. #1 Contender for Mississippi Heavyweight: 'Disco' Dominic Donovan def. Mr. Mississippi
10. Mississippi Tag No-DQ: Mississippi's Most Wanted def. Sensational Excellence

June 18, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Extreme Militia def. Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne & Psycho Ward
2. 'Double A' Arnold Adams & Mr. Mississippi def. Argonauts, DQ
Browne & Ward interfere in the match, costing the Argonauts a sure win.
3. English Gentleman def. Grappler
4. Six-Man Tag: Duplicity def. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan & Ghetto Gang, DQ (TV)
5. Women: Strutter def. 5 Starz, DQ
6. 'Sensational' Seth Greeley def. Jason James, DQ
7. Mississippi Heavyweight: Executioner def. 'Excellent' Xavier Cross
'Disco' Dominic Donovan comes down to the ring and causes Cross to lose the match.
8. Special Challenge: Argonauts def. Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne & Psycho Ward

June 19, 1981 - H.O. Clemmons Arena, Pine Bluff, AR (Arkansas Tag Title Tournament)
1. E. Nygma vs Mr. Arkansas, TLD
2. Michael Smith & Kurt Wesson def. Marco Duarte & Mr. Tennessee
3. Dr. Jackyl def. Holly Luger
4. All-American Alcoholics def. L.A. Underground
5. Norsemen def. Michael Smith & Kurt Wesson
6. Supergirl def. April
7. Colt Murphy def. J.T. Green
8. Arkansas Tag: All-American Alcoholics def. Norsemen (TV)
9. Arkansas Heavyweight: Good Time Charlie def. Mark Bradley
10. MVW Heavyweight: 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris def. Terry 'Thunder' Thorson (TV)

June 20, 1981 – Corinth High School, Corinth, MS
1. City of Corinth Mississippi Mud: English Gentleman def. Jason James, Odysseus Dalton, 'Sensational' Seth Greeley, Psycho Ward & Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne
2. MVW Tag: Mr. Hyde & A.J. Adams def. Mississippi's Most Wanted (TV)

June 25, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Psycho Ward def. Tommy Thompson
2. Chad 'Flame' Young def. Billy G. Williams
3. Joe Blow vs 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson, TLD
4. English Gentleman def. Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne (TV)
5. Jason James vs 'Double A' Arnold Adams, no contest
6. Extreme Militia def. Sensational Excellence
7. Mr. Mississippi def. Grappler
8. Mississippi Heavyweight: 'Disco' Dominic Donovan def. Executioner (TV)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wrestler: Joe Blow

Wrestler Name: Joe Blow
Real Name: Wesley Fierros
Birthday: March 27, 1954
Billed From: Memphis, TN
Hometown: Tupelo, MS
Marital Status: Married
Alignment: Heel
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 298
Theme Music: "Simple Man” by Lynyrd Skynyrd (single); “In the Ghetto” by Elvis Presley (tag)
Debut: September 3, 1978
Debut Opp: Nate Harris
Last Match: December 26, 1996
Last Opp: Friends in Low Places
PriDistrict: MidAmerica
Style: Standard Worker
Finishing Move: Joe the Plumber (pumphandle slam)
Favorite Moves: abdominal stretch, backbreaker
Weapon: crescent wrench
Notable Feuds: every other tag team
Image: Ahmed Johnson

His Story:

Wesley was born on March 27, 1954, to Joseph and Grace (Adams) Fierros in Tupelo, MS. He is the third of four children. Joseph was an HVAC technician. Grace is a stay-at-home mom. He graduated 38th in his class from Tupelo High School in 1972. As a freshman, he began apprenticing to be a plumber. In 1975, he became a journeyman. In the same year, his father welcomed Chad Young as a journeyman HVAC technician.

In 1977, he and Chad started CW's Plumbing and HVAC. They met Arnold in 1978 as they came to inspect the furnace at MVW's headquarters.

While Chad had very little trouble figuring out a gimmick, Wesley couldn't figure out what he wanted to do. It was actually Amy Andrews who came up with the idea of Joe Blow. Wesley looked like your average everyday man. She suggested the idea of simply an everyday guy. Wesley added the plumber look, wielding a crescent wrench.

He married Celicia Williams on October 16, 1979 at Northeast Church of Christ in Tupelo. Their son Wesley Jr. (Dance Machine) was born on March 3, 1981.

In the summer of 1996, Chad decided that he wanted to quit wrestling. Wesley wanted to continue. He hadn't done much in the way of singles wrestling. Everything had revolved around Ghetto Gang as one of the most dominant tag teams of the previous two decades. Finally, in October, Wesley agreed that he would retire too instead of trying to find another tag team partner. While Chad put wrestling behind him for the most part, Wesley continued to be an avid supporter. The fact that he had several nephews involved helped garner his continued support.

As of 2010, Wesley and Celicia were still married and living in Tupelo. He and Chad continue to run CW's. He has plans of retiring when the coroner pries his crescent wrench from his cold, dead hand.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Wrestler: Chad 'Flame' Young

Wrestler Name: Chad 'Flame' Young
Real Name: Chad Young
Birthday: August 9, 1954
Hometown: Tupelo, MS
Billed From: Memphis, TN
Marital Status: Married
Alignment: Heel
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 274
Theme Music: "Fire on High" by ELO (single); “In the Ghetto” by Elvis Presley (tag)
Debut: September 3, 1978
Debut Opp: 'Disco' Dominic Donovan
Last Match: December 26, 1996
Last Opp: Friends in Low Places
PriDistrict: MidAmerica
Style: Technical Flyer
Finishing Move: Down in Flames (powerbomb off middle rope)
Weapon: fireball
Notable Feuds: every other tag team
Image: Shaun White

His Story:

Chad was born to Cooper and Deborah (Hyde) Young on August 9, 1954 in Tupelo, MS. His father was a journeyman electrician. His mother taught fourth grade at Lawndale Elementary School. Chad was an average student throughout school. He never made studying a priority. College wasn't a goal for him. He was going to become an electrician like his father. He was very skilled with his hands. His best class at Tupelo High School was shop.

After graduation, he was dropped from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers in his second year of his apprenticeship. His Master Electrician trainer refused to work with him. He claimed the young man was too hot-headed to become a good electrician. After a couple months, he was picked up for another apprenticeship with a Master HVAC technician belonging to the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). His Master HVAC technician was Joseph Fierros. During his apprenticeship, he became good friends with Joseph's son Wesley (Joe Blow). Wesley was undergoing an apprenticeship as a plumber.

After both men became journeymen in 1975, they pooled their resources to begin CW's Plumbing and HVAC. They met Arnold when they came to fix the furnace system at the MVW Headquarters in Tupelo. Arnold asked the two if they might have any aspirations of becoming wrestlers. They thought it over during the job. They agreed to a six-month contract to try it out. They wanted just matches around the Tupelo area so that they were still able to keep their day jobs.

When the MVW expanded into Tennessee, Chad and Wesley tried to keep up, but the long drives back to Tupelo made their mornings come extra early. They finally invoked their “local” contract clause after giving up the Tennessee State Tag Titles to Mississippi's Most Wanted on December 6, 1980. When asked by Arnold why they did it that way, they replied that they didn't like the way the match was supposed to end. It created more of a rivalry with the Ghetto Gang's ending. The rivalry never happened as Mississippi's Most Wanted continued to be primarily entangled against Sensational Excellence.

Chad made up his mind to quit wrestling during the summer of 1996. It took some doing to convince Wesley, who had family in the MVW as well, but they decided to make an end of it at the end of 1996. They worked themselves up through October and November into a quick feud with the Friends in Low Places. The feud ended when Ghetto Gang lost a Loser Leaves MVW match on December 26.

As of 2010, Chad was still married to his wife Maria. They had one son, Christopher, who would debut in the MVW as The Nightmare in 1998. Chad and Wesley still run CW's Plumbing and HVAC. Plans are in the works for the Youngs to retire by 2014 and move to Panama City, FL.

Results: May 1981

May 2, 1981 - Mid-South Coliseum, Memphis, TN
1. Psycho Ward def. Mr. Tennessee
2. Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne def. Mr. Arkansas
3. Kurt Wesson def. Billy G. Williams
4. 'Double A' Arnold Adams & Mr. Mississippi def. Extreme Militia
5. Marco Duarte def. Michael Smith
6. 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson def. Dr. Lucius Love
7. Women Battle Royal: Strutter wins, last eliminating 5 Starz (TV)
Involved: 5 Starz, Strutter, Amy Andrews, Naughty Nurse Natalie, Miss Whitney, Holly Luger, Dr. Jackyl, Supergirl, April
8. Michael 'Moonshine' Martens def. J.T. Green
9. Tennessee Tag: Canby Twins def. Sensational Excellence
10. Tennessee Heavyweight: Mr. Hyde def. Jason James (TV)

May 3, 1981 – Fayette-Ware High School, Somerville, TN
1. Kurt Wesson def. Travis Canby
2. Troy Canby def. Michael Smith
3. Dr. Jackyl def. Supergirl
4. Marco Duarte def. J.T. Green
5. Colt Murphy def. Garrett Marshall
6. A.J. Adams def. Mr. Remington
7. 5 Starz def. April (TV)
8. Deliverance def. Terry 'Thunder' Thorson
9. 'Excellent' Xavier Cross def. 'Double A' Arnold Adams
10. Tennessee Heavyweight: Mr. Hyde def. Good Time Charlie

May 3, 1981 - Mississippi Coliseum, Jackson, MS
1. Miss Whitney def. Holly Luger
2. Billy G. Williams def. Mr. Tennessee
3. Non-Title: Strutter def. Naughty Nurse Natalie
4. Psycho Ward def. 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson
5. Norsemen def. Extreme Militia
6. English Gentleman def. Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne
7. Argonauts def. L.A. Underground
8. Joe Blow def. Michael 'Moonshine' Martens
9. 'Sensational' Seth Greeley def. Jason James (TV)
10. #1 Contender: 'Disco' Dominic Donovan def. Mr. Mississippi (TV)
Donovan came out to the ring and challenged Mr. Mississippi to put his #1 Contendership on the line against him. Donovan claimed his injuring Harris as his right to claim the top contender slot.

May 7, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Travis Canby def. Kurt Wesson
2. Michael Smith def. Troy Canby (TV)
3. Dr. Lucius Love def. Marco Duarte
4. Andrew Adams def. 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson
5. Psycho Ward def. Tommy Thompson
6. Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne def. Michael 'Moonshine' Martens
7. English Gentleman def. Garrett Marshall
8. 'Double A' Arnold Adams def. Mr. Remington
9. Non-Title: 'Excellent' Xavier Cross def. Executioner
10. MVW Tag: Mr. Hyde & A.J. Adams def. Ghetto Gang (TV)

On May 8, the MVW Board of Directors (BoD) met to discuss the amount of mail that had been received by the MVW main office complaining about the lack of continuity with wrestlers in their areas. The BoD decided to split the wrestlers into two circuit: a northern one with venues in Memphis, Somerville and Pine Bluff; and a southern one with Tupelo, Oxford and Corinth. The rosters for the circuits are:

Memphis-Somerville-Pine Bluff Circuit
1. Mr. Hyde
2. Dr. Jackyl
3. All-American Alcoholics
4. Mark Bradley
5. Norsemen
6. National Rasslin' Alliance
7. L.A. Underground
8. A.J. Adams
9. J.T. Green
10. Andrew Adams
11. Marco Duarte
12. Dr. Lucius Love
13. E. Nygma
14. Canby Twins
15. Mr. Arkansas
16. Mr. Tennessee
17. April
18. Supergirl
19. Holly Luger
20. Referee: A.J. Adams
21. Referee: Andrew Adams
22. Referee: Marty Gentz

Tupelo-Oxford-Corinth Circuit
1. 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris
2. Mississippi's Most Wanted
3. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan
4. Mr. Mississippi
5. Jason James
6. Argonauts
7. Sensational Excellence
8. Amy Andrews
9. 'Double A' Arnold Adams
10. Garrett Marshall
11. Ghetto Gang
12. English Gentleman
13. Extreme Militia
14. 5 Starz
15. Psycho Ward
16. Naughty Nurse Natalie
17. Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne
18. Miss Whitney
19. Duplicity
20. Strutter
21. Referee: Thomas Jackson
22. Referee: Marcus Moreland

May 9, 1981 – Tupelo High School, Tupelo, MS
1. Duplicity [Thompson/Williams] def. Psycho Ward & Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Brown (TV)
This was Marcus Moreland's first match as referee.
2. Amy Andrews def. Naughty Nurse Natalie
3. 5 Starz def. Miss Whitney
4. English Gentleman def. 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson
5. Extreme Militia def. 'Double A' Arnold Adams & Mr. Mississippi (TV)
6. Chad 'Flame' Young def. Garrett Marshall
7. 'Excellent' Xavier Cross def. Joe Blow
8. Mississippi Tag: Canby Twins def. Argonauts
9. 'Sensational' Seth Greeley def. Grappler
10. MVW Heavyweight Title: 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris def. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan (TV)
This was Andrew Adams' last match as a referee. Harris basically gets away with murder in the match.

May 14, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Billy G. Williams def. Johnny Extreme
2. 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson def. Militia Mike
3. Tommy Thompson def. Chad 'Flame' Young, DQ
4. Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne def. Garrett Marshall
5. Joe Blow def. Psycho Ward
6. Grappler def. English Gentleman (TV)
7. Women: Strutter def. 5 Starz
8. Non-Title: Sensational Excellence def. Mississippi's Most Wanted
9. Mr. Mississippi def. Jason James
10. Chain: 'Disco' Dominic Donovan def. Andrew Adams (TV)
Andrew gets bloodied up in the match. After the match, he throws a fit in the ring and demands that his father renegotiate his contract for more money or he won't wrestle any more.

May 15, 1981 - H.O. Clemmons Arena, Pine Bluff, AR
1. Smith & Wesson def. Marco Duarte & Mr. Tennessee
2. Mr. Arkansas def. E. Nygma
3. Holly Luger def. Dr. Jackyl
4. Dr. Lucius Love def. J.T. Green
5. April def. Supergirl
6. Michael 'Moonshine' Martens def. Colt Murphy
7. Norsemen def. L.A. Underground
8. Deliverance def. Mr. Remington
9. Arkansas Heavyweight: Mark Bradley def. Good Time Charlie
10. Arkansas Tag Titles: Canby Twins def. Sensational Excellence (TV)
11. MVW Tag vs AWA Southern Tag: Mr. Hyde & A.J. Adams def. Kevin Sullivan & Wayne Ferris
Hyde and Adams grab the title belts, but AWA Commissioner Verne Gagne tells them that the match really wasn't a title match. Gagne awarded the titles back to Sullivan & Ferris. Arnold came down to the ring, but Gagne refused to talk to him. Gagne, Sullivan & Ferris left the ring with the title belts.

May 21, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Naughty Nurse Natalie def. Amy Andrews
Psycho Ward holds Amy's foot near the ropes while Natalie nails her with the Knockout.
2. 5 Starz def. Miss Whitney, DQ
3. Chad 'Flame' Young def. Garrett Marshall
4. 'Double A' Arnold Adams & Mr. Mississippi def. Psycho Ward & Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne (TV)
5. Six-Man Tag: Jason James & Argonauts def. Duplicity
6. Grappler def. Joe Blow
7. 'Excellent' Xavier Cross def. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan, DQ (TV)
8. Mississippi Heavyweight: Executioner def. 'Sensational' Seth Greeley
9. Non-Title: 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris def. Mr. Mississippi
10. MVW Six-Man Tag: Norsemen def. English Gentleman & Extreme Militia

May 23, 1981 – Corinth High School, Corinth, MS
1. Johnny Extreme def. Billy G. Williams
2. Militia Mike def. 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson
3. Tommy Thompson def. Garrett Marshall
4. 'Double A' Arnold Adams & Mr. Mississippi def. Psycho Ward & Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne
5. Women: Strutter def. 5 Starz (TV)
6. English Gentleman def. Achilles Capone
7. Odysseus Dalton def. Grappler
8. Mississippi's Most Wanted def. Sensational Excellence
9. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan def. Jason James
10. Mississippi Tag: Canby Twins def. Ghetto Gang
Joe gets upset after being pinned by Travis. Gang begins to beat the Canbys up, using everything at ringside in their arsenal. Travis suffers a broken ankle. Troy fractures his arm. Both wrestlers likely to be out for 6-8 weeks.

May 28, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Duplicity [Thompson/Johnson] def. Extreme Militia
2. Psycho Ward def. 'Double A' Arnold Adams
3. Jason James def. Billy G. Williams
4. Odysseus Dalton def. English Gentleman
5. Mr. Mississippi def. Bobby 'Badd to the Bone' Browne
6. MVW Tag Team: Mr. Hyde & A.J. Adams def. Ghetto Gang
7. Cage: Sensational Excellence def. Mississippi's Most Wanted
8. MVW Heavyweight Cage: 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris def. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan (TV)

Referee/Wrestler: A.J. Adams

Wrestler Name: A.J. Adams
Real Name: Arnold Adams Jr.
Birthday: March 9, 1959
Hometown: Tunica, MS
Marital Status: Married (Tammy)
Alignment: Face (12/7/78 – 8/7/80; 9/4/84 - 5/29/99) / Heel (8/7/80 – 3/6/84)
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 243
Theme Music: "Cold As Ice" by Foreigner (Face); “Crazy Train” by Ozzy Osbourne (Heel)
Referee Debut: 3/23/78 (Mr. Tennessee vs 'Double A' Arnold Adams)
Wrestling Debut: December 7, 1978
Debut Opp: Jason James
Last Match: May 29, 1999
Last Opp: Dance Machine
PriDistrict: MidAmerica
Style: Aerial Brawler
Finishing Move: Adams Atomic Driver (flying shoulderblock)
Notable Feuds: Mr. Hyde, 'Double A' Arnold Adams
Image: Kevin von Erich

His Story:

A.J. is the second-born and oldest son of Arnold and Ethel Adams. He is the younger twin of Amy (Adams) Andrews. A.J. grew up watching his father work his way up through the wrestling ranks in the NWA Gulf Coast. He knew from a very early age how burdensome the life of a professional wrestler could be. Even with this knowledge, the only thing A.J. wanted to do when he grew up was be a professional wrestler.

A.J. tried to develop ground support for a wrestling team at Rosa Fort High School in Tunica. While unsuccessful in his attempt, he continued to seek out wrestling opportunities to wrestle someone other than his brothers and sister. He also played basketball as the Lions' shooting guard. After graduating from high school, A.J. went on to the University of Mobile. He majored in Physical Education.

Unlike his twin sister, A.J. was very popular among his classmates, especially among the young women. During his sophomore year of high school, he began dating Tammy Hyde (Dr. Jackyl). Tammy became pregnant after a very successful game against the Blount High School Leopards in December 1973. In response to the pregancy, Daniel and Monica Hyde demanded that A.J. and Tammy marry. The wedding occurred on June 24, 1974, at the Horn Lake Missionary Baptist Church. Their son, Arnold III (Angel of Death), was born on September 2, 1974.

When the MVW started, A.J. (along with Andrew) petitioned Arnold to be a referee. On March 23, 1978, A.J. refereed his first official match between his father and Mr. Tennessee. Mr. Tennessee, being the consummate heel, ripped A.J. for being a pawn in his father's schemes to make sure that he was the greatest wrestler in the MVW. Mr. Tennessee wins the match, with Arnold being pinned. A.J. continued to referee rather often until August 1981, when he left the referee ranks to focus more on his successful wrestling career. He was replaced by Cooper Young.

A.J.'s wrestling career began as he came to the ring to rescue his father from being brutalized by Jason James. A.J. wound up being bloodied as well. He demanded a wrestling contract to avenge himself and his father against James. On December 7, 1981, A.J. wrestled in his first match, earning a disqualification win in less than a minute. The match continued into a brawl which would only be broken up after the Canby Twins and Argonauts got involved.

A.J. continued wrestling and tag teaming with his father until August 7, 1980, when he shocked the MVW by turning heel and becoming the tag team partner of his greatest rival, Mr. Hyde. A.J. had been feuding with Mr. Hyde from very early in Hyde's wrestling career. A.J. was the first to pin Hyde, ending his 53-match winning streak. That match (June 5, 1980) became known as the “Kiss Her on the Lips” match. Before every match, Mr. Hyde would dismiss his manager, Dr. Jackyl, by quickly pecking her on the cheek. A.J. got the crowd started with a chant of “Kiss her on the lips!” Hyde got furious at the beginning of the match and even refused to peck Jackyl (who is his sister). A.J. took matters into his own hands and kissed Jackyl firmly on the mouth. The true relationships between the three wouldn't come out until 1984, right before A.J. left for a six-month contract with Maple Leaf Wrestling in Toronto.

When the WWF took over Maple Leaf Wrestling, A.J.'s presence was greatly diminished. He came back in September 1984 to resume his feud with his brother-in-law (Mr. Hyde). He continued wrestling until May 29, 1999. He retired from the ring after his final match against Dance Machine.

As of 2010, A.J. was teaching physical education and driver's education for Fayette-Ware High School in Somerville, TN.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Referee/Wrestler: Andrew Adams

Wrestler Name: Andrew Adams
Real Name: Andrew Adams
Birthday: July 8, 1961
Hometown: Tunica, MS
Marital Status: Married (Thresa)
Alignment: Face
Height: 6'
Weight: 274
Theme Music: "Cold As Ice" by Foreigner
Debut: 3/23/78 (referee); January 24, 1980 (wrestler)
Debut Opp: Joe Blow
Last Match: July 31, 2002
Last Opp: Buzzkill
PriDistrict: MidAmerica
Style: Daredevil
Finishing Move: Regeneration (flying sunset flip)
Favorite Moves: spin wheel kick, Asai moonsault
Weapon: none
Notable Feuds: Mr. Tennessee
Image: Jacob Black

His Story:

Andrew was born to Arnold and Ethel (Roybal) Adams on July 8, 1961. He is the third child of the Adams clan. A.J. and Amy are two years older. Aaron is twelve years younger. Andrew did favor being with A.J. and Amy more than Aaron. Just after Aaron was born, Ethel moved the family to Tunica, MS. He began his eighth grade year at Tunica Middle School. In 1979, he graduated from Rosa Fort High School as the valedictorian of his class.

Andrew was a hard-working young man who refused to settle for simple yard work as employment. After trying a few of the area businesses, Andrew asked his father what it would take to become a wrestling referee. A.J. overheard the conversation and asked the same question for himself.

Arnold trained both of them during the first two weeks of the MVW. They were finally qualified as referees after each refereeing four practice matches (three singles, one tag team). Andrew was the first of the Adams clan to don the referee shirt as his first official match was March 23, 1978 with Argonaut #1 facing Travis Canby. Andrew became known as a very level-headed referee.

This reputation became tainted on August 30, 1979, when Thresa Gwynn (Helena Handbasket) faced his sister Amy. Andrew had had a crush on Tonya and been working up the nerve to ask her out. He finally worked up the nerve that night to ask her out. When she said yes, the two began making out backstage. Arnold caught the two while searching for Andrew who was supposed to be in the ring refereeing the match between Tom the Trucker and 'Excellent' Xavier Cross. Andrew said he'd trade with Jackson for the next match that he had. That happened to be the Women's Title match. The match was a sheer travesty and went down in MVW history as the worst match ever wrestled. Thresa made sure to tease, taunt and flirt with Andrew at any and every point during the match. Before going for the Handbasket Slam, Thresa yanked on Amy's hair, causing Andrew to reprimand her. She whispered something in his ear. She hit the Handbasket Slam and Andrew gave the quickest three-count in MVW history. To this day, neither will admit to what was actually said during the match.
In the fallout of that match, Andrew continued to referee very biasedly in matches concerning Thresa. On May 9, 1981, Andrew was relieved of his referee duties after not making many calls that should have been made in the MVW Heavyweight Title match between 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris and 'Disco' Dominic Donovan. The match was not billed as a no-disqualification match, but Andrew allowed Harris (who had been recently injured by Donovan) to bend and break the rules whenever he wanted. Donovan complained to the MVW officials after the match and Andrew's referee license was pulled. Arnold also gave Donovan a Chain match against Andrew at the next card.

Andrew took the rest of 1981 off from wrestling. In character, he threw a fit in the ring after the chain match and refused to wrestle any more until his father gave him a better contract. In his personal life, Thresa, whom he married on October 3, 1980, had many problems with her pregnancy. Being diagnosed with pre-eclampsia at nineteen weeks, Thresa was consigned to bed rest in June. Their son Adrian was born via emergency c-section on December 19, 1981, a month before he was due. He spent two months in the NICU at the St. Jude's Children's Hospital in Memphis.

Andrew came back to wrestling in the MVW in March 1982. As part of his “renegotiated” contract, Andrew was forced to start at the bottom of the roster and defeat everyone on the roster within the calendar year or else face expulsion from the MVW for life. While Andrew did not have the success rate that Mr. Hyde had as he joined MVW, Andrew did manage to defeat 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris on December 23, dethroning the MVW Heavyweight champion who had held the belt since February 1981.

Andrew continued to wrestle until July 31, 2002, when he retired after his match against Buzzkill. After retiring from the ring, Andrew started to manage his son in the ring. That arrangement didn't last too long. Andrew left the MVW and began to drink heavily. Thresa filed a restraining order against him in October 2006. She filed for divorce in January 2007 and it was finalized in October of that year. Andrew continued to drink heavily until November 22, 2007 (Thanksgiving). He was heading to his father's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Driving drunk, he ran into a car three blocks away. The drivers of both cars were killed instantly in the crash. The driver of the other was his aunt Claudia, who was also making her way to Arnold's.

Results: April 1981

April 2, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Mr. Tennesssee def. Billy G. Williams
2. 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson def. Mr. Arkansas
3. April def. Dr. Jackyl
4. Six-Man Tag: Mr. Mississippi & Canby Twins def. 'Double A' Arnold Adams & L.A. Underground (TV)
5. Odin def. Marco Duarte
6. Loki def. Achilles Capone
7. 'Bad Attitude' Brad Adidas def. Mr. Remington (TV)
8. Deliverance def. English Gentleman
9. Grappler def. 'Sensational' Seth Greeley
10. Mississippi Heavyweight: Executioner def. Odysseus Dalton (TV)

April 4, 1981 - Mid-South Coliseum, Memphis, TN
1. Duplicity [Williams/Johnson] def. Smith & Wesson
2. Supergirl def. Holly Luger
3. Mark Bradley def. Garrett Marshall
4. 5 Starz def. April (TV)
5. 'Double A' Arnold Adams def. English Gentleman (TV)
6. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan def. Terry 'Thunder' Thorson
7. Women: Helena Handbasket def. Lyla Foxx
8. Mississippi's Most Wanted def. Sensational Excellence
9. Tennessee Tag: Canby Twins def. Norsemen
10. Tennessee Heavyweight: Jason James def. Mr. Hyde, DQ

April 5, 1981 – Fayette-Ware High School, Somerville, TN
1. Mr. Tennessee def. Mr. Arkansas
2. April def. Amy Andrews
3. Colt Murphy def. E. Nygma
4. 'Double A' Arnold Adams & Mr. Mississippi def. Smith & Wesson
5. Garrett Marshall def. Mr. Remington
6. Extreme Militia def. All-American Alcoholics
7. Mark Bradley def. English Gentleman
8. Women: Helena Handbasket def. 5 Starz
9. Mississippi's Most Wanted def. L.A. Underground
10. Tennessee Heavyweight Cage: Jason James def. Terry 'Thunder' Thorson (TV)

April 5, 1981 - Mississippi Coliseum, Jackson, MS
1. Lyla Foxx def. Holly Luger
2. 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson def. Grey Wolf
3. Odin def. Marco Duarte
4. Dr. Jackyl def. Supergirl
5. J.T. Green def. Black Wolf
6. Wolf Pack [Red/White] def. Duplicity [Williams/Thompson]
7. Mississippi Tag: Canby Twins def. Sensational Excellence (TV)
8. City of Jackson Heavyweight: Odysseus Dalton def. Loki
9. MVW Tag: Mr. Hyde & A.J. Adams def. Ghetto Gang
10. NWA Louisiana Title: 'Gorgeous' Jimmy Garvin def. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan

April 9, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Strutter def. Holly Luger (TV)
2. Billy G. Williams def. Mr. Tennessee
3. Dr. Lucius Love def. Marco Duarte
4. 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson def. Mr. Arkansas
5. Jeff Lindberg def. Johnny Extreme
6. Garrett Marshall vs English Gentleman, TLD
7. J.T. Green vs Colt Murphy, double CO
8. Tommy Thompson def. Mr. Remington (TV)
9. Militia Mike def. 'Bad Attitude' Brad Adidas
10. MVW Heavyweight: 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris def. Executioner (TV)

April 11, 1981 – Tupelo High School, Tupelo, MS
1. Mr. Arkansas def. Billy G. Williams
2. Marco Duarte def. Mr. Tennessee
3. Smith & Wesson def. Duplicity [Thompson/Johnson]
4. Colt Murphy def. Andrew Adams (TV)
5. Strutter def. Amy Andrews
6. Argonauts def. Norsemen
7. Mr. Remington def. J.T. Green
8. Mississippi's Most Wanted def. Sensational Excellence (TV)
The ending of the match is controversial as three different referees are involved in the match.
9. Deliverance def. Terry 'Thunder' Thorson
10. City of Tupelo Heavyweight: 'Disco' Dominic Donovan def. Mr. Mississippi (TV)

April 16, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Dr. Lucius Love def. E. Nygma
2. Mr. Arkansas def. Andrew Adams
3. Holly Luger def. Dr. Jackyl, DQ (TV)
4. Mississippi's Most Wanted def. Argonauts
5. #1 Contender: April def. 5 Starz
6. Tommy Thompson def. Colt Murphy
7. 'Double A' Arnold Adams def. 'Excellent' Xavier Cross (TV)
8. MVW Six-Man Tag: English Gentleman & Extreme Militia def. Norsemen
9. Non-Title: 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris def. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan, DQ (TV)
Donovan earned the disqualification when he brought the ring steps into the ring. Donovan went on to severely injure Harris' shoulder with the ring steps. Ghetto Gang came out to keep the referee core at bay. Order was finally restored as the entire Adams clan stormed the ring.
10. MVW Heavyweight: Mr. Hyde & A.J. Adams def. Canby Twins

April 17, 1981 - H.O. Clemmons Arena, Pine Bluff, AR
1. Michael 'Moonshine' Martens def. Dr. Lucius Love
2. Jeff Lindberg def. 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson
3. Achilles Capone def. Colt Murphy (TV)
4. Mr. Remington def. A.J. Adams, DQ
5. Mark Bradley vs Garrett Marshall, TLD
6. Terry 'Thunder' Thorson def. Deliverance
7. Grappler def. 'Double A' Arnold Adams (TV)
8. Supergirl def. 5 Starz
9. Arkansas Tag: Sensational Excellence def. Canby Twins
10. Arkansas Heavyweight: Good Time Charlie def. Odysseus Dalton

April 23, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Colt Murphy def. Tommy Thompson (TV)
2. Smith & Wesson def. Extreme Militia, DQ
3. Mr. Remington def. English Gentleman
4. 'Bad Attitude' Brad Adidas def. Garrett Marshall (TV)
5. Mark Bradley def. Terry 'Thunder' Thorson
6. Mississippi Tag: Canby Twins def. Norsemen
7. Women: Helena Handbasket def. April (TV)
8. 'Sensational' Seth Greeley def. Grappler
9. Mississippi Heavyweight: Executioner def. 'Excellent' Xavier Cross
10. Six-Man Tag: Arnold, A.J. & Andrew Adams vs 'Disco' Dominic Donovan & Ghetto Gang, no contest

April 25, 1981 – Corinth High School, Corinth, MS
1. Smith & Wesson def. Duplicity [Williams/Johnson]
2. Andrew Adams def. Colt Murphy
3. 5 Starz def. Dr. Jackyl
4. A.J. Adams def. Mr. Remington
5. Argonauts def. L.A. Underground
6. Mr. Hyde def. Grappler
7. Non-Title: Canby Twins def. Sensational Excellence
8. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan def. Good Time Charlie
9. Non-Title: Executioner def. Jason James
10. MVW Six-Man Tag: Norsemen def. English Gentleman & Extreme Militia (TV)

April 30, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. April def. 5 Starz
2. #1 Contender Mississippi Mud for Mississippi Heavyweight: Mr. Mississippi wins
Good Time Charlie vs Jason James vs Mr. Hyde vs 'Disco' Dominic Donovan vs Mr. Mississippi vs Grappler
3. $500 Battle Royal: Dr. Lucius Love wins, last eliminating 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson (TV)

Results: March 1981

March 1, 1981 - Mississippi Coliseum, Jackson, MS
1. Mr. Tennessee def. Grey Wolf
2. Jeff Lindberg def. Colt Murphy
3. J.T. Green def. Johnny Extreme
4. Andrew Adams def. Militia Mike
5. Sensational Excellence def. Norsemen
6. 'Double A' Arnold Adams def. Deliverance
7. Good Time Charlie def. Grappler
8. Terry 'Thunder' Thorson def. A.J. Adams
9. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan def. Mr. Mississippi (TV)
10. City of Jackson Heavyweight: Odysseus Dalton def. Executioner

March 5, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson def. Kurt Wesson (TV)
2. Wolf Pack [White/Red] def. Duplicity [Thompson/Williams]
3. Marco Duarte def. Mr. Tennessee
4. Michael Smith def. Grey Wolf
5. Colt Murphy def. E. Nygma
6. All-American Alcoholics def. Extreme Militia
7. English Gentleman def. Good Time Charlie
8. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan def. Terry 'Thunder' Thorson
9. Mississippi Tag: Ghetto Gang def. Argonauts (TV)
10. MVW Heavyweight: 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris def. Mr. Mississippi

March 7, 1981 - Mid-South Coliseum, Memphis, TN
1. White Wolf def. Billy G. Williams
2. Tommy Thompson def. Grey Wolf
3. 'Double A' Arnold Adams & Mr. Mississippi def. Smith & Wesson
4. Dr. Jackyl def. Holly Luger
5. Six-Man Tag: Norsemen def. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan & Ghetto Gang
6. Tennessee Tag: Canby Twins def. Sensational Excellence (TV)
7. Women: 5 Starz def. Supergirl
8. Garrett Marshall def. Odysseus Dalton
9. Executioner def. Mr. Hyde
10. Tennessee Heavyweight: Jason James def. Grappler (TV)

March 8, 1981 - Fayette-Ware High School, Somerville, TN [Six-Man Tag Team Tournament]
1. English Gentleman & Extreme Militia def. Mr. Mississippi & Canby Twins
2. National Rasslin' Alliance def. 'Double A' Arnold Adams & L.A. Underground
3. Jason James & Argonauts def. Duplicity
4. All-American Alcoholics def. Mr. Hyde & Mississippi's Most Wanted, DQ
5. Norsemen def. Jason James & Argonauts
6. National Rasslin' Alliance def. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan/Marco Duarte/Mr. Tennessee
Ghetto Gang, as per their earlier threat of not wrestling outside the state of Mississippi, refused to show up for the card. Donovan talked Duarte and Tennessee into taking the match with him. Wesson ended the match by pinning Duarte.
7. MVW Six-Man Title: English Gentleman & Extreme Militia def. Wolf Pack
8. Norsemen def. National Rasslin' Alliance
9. MVW Six-Man Title: English Gentleman & Extreme Militia def. All-American Alcoholics
10. MVW Six-Man Title: English Gentleman & Extreme Militia def. Norsemen (TV)

March 12, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Mr. Tennessee vs Marco Duarte, no contest (TV)
Ghetto Gang interrupts the match after two minutes and bloodies both wrestlers for taking their place in Somerville four nights earlier.
2. Duplicitiy [Thompson/Williams] def. Smith & Wesson
3. J.T. Green def. 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson
4. Extreme Militia def. Wolf Pack [Black/Grey]
5. Andrew Adams def. E. Nygma
6. English Gentleman def. Red Wolf
7. Garrett Marshall def. A.J. Adams, DQ
8. 'Sensational' Seth Greeley def. Mark Bradley
9. Mississippi Heavyweight: Executioner def. Mr. Hyde
10. Non-Title Street Fight: Ghetto Gang def. Marco Duarte & Mr. Tennessee (TV)

March 19, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Billy G. Williams def. Kurt Wesson
2. Amy Andrews def. Supergirl (TV)
3. Dr. Jackyl def. April
4. Holly Luger def. Helena Handbasket
5. Women: 5 Starz def. Lyla Foxx (TV)
6. Johnny Extreme def. 'Superstar' Johnny Johnson (TV)
7. Holly Luger def. Dr. Jackyl
8. Women: 5 Starz def. Amy Andrews
9. Tommy Thompson def. Colt Murphy
10. Women: 5 Starz def. Holly Luger
11. Mississippi Tag: Canby Twins def. Ghetto Gang (TV)
12. MVW Heavyweight: 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris vs Mr. Mississippi, TLD

March 20, 1981 - H.O. Clemmons Arena, Pine Bluff, AR
1. Grey Wolf def. Kurt Wesson
2. Marco Duarte def. Michael Smith
3. E. Nygma vs J.T. Green, TLD
4. Chad 'Flame' Young def. Tommy Thompson
5. Mr. Remington def. Black Wolf
6. L.A. Underground def. Extreme Militia
7. Argonauts def. Norsemen (TV)
8. Arkansas Heavyweight: Good Time Charlie def. Terry 'Thunder' Thorson
9. Non-Title: 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris def. Joe Blow (TV)
10. Arkansas Tag: Sensational Excellence def. Mississippi's Most Wanted

March 26, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Colt Murphy def. Red Wolf
2. Jeff Lindberg def. Mr. Arkansas
3. Kurt Wesson def. Marco Duarte, DQ
4. Achilles Capone def. Loki (TV)
5. Women: Helena Handbasket def. 5 Starz
6. Mark Bradley def. A.J. Adams
7. 'Double A' Arnold Adams def. Garrett Marshall (TV)
8. Odysseus Dalton def. Terry 'Thunder' Thorson
9. Non-Title Six-Man Tag: English Gentleman & Extreme Militia def. All-American Alcoholics
10. MVW Tag Cage: Mr. Hyde & A.J. Adams def. Ghetto Gang (TV)

Results: February 1981

February 1, 1981 - Mississippi Coliseum, Jackson, MS
1. Wolf Pack [Grey/Red] def. Smith & Wesson
2. Mr. Remington def. Travis Canby
3. E. Nygma def. White Wolf
4. J.T. Green def. Colt Murphy
5. City of Jackson Heavyweight: Odysseus Dalton def. Odin
6. 'Bad Attitude' Brad Adidas def. Michael 'Moonshine' Martens
7. Women: 5 Starz def. April
8. Good Time Charlie def. 'Double A' Arnold Adams
9. A.J. Adams def. Black Wolf
10. Cage: Sensational Excellence def. Mississippi's Most Wanted
11. MVW Heavyweight Cage: 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris def. Mr. Hyde (TV)

February 5, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Garrett Marshall def. Jeff Lindberg
2. Mr. Remington def. Troy Canby
3. Smith & Wesson def. Arnold & Andrew Adams
4. Militia Mike def. Achilles Capone
5. Odysseus Dalton def. Johnny Extreme
6. Mark Bradley def. Odin, CO
7. 'Bad Attitude' Brad Adidas def. Loki
8. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan def. Mr. Arkansas
9. Stretcher: Grappler def. 'Sensational' Seth Greeley (TV)
10. Mississippi Tag: Ghetto Gang def. All-American Alcoholics

February 7, 1981 - Mid-South Coliseum, Memphis, TN
1. Colt Murphy def. Mr. Tennessee
2. Lyla Foxx def. Holly Luger
3. Six-Man Tag: NRA [Smith/Wesson/Remington] def. 'Double A' Arnold Adams & L.A. Underground (TV)
4. English Gentleman def. Andrew Adams
5. Garrett Marshall def. Mr. Arkansas
6. Dr. Jackyl def. Supergirl
7. Amy Andrews def. April, DQ
8. A.J. Adams def. 'Sensational' Seth Greeley
9. #1 Contender Six-Man Tag: Norsemen def. All-American Alcoholics (TV)
10. Tennessee Tag: Canby Twins def. Mississippi's Most Wanted
11. Tennessee Heavyweight: Jason James def. 'Excellent' Xavier Cross

February 12, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Michael Smith def. Travis Canby
2. Troy Canby def. Kurt Wesson
3. 'Double A' Arnold Adams & Mr. Mississippi def. Wolf Pack [Grey/Red]
4. E. Nygma def. J.T. Green
5. 5 Starz Challenge: Supergirl def. Amy Andrews (TV)
5 Starz came out for her title match but declared that she wasn't going to wrestle anyone without someone proving herself. Amy Andrews came out for her title shot, but 5 Starz said she'd have to prove herself. 5 Starz introduced Supergirl as Andrews' opponent. 5 Starz interferes in the match to make sure that Supergirl wins.
6. Garrett Marshall def. Mr. Arkansas
7. 'Sensational' Seth Greeley def. Jason James
8. Women No-DQ: Supergirl def. 5 Starz (TV)
5 Starz declares the match to be a no-disqualification match and takes early advantage of the much-overclassed Supergirl. Amy comes out to the ring during a ringside brawl and knocks 5 Starz unconscious with a chair shot to the back of the head.
9. Grappler def. 'Excellent' Xavier Cross
10. Mississippi Tag: Ghetto Gang def. Mr. Hyde & A.J. Adams (TV)

February 14, 1981 - Tupelo High School, Tupelo, MS
1. White Wolf def. Mr. Tennessee
2. Michael Smith & Kurt Wesson def. L.A. Underground
3. Chad 'Flame' Young def. Johnny Extreme
4. Joe Blow def. Militia Mike
5. Senssational Excellence def. Argonauts (TV)
6. Good Time Charlie def. Mark Bradley (TV)
7. MVW Six-Man Tag: Wolf Pack [Black/Red/Grey] def. Norsemen
8. Executioner def. A.J. Adams
9. City of Tupelo Heavyweight: Mr. Mississippi def. Grappler
10. MVW Heavyweight: 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris def. Deliverance

February 19, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Six-Man Tag: Jason James & Argonauts def. 'Double A' Arnold Adams & L.A. Underground
2. Red Wolf def. J.T. Green
3. Holly Luger def. Dr. Jackyl
4. Andrew Adams def. Colt Murphy
5. April def. Lyla Foxx
6. Mark Bradley def. Mr. Remington
7. Six-Man Tag: All-American Alcoholics def. NRA (TV)
8. Helena Handbasket vs 5 Starz, double DQ
9. Terry 'Thunder' Thorson def. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan (TV)
10. MVW Tag: Norsemen def. Canby Twins

February 20, 1981 - H.O. Clemmons Arena, Pine Bluff, AR
1. Travis Canby def. White Wolf
2. English Gentleman def. Mr. Remington
3. L.A. Underground def. Smith & Wesson
4. 'Double A' Arnold Adams def. Mark Bradley
5. Women: Supergirl def. Amy Andrews
6. 'Disco' Dominic Donovan def. Loki
7. Executioner def. Deliverance (TV)
8. Good Time Charlie def. Grappler
9. Arkansas Tag: Sensational Excellence def. Argonauts
10. Arkansas Heavyweight: Terry 'Thunder' Thorson def. A.J. Adams (TV)

February 26, 1981 - Tad Smith Coliseum, Oxford, MS
1. Holly Luger def. Lyla Foxx
2. Mr. Remington def. E. Nygma (TV)
3. Smith & Wesson def. 'Double A' Arnold Adams & Mr. Mississippi
4. Mark Bradley def. Garrett Marshall
5. 'Double A' Arnold Adams def. Odysseus Dalton, DQ
6. Women: Supergirl def. Amy Andrews
7. Jason James def. A.J. Adams
8. Mississippi Heavyweight: Mr. Hyde def. Executioner (TV)
9. Six-Man Tag: 'Disco' Dominic Donovan & Ghetto Gang def. All-American Alcoholics
10. MVW Heavyweight: 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris def. Mr. Mississippi

February 28, 1981 - Corinth High School, Corinth, MS
1. Extreme Militia def. Smith & Wesson
2. J.T. Green def. Mr. Tennessee
3. E. Nygma def. Colt Murphy
4. L.A. Underground def. All-American Alcoholics
5. 5 Starz def. Helena Handbasket
6. Achilles Capone def. Mr. Arkansas
7. Good Time Charlie def. 'Sensational' Seth Greeley
8. Executioner def. Terry 'Thunder' Thorson
9. Mississippi Tag: Ghetto Gang def. Canby Twins
10. MVW Tag Team: Mr. Hyde & A.J. Adams def. Norsemen