Saturday, April 24, 2010

Match: Jason James vs Mr. Mississippi

March 23, 1978
National Guard Armory
Tupelo, MS

Jason James vs Mr. Mississippi

Littleton climbs back into the ring. Gentz climbs into the ring as well. Littleton puts the microphone to his mouth.

“The following contest is set for one fall with a ten-minute time limit. The referee for this match is Marty Gentz.”

Jason James makes his way to the ring. The crowd boos terribly.

“Introducing first, from Vicksburg, MS, weighing 263 pounds, here is Jason James!!!”

Jason climbs into the ring. The crowd continues to boo terribly. The boos change to cheers as Mr. Mississippi emerges from the other side of the arena.

“His opponent, from Jackson, MS, weighing 258 pounds, is Mr. Mississippi!!!”

As soon as Mississippi gets to the ring apron, Jason charges him with a flying kneelift. Mississippi crashes to the floor. Jason steps through the ropes and crashes across Mississippi’s shoulders with a double axe handle. Jason rolls Mississippi into the ring. Jason climbs onto the ring apron and then ascends the turnbuckle. Jason waits for Mississippi to get to his feet. He comes off with a flying dropkick to the chest. Gentz calls for the bell.

Jason applies a front face lock. He headbutts Mississippi’s shoulder and starts to work on the mask. Mississippi fights to get away and rolls out of the ring. He fixes his mask. Gentz warns Jason about messing with the mask. Jason climbs the turnbuckle and starts yelling at Mississippi. Jason drops off the turnbuckle. Mississippi climbs onto the ring apron. Jason runs into the opposite ropes. Mississippi steps through the ropes. Mississippi hip tosses him over the top rope. Jason lands on the ring apron. Jason blocks a right hand from Mississippi and snaps his neck over the top rope.

Jason climbs back on the ring apron and jumps onto the top rope. He comes off with a flying clothesline. Jason rolls into the opposite ropes and bounces into a flying bulldog. Jason rolls Mississippi over and covers him … one … two … Mississippi kicks out! Jason crawls over to the corner. He reaches into his tights and pulls out a pair of brass knuckles. Mississippi gets to his feet. Jason nails him in the jaw with the brass knuckles. He slides them back into his tights and covers. Gentz gets down to count … one … two … three!! Gentz calls for the bell.

Littleton announces, “The winner of the match, in a time of 1:48, is Jason James!!” The crowd boos terribly. Jason is forced to run back to the dressing room to avoid a fan riot.

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