Thursday, April 29, 2010

Match: 'Sensational' Seth Greeley vs Al Madril

March 23, 1978
National Guard Armory
Tupelo, MS

‘Sensational’ Seth Greeley vs Al Madril

Littleton climbs back into the ring and stands next to Gentz. He begins the introduction. “The following contest is set for one fall with a fifteen-minute time limit. The referee is Marty Gentz.”

Seth Greeley and a blonde woman come down to the ring to the cheers of the crowd. He climbs into the ring and plays to the crowd.

“Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by his sister Jessica, from Starkville, MS, weighing 236 pounds, here is ‘Sensational’ Seth Greeley!!!”

Seth ascends each of the four turnbuckles and receives the crowd’s cheers. Al Madril comes down to the ring to similar cheers. He steps into the ring as Littleton continues the announcement.

“His opponent, from San Bernandino, CA, weighing 231 pounds, is Al Madril!!!”

Gentz calls for the bell. Seth and Al circle each other. They lock up. Seth gains the advantage and arm drags Al across the ring. Al rolls back to his feet. Seth nails him with a flying forearm to the forehead. Seth moves Al into the corner and whips him across the ring. Seth charges the corner, but Al moves out of the way. Seth jumps onto the middle turnbuckle and comes off with a twisting cross body block. Al catches him and drops him in a backbreaker. Al bounces off the side ropes and drops an elbow across Seth’s chest. Al drags Seth by the arm into the middle of the ring and applies an arm scissors on Seth’s left arm.

Seth uses his slight weight advantage to get back to his feet. Al struggles to keep one shoulder off the mat as Seth tries to shift his weight into a pinning combination. Gentz continues to check Al’s shoulders. Seth shifts his weight over too much and falls on top of Gentz. Al rolls through and manages to keep the armbar scissored and sits on Seth’s shoulder. Seth tries to reach for the ropes, but his arm is a few inches short. Gentz recovers and asks Seth if he wants to submit. After almost two minutes of futile struggling, Seth finally taps out. Gentz calls for the bell. Al releases the armbar and helps Seth to his feet.

Littleton announces, “The winner of the match by submission, in a time of 4:25, is Al Madril!!!” The crowd cheers loudly.

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