Friday, October 15, 2010

Wrestler: 'Mr. Electricity' Steve Regal

Wrestler Name: 'Mr. Electricity' Steve Regal
Real Name: Steve Regal
Birthday: August 25, 1951
Hometown: Indianapolis, IN
Marital Status: Married (Cindy)
Alignment: Heel
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 221
Theme Music: "Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osbourne
Wrestling Debut: 1975 (Champaign, IL)
MVW Debut: November 2, 1978
Debut Opp: Joe Blow
Last Match: August 21, 1980
Last Opp: 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris
Style: Standard Worker
Finishing Move: Electric Bomb (powerslam)
Image: Self

MVW Story:

Steve entered the MVW because of his relationship with Arnold Adams. He was a bit unruly with Arnold's activities as a booker and promoter. Steve wrestled until August 21, 1980, when he bid a fond farewell to the MVW after another match with 'Nature Boy' Nate Harris. Steve remained good friends with Arnold until Arnold's death.

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